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Aug 11, 2011 6:25 AM
Foibos Member - Joined: Sep 04, 2008
Posts: 551
Izumo has implemented the PPH into the fancy UTComp scoreboard and has also tweaked the Team Overlay for 16 players. Thank you.
Aug 11, 2011 3:30 PM
Thomas!to* Member - Joined: Jun 15, 2009
Posts: 221
i don't know if it's caused by the new team overlay but with 32 players we had unbearable packet loss today, no matter what map....

that being said, i really like the overlay! it's incredible useful in order to heal friendly minotaur (and knowing where it is) and stuff.
as I stated already in-game, i just wish i could order that list in any way or it was at least alphabetical, right now it's totally random and that's just straight up confusing.
health wise it would make no sense i guess since players drop up and down when they enter a vehicle and it shows 1k... shield wise the same, but if they were ordered alphabetical.... you got the point.

nonetheless very nice coding izumo, much props and appreciation!
Last edited by: thomasito Aug 11, 2011 4:49 PM
Aug 11, 2011 4:16 PM
Non-member Joined: May 03, 2011
Posts: 43
Good idea about the arrangment in the team overlay by player name. I was online when at the packeloss time as well; definitely not caused by that (you can check in "stat net" whether the speed is hitting the speed limit or not, and it kept the packetloss when the transfer speed was about 10% of the limit).

btw. I'm adding a "score recovery" feature into LDG UT Comp (recovers your score, stats etc. when you get disconnected / rejoin the game). You want this enabled here as well (as of administration it will be toggleable from webadmin settings)?
Last edited by: izumo_cz Aug 11, 2011 4:22 PM
Sep 16, 2011 7:38 AM
Non-member Joined: May 03, 2011
Posts: 43
There has been a performance fix done in UTComp, which resulted in eating too much CPU.
Edit: I've accidentally hidden PPH in UTComp Scoreboard, will be fixed this afternoon.
Edit2: Restored.
Last edited by: izumo_cz Sep 16, 2011 10:39 AM
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