- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Unreal Tournament 3 Ultimate EU VCTF - Unreal Tournament 3 Server in Germany
problem login. please help
By tiktyak | Jan 27, 2023 10:17 AM
The admins definitely do not behave as described by verom2. They try to act as balanced as possible. There are always players who are for or against something. What some find good, meets with others on rejection. The admins like to have an (open) dialogue and are open to suggestions and objective criticism. You can't please everyone, so the admins are always the stupid ones in the end....
By admind | Jan 27, 2023 8:28 AM
For those who doesn't know who mg is, his ign is baohh, natural and 2-3 other names he's hiding on.
By verom2 | Jan 26, 2023 8:52 PM
Sad that this is the last vctf server alive as it's being "ruled" by an admin that bans you just because he "thinks" you're cheating, even tho he's played this game for 10+ years and seen 100s of god players in this game. Dance basically keeps banning everyone who's better than mg these days. It's so bad to the point it literally looks like there has been some cult created around mg and whoever beats him, gets banned. Avoid this server and just go play something else, waste of time to play here just to get banned sooner or later.
By verom2 | Jan 26, 2023 8:50 PM
By tiktyak | Jan 26, 2023 12:32 PM
Epic Server down, no problem! Continue playing UT3. Go to and download patch (free). Help at our community
By admind | Jan 26, 2023 3:12 AM