Reloader. I checked the log files and I am inclined to believe you. My sincere apologies. I unbanned the ip that wasn't a vpn so you can join again. I also checked "ASSHOLE" and indeed. he has used your nickname among others using the same vpn. I honestly don't know how you got on the banlist if you weren't here for a month. The quarrel was last week and I only banned vpn's. I hope you accept our apologies. I
This is funny and sad at the same time. You need to verify who you are talking about as I haven't been on your server in weeks and I am the original reloader. Not one of the 4 or 5 other players you seem to be confusing me with. I would start with the guy named ASSHOLE I think his name was. You also have a problem with to many people who have admin access. Good Luck.
benny_b It was an accident. My apologies. The ban wasn't meant for you but for RELOADER as he tries to get this server banned from gametracker. My sincere apologies.
hmn, I changed the settings so RELOADERS clones can't join anymore. Shame LAN parties can't join anymore either. Some kids just like to ruin the game for everybody.
Hey man. I was checking up on my old server. A guy named RELOADER is trying to get this server banned. He adds bots to the server and then files complaints to gametracker for statpadding.