They are simple DoS attacks. It has nothing to do with hacking. Just a sociopath child predator and an autist who downloaded a program. They attack and clone popular servers to get players on their own server. Of whom they then collect personal data, photo's etc and share it. The sociopath even has a list of q3 girls of whom are virgin. The autist likes him so much that he is willing to let his own daughter date a pedo too. Pretty sick shit.
Some attacks you can't simply do much about. I can take out their server within seconds too. it's not that hard. But I am not 12 years old anymore and left that time long behind me. And I left q3 and hosting a long time ago because as you have seen for yourself, it's a toxic environment.
In conclusion. There were always idiots and there always will be idiots that want to ruin the fun for others. I've ran the majority of 1.11/1.16 actively for 15 years. Trust me, it not worth it to get worked up over another idiot, there will always be a new one after him.
I have never seen anyone trolling for young girls but many abusive players (hence) my play. How can they reset a server if they don't have password? DNS attack? There are obvious issues, such as a slowing of the server many experience it and am unsure at this point what is causing it as a reboot seems to fix. I am aware through private chat of many here who use aimbot (RBX) cheats. Why are they not booted and banned? I will assist with admin responsibilities if needed. I have admin on several servers (PAR, WURST, BNB). I dont know the ones who have admin just the activites i have seen you would need admin to do unless they have hacked the server. This is a virtual server on a server farm? If so the host should provide protection from much of this or upgrading to a diff release level.
The people who reset the server are attacks from the admins of the Oldschool server. The same people who clone the servers in the server list. The same people who used your nickname before which got you banned before. And the same people who pray on underage girls. The same people who ruined the last bit of 1.11.
Hmn is aware of it. We aren't aware of "people getting messed with" with admin privileges.
Oh my apologies someone has been kicking resetting server and messing with people since it requires admin thought it was you. Still going on today shame please let the real admin know...
I don't have administrative responsibilities anymore. So I can't be unfair in them. Neither have I punished anybody.
Keep making up stuff to be angry about. Cry a river for all I care.
All I basically asked you is to show some manners. Especially to the host of the server you daily play on. It really isn't that difficult to behave.
People like you always pissed me off. Always complaining and creating drama over nothing, but never a simple thank you for the services.
Stop being such a Karen.
One last point that this thread proofs that there are many on this server who make comments inappropriate as they may be. Yet you choose only to punish certain ones. Seems an incredibly one sided way of dealing with things. And many here agree at least on the server as Ive tried to get them to voice there opinions as well but they are to lazy or scared.