- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Unreal Tournament 3 Ultimate EU VCTF - Unreal Tournament 3 Server in Germany
No its not because of cheating:D maybe because i downloaded the Game for free from elamigos-games and the Game key there is used from many people..
By sadunokk | Feb 18, 2025 2:29 PM

You were probably banned for cheating. I can't feel sorry for you...
By killf4ke | Feb 18, 2025 12:30 PM
tried to connect to this Server but it doesnt accept my CD Key (CD Key is Banned) is there any option to connect to the Server?
By sadunokk | Feb 16, 2025 3:34 PM
Hi KarH,

you are welcome.

It's hard to believe, but unfortunately there are still players today who try to cheat. To avoid misjudgements, there is a saved demo of every game. This is freely accessible to every player (
This helps to expose cheating players but also to rehabilitate players who may have been unfairly penalised.
So everything is transparent!

That players are banned ‘on the whim of an admin’ is a narrative often used by players who have attracted attention due to their misbehaviour. This includes cheating as well as disrespect towards third parties.

In the end, the admin is always the stupid one. He either does everything wrong or has no idea, right?
So if you have something to criticise, speak to the admins. That's far more useful than throwing up in public.
By admind | Sep 14, 2024 10:12 AM
Logging in to this dead site after 10 years and perem the clown is still here. =D

Good to see dance is still banning peeps for no reason/with no proof just because you kill him too many times during 1 match =D Some crybabies never change since 2009-2010, right dance? <3

Just give up on UT3 @verom2, come back to UT4/UT99 where people can actually shoot back instead of crying about hacks or banning you for "aimbot" and unbanning you 1 day later like dance in here.
By karhh | Sep 09, 2024 7:46 PM
To: verom2
If you are playing this server you're accepting the rules.
If you think these specific rules suck - go make your own damn server with your own rules :)
By lexslavrov | Aug 04, 2023 2:28 AM
Hahaha verom you're a moron
Dance, while we may disagree on a lot of things, is a fair admin who doesn't just ban people without proof. If he banned anyone he wanted he would have got rid of me ages ago, it took us ages giving him loads of proof to ban nwros and even then it was only for a month.

You're right the server is full of spam maps, I hate spam maps more than anyone else here.

Server is the best current server, well done dance for providing a well balanced server and keeping it fresh with new maps all the time, even if people don't always vote them
By perem | Jul 04, 2023 6:16 PM
Hi Venom,

sorry, that people are insulting you (and other). I will check it.
And no, the admins don't ban someone because thea are loosing.
By admind | Jun 13, 2023 1:37 PM
- 24/7 spam maps(Who in their right mind would put maps like Klinika or Refresh[LITERALLY A DM MAP] on a vctf server)
- Depressed, sad people like "Perem" or Sonyman(Sonyboy's his 2nd acc) who constantly insult you or your whole family just because you're better than them and they think you're cheating.
- 15yo emotionally unstable people like eero being given admin powers that they abuse whenever they feel like it. He literally session banned me for winning a match against him.:)

- Idiotic balancer that gives 200hp to enemies when you lead by 2 points. Literally encourages you to play tdm and don't even bother capping as you're penalized for being a better team and leading with a score greater than 1. Not to mention when it gives instagib to half the enemy team which just ruins the entire match. (and no, they didn't think of implementing the system that'd remove those instagibs once the losing team ties up the score rofl)

Terrible server, don't even bother joining on it unless you wanna get yourself or your family insulted to death, OR get session banned by an angry admin that lost the match against you.
By verom2 | Jun 07, 2023 5:16 PM
Not login
By tiktyak | Apr 30, 2023 1:15 PM