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Servers under Construction
Our Servers are under construction, please be patient to reload them.

Nuestros servers estan en construccion, por favor espera para recargarlos.

Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Sep 08, 2009 2:22 PM
Official Clan Rules



1. Do not use hacks.
a. Aimbot.
b. Wallhack.
c. Bots, cheats, or “exploiting bugs” etc.

2. Do not discriminate by ethnicity, genre, language, political opinion, religion, social position, or any other aspect.

3. Be respectful to other [S*S] Members.
a. Do not team-kill them.
b. Do not insult them or use offensive language.
c. Do not propose a vote to kick them.
d. Respect the [S*S] Ranks.

4. Be respectful to other players.
a. This includes what was mentioned in point 2.

5. Do not use a tag or name that you are not authorized to use. If you desire a name change or a promotion to new tags, post in the forum the petition for the new name and the council will review your petition. Only when your petition has been accepted can you use the tag.

6. If you have a lower rank than another member, you must have an extra respect toward them. They can report bad attitudes on the forum resulting in discipline.

7. If you have a higher rank than another member, do not abuse your authority. We are a “noob-friendly” team.

8. For server Admins (including Referees) any abuse of power is not tolerated.

9. Always be active on the clan webpage and forums. Allowed inactive time is 1 month unless a reason or excuse is given.

10. All elite members should have and actively use an account on the [S*S]–Voice*Communication*System (Skype) for the trainings and wars.

11. Read and know the clan strategies. Follow the Captain’s orders in scrims and wars.

12. Only Elite Members selected by the Council can recruit to the clan. In addition, if you recruit a player, you would act as a big brother to him in his first days to teach him all he should know, including proper techniques, server rules, and the clan rules.

13. If you plan a clan war, you must tell the rest of the clan the date and time. Also, be sure the Elite Team is able to participate at the given time.

14. Respect all the other clans. Any complaint from other clans’ members will be studied and analyzed carefully.

15. Follow our Server Rules in any server you connect and respect the individual rules of the particular server also. That will help to maintain a good vision of our clan.

Any violation of these rules will be studied and penalized. If it is determined that disciplinary action is necessary, the violator will first be slapped in the Clan Page. A repeated violation will result in expulsion from the clan.
Inform the Council if any member of the Clan breaks the rules by posting in the Forum and sending a demo or explanation of the offense to:
Posted by fresh-s-s   2 Comments
Sep 01, 2009 7:14 PM
Official Server Rules



1. Do not use hacks, or it could result in a Permanent Ban.
a. Aimbot.
b. Wallhack.
c. Bots, cheats, or “exploiting bugs” etc.

2. Do not call out "hacks…!” if you suspect cheating. Get a demo and submit it to the [S*S] Council at

3. Discriminative comments about ethnicity, genre, language, political opinion, religion, social position, or any other aspect could result in a kick or temporal ban.

4. Secret*Society*Servers are “noob-friendly.” All new players deserve respect and help. Any intention to kick a player because of his skills could result in a kick for the aggressor.

5. Be respectful to the [S*S] Members, principally the Admins. We are the owners of the servers. Disrespect will result in a kick or even in a ban.
a. Do not team-kill them.
b. Do not insult them or use offensive language.
c. Do not propose a vote to kick them.

6. Any use of the [S*S] tag in your name without being a clan member will result in a kick or even in a ban.

7. Any impersonation of a clan member or admin will result in a permanent ban.

8. Any attempt to use rcon code without permission will result in a kick or even in a ban.

9. For server Admins (including Referees) any abuse of power is not tolerated. If you have a complaint save a demo and send it to the clan page.

10. Recruiting or constant advertising of any other clan or server is prohibited and will result in a kick or even in a ban.

11. Any unnecessary team-killing may result in a kick or even in a ban. The server automatically kicks team-killers, but repeating this action could result in a ban. Accidents happen and saying “Sorry” could help.

12. Spawn camping/killing is prohibited. Repeating this action could result in a slap or a kick.

13. Flooding of any type is prohibited. This includes bind and radio spamming (public, private, and team). Violation of this rule could result in a player being muted or kicked.

14. Inactive players should go to Spectator Mode or Server or an Admin will kick them. Allowed inactive spectator time: 10 minutes. If the server is full don’t waste a slot spectating.

15. Respect all the other clans. Any complaint from other clans’ members will result in a careful review of the situation, leading to a kick or even a ban.

16. Use of a dynamic IP to circumvent a ban will result in a permanent ban, as well as a subnet ban.

17. Do not complain about how the server is configured. Comments and suggestions are received in the forums at

Any violation of these rules should be studied and penalized. If the violator repeats the fault, the punishment will be upgraded. For example, a slap becomes a kick, a kick becomes a temporal ban, and a temporal ban becomes a permanent ban. Report to the Council if any player breaks the rules by posting in the forum and sending a demo or explanation of the offense to:
Posted by fresh-s-s   2 Comments
Sep 01, 2009 7:00 PM
[S*S] Servers
Hi bros,

I have some great news. Thanks to [S*S]-<<<<<(EC) aka [S*S]-Aquiles(EC) aka my brother (Cofounder) Diego (in charge of running and paying the Server 24/7) we have three servers:

Welcome to the [S*S] TEAM DEATHMATCH

Welcome to the [S*S] TEAM SURVIVOR

Welcome to the [S*S] BOMB MODE

And our beloved Beatdown Alley IV.

Now we have three servers, all the servers are running 24/7 and they have the same IP but different ports. We are growing each moment with each step, keep it up...!

Bye, [S*S]-rocks...!!!

Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Aug 19, 2009 8:01 PM
Plese everybody enter in the forums
Post your mail adress in the Members INFO Section. Add the mails you know from other members.
Post your news in any language in the Translated News section. If it is necesary, post a new thread.
Post your aditional things that do not reffer to Urban Terror in the Our Real Lifes section.

Please we all work for the team...!
Pongan su mail o correo en la Seccion de Members INFO. Agreguen los mails que conozcan de otros miembros.
Posteen sus noticias en cualquier idioma en la Seccion de Noticias Traducidas. Si es necesario creen un nuevo tema.
Posteen todas las cosas que no se relacionen con Urban Terror en la seccion de Nuestras Vidas Reales.

Por favor todos trabajamos por el equipo...!
Posted by fresh-s-s   1 Comment
Jul 22, 2009 3:27 PM
Jumping Manual
Urban Terror Jumping Techniques Guide Clic Here

Hi [S*S],

This is a Jumping Manual to improve our techniques in Urban Terror. Check it and comment with all. If you have problems or if someone has problems please, we are here to help each other.

Bye bros...


Guia de Tecnicas de Salto en Urban Terror Clic Aqui

Hola [S*S],

Este es un Manual de Saltos para mejorar nuestras tecnicas en Urban Terror. Chequeenlo y comentenlo con todos. Si tienen problemas o si alguien tiene problemas por favor, estamos aqui para ayudarnos unos a otros.

Adios bros...
Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Jul 16, 2009 2:44 PM
[S*S] Voice System
We are going to create our voice system in skype:

- First you have to go to google and type in: "Skype Download".
- Then when the download is finished, you have to go to the map you downloaded it in, and click install.
- If skype is installed you can simply open it by going to Start --> Programs --> Skype.
- If you open skype it will ask you to create an account, that's easy and the steps will be shown in skype, so that will be no problem
- Once you have an account you can search Gunny_V ([S*S]-Gunny_V(NL)) by typing in Gunny_V in the box on the right of "New" and above "Conversations". You will not find it, so you have to click Find in Userguide, or something like that.Then you will find me.
- Then I will connect you through to the other members I have added to the Skype List, and this is how we will communicate throughout the games!
- We can use mic and speakers in Skype por that.

Vamos a crear un sistema de comunicacion por voz en skype:

- Primero tienes q entrar a google y buscar "Descargar Skype".
- Cuando la descarga este finalizada, tienes que ir a la carpeta donde descargaste e instalarlo.
- Si skype esta instalado puedes simplemente abrirlo en Inicio --> Programas --> Skype.
- Si abres skype te pedira cerar una cuenta, es facil y los pasos se muestran en skype, asi que no habra problema en eso.
- Una vez que haz creado una cuenta puedes buscar topicster ([S*S]-boris(EC)) escribiendo topicster en el cuadro a la derecha de "Nuevo" y arriba de "Conversaciones". Si no lo encuentras, tienes que ir a Buscar en la Guia de Usuario o algo asi. Entonces me encontraras.
- Yo te conectare con los otros miembros que he añadido a la lista de Skype, esa es la forma para comunicarnos en el juego!
- Skype nos permite usar microfono y audifonos para el efecto.
Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Jul 07, 2009 2:19 PM
Sicario(EC) was slapped by Secret Society...
Sicario(EC) was slapped by Secret Society

- Team killing another member of the clan multiple times.
- Insulting another member of the clan.
- Calling a fellow member profane names in a language they do not speak or understand.
- Insulting the Founder of the Secret Society, [S*S]-boris(EC) from Ecuador.
- Insulting Admins and Refs in our loved and respected server "Beatdown Alley IV"
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-Gunny_V(NL) from Netherlands.
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-4lex(CA) from Canada.
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-ericf(EC) from Ecuador.
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-Chiviri(ES) from Spain.
- Not speaking with respect to veteran members.

Please DO NOT imitate the actions of Sicario(EC). We are a clan who is here to have fun. ALL that we ask is that all members respect the rules of the server they are playing on and that they repect other players, especially members of the Secret Society. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the offender being expelled from the clan. As Sicario(EC)...

Sicario(EC) You can apologize with all. Please do it...


Sicario(EC) ha sido castigado por Secret Society

- Team kill a otro miembro del clan en multiples ocasiones.
- Insultar a otro miembro del clan.
- Decir malas palabras e insultos a otro miembro en lenguajes que ellos no entienden.
- Insultar al Fundador de Secret Society, [S*S]-boris(EC) de Ecuador
- Insultar a los Admins y Refs en nuestro amado y respetado server "Beatdown Alley IV"
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-Gunny_V(NL) de Netherlands.
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-4lex(CA) de Canada.
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-ericf(EC) de Ecuador.
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-Chiviri(ES) de Espana.
- No hablar con respeto a miembros veteranos.

Por favor NO imitar las acciones de Sicario(EC). Somos un clan que esta aqui para divertirse. TODO lo que pedimos es que respetemos las reglas del clan en el que jugamos y respetemos a los otros jugadores, especialmente a los miembros de Secret Society. Al fallar en cumplir con estas reglas resultara en la expulsion del clan. Como Sicario(EC)...

Sicario(EC) Puedes disculparte con todos. Por Favor hazlo...
Posted by fresh-s-s   1 Comment
Jul 07, 2009 1:39 AM
How to Improve our Rank...
We lost...! But we can do it better, we have to improve our rank and that is what we'll do...!

C'Mon team we can do it...! [S*S] rocks...!

For the game:
- We need to practice a lot.
- We need to have our own server to play there.
- We need to train team survivor.
- We need to work as a team and cooperate.
- We need a way to comuniccate, voice, chat, something.

For the Server:
- Everytime you play your game is registered in the Server Ranking, the most importat info collected is the number of deaths and the number of minutes played. A relation between the two things is the Score/Min. Every player has his own data, so the ranking of the server is for all the players who plays in there.

For the Clan:
Based in the Beatdown Alley IV ranking we make a rank for our team. The players who do a great apport to the clan or deserve it have the rank of "Gods" Great Members, the players who are in the TOP 10 have the rank of "Principados", the players who inside de TOP 100 have the rank of "Archangels" The Divine Army, the players who are in the TOP 1000 have the rank of "Angels" Warriors, and finally the players who are starting in the clan, play few minutes, or learning how to play have the rank of "Mortals" in training.

We can improve...

[S*S] rocks and We can do it !!!


Perdimos...! PEro podemos hacerlo mejor, tenemos que mejorar nuestro rank y eso es lo que haremos...!

Vamos equipo nosotros podemos...! [S*S] rocks...!

Para el juego:
- Necesitamos practicar mucho.
- Necesitamos nuestro propio server para jugar ahi.
- Necesitamos entrenar en modo team survivor.
- Necesitamos trabajar como equipo y cooperar.
- Necesitamos una via de comunicarnos, por voz, texto, algo.

Para el Server:
- Cada vez que juegas tu juego es registrado en el Ranking del Server, la informacion mas importante que se recoge es el numero de asesinatos y el numero de minutos jugaods. Una relacion entre estas dos cosas da el Score/Min. Todos los jugadores tienen sus propios datos, asi el ranking del server es para todos los jugadores que juegan ahi.

Para el Clan:
- Basado en el Ranking de Beatdown Alley IV nosotros hacemos nuestro rank para el equipo. Los Jugadores que hagan un gran aporte al clan o lo merecen tienen el rango de "Dioses" Miembros Elite, los jugadores que estan en el TOP 10 tienen el rango de "Principados", los jugadores que estan dentro del TOP 100 tienen el rango de "Arcangeles" El Ejercito Divino, los jugadores que estan en el TOP 1000 tienen el rango de "Angeles" Guerreros, y finalmente los jugadores que estan empezando en el clan, juegan pocos minutos, o aprendiendo a jugar tienen el rango de "Mortales" en entrenamiento.

Podemos mejorar...

[S*S] rocks y podemos hacerlo !!!
Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Jul 06, 2009 1:26 PM
New Clan's Rank...
Hi [S*S]...

The new Clan Ranks :

El Creador : Founder

God : Elite Member

Principado : Top 10

Archangel : Top 100

Angel : Top 1000

: You can Improve...!

You have to get up in the Rank.

Bye [S*S]...
Posted by fresh-s-s   2 Comments
Jul 03, 2009 8:10 PM
[S*S] vs COL Clan
Hi bros...

[S*S] vs COL Clan...

MODE: Teams survivor 6v6 + 1 sub maximo.
DATE: Domingo 6 de julio de 2009 6 pm (hora Colombia - Ecuador)
Sunday July 6 2009, 7pm for Fresh, 4lex, nbnm,,
For Sever (8 pm Brasil)...

If you dont find the server met in Beatdown Alley IV and i told you the IP.

Bye bros.
Posted by fresh-s-s   2 Comments
Jul 02, 2009 5:44 PM
The Slogan
"We do not use hacks or cheats. Whether you are a skilled player or an unskilled player does not matter. We are just here to have fun and play fair".

"Nosotros no usamos hacks o trampas. Si eres un jugador con experiencia o un jugador novato no importa. Nosotros solo estamos aqui para divertirnos y jugar limpio".

"Nous n'utilisons pas hacks ou des trappes. Si vous êtes un joueur avec expérience ou un joueur nouveau n'importe pas. Nous sommes seulement ici pour nous amuser et jouer franc jeu".

"Wir benutzen keine Hacks oder Cheats. Ob du jetzt ein sehr guter spieler bist, oder sehr slecht, das ist uns egal. Wir sind hier um Spass zu haben und ohne cheats zu spielen".

"We gebruiken geen hacks of cheats. Of je nou een super goede speler bent, of er helemaal niets van kan, dat maakt niets uit. Wij zijn er om plezier te maken en eerlijk te spelen".
Posted by fresh-s-s   1 Comment
Jun 28, 2009 11:20 PM
We need all the help we can have...
Hello [S*S]

We are the coolest group in Urban Terror - Beatdown Alley IV... We need the cooperation of all the team members in order to be the best clan.

Please, if you know good players, but most importantly good friends, invite them to join, but don't forget the name format. [S*S]-name(COUNTRY) Note the CAPITAL CHARACTERS, the brackets "[ ]", the hyphen "-", the parentheses "( )", and your country in abbreviations (The country domain). (Example: US for the United States, CA for Canada, EC for Ecuador, etc.).

Also, if you see an [S*S] player, ask their mail and tell them to register to the following page:

...and if their clan name is made incorrectly... please nicely tell them how to correct it.

[S*S] rocks...

Bye bros...


Hola [S*S]8)

Somos el grupo mas cool en Urban Terror - Beatdown Alley IV... Necesitamos la cooperacion de todos los miembros del equipo para ser el mejor clan.

Por Favor, si conocen buenos jugadores, pero mas importante buenos amigos, invitenlos a unirse, pero no olviden el formato del nombre. [S*S]-nombre(PAIS) Noten las LETRAS MAYUSCULAS, los corchetes "[ ]", el guion "-", los parentesis "( )", y el pais en abreviacion (El Dominio del pais). (Ejemplo: US para Estados Unidos, CA para Canada, EC para Ecuador, etc.).

Tambien, si ven a un jugador [S*S], pidanle su correo electronico e-mail y diganle que se registre en la siguiente pagina:

...y si su nombre esta escrito incorrectamente... por favor diganle amablemente como corregirlo.

[S*S] rocks...8)

Adios bros...
Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Jun 26, 2009 8:34 PM
[S*S] Server and Web Page coming soon
Hi [S*S]

Please be patient... I have to read all the manual to create the Server. Please, if you know how to do a page in joomla, you can work with us. write to :, my mail.

Take care bros.
Posted by fresh-s-s   0 Comments
Jun 05, 2009 9:41 PM
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There are no servers assigned to this clan.
About Us
We are a group of people that plays Urban Terror throughout the world. We are more than a clan, we are a community of great friends.

Somos un grupo de personas que jugamos Urban Terror alrededor del mundo. Mas que un clan somos una comunidad de grandes amigos.

Nous sommes un groupe de personnes du monde entier et nous jouons à Urban Terror. Plus qu'un clan, nous sommes une communauté de bons amis.

Wir sind eine Gruppe von Leuten, die über die ganze Welt verteilt Urban Terror spielen. Wir sind mehr als ein Clan, wir sind gute Freunde.

Wij zijn een groep van mensen die Urban Terror over de hele wereld spelen. We zijn meer dan een clan, we zijn een gemeenschap van goede vrienden.

Jesteśmy grupą ludzi, która gra w Urban Terror na całym świecie. Jesteśmy nawet więcej ni [show more]
[S*S] Secret*Society Official Page
Stats and Rankings
WTFGeeks !
Comunidad UrT Ecuador
Ecuador Combat Unit
UrT Latin America
Beatdown Alley IV web site
World Rank
2295th out of 141978