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Sicario(EC) was slapped by Secret Society...
Sicario(EC) was slapped by Secret Society

- Team killing another member of the clan multiple times.
- Insulting another member of the clan.
- Calling a fellow member profane names in a language they do not speak or understand.
- Insulting the Founder of the Secret Society, [S*S]-boris(EC) from Ecuador.
- Insulting Admins and Refs in our loved and respected server "Beatdown Alley IV"
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-Gunny_V(NL) from Netherlands.
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-4lex(CA) from Canada.
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-ericf(EC) from Ecuador.
- Insulting fellow member [S*S]-Chiviri(ES) from Spain.
- Not speaking with respect to veteran members.

Please DO NOT imitate the actions of Sicario(EC). We are a clan who is here to have fun. ALL that we ask is that all members respect the rules of the server they are playing on and that they repect other players, especially members of the Secret Society. Failure to comply with these rules will result in the offender being expelled from the clan. As Sicario(EC)...

Sicario(EC) You can apologize with all. Please do it...


Sicario(EC) ha sido castigado por Secret Society

- Team kill a otro miembro del clan en multiples ocasiones.
- Insultar a otro miembro del clan.
- Decir malas palabras e insultos a otro miembro en lenguajes que ellos no entienden.
- Insultar al Fundador de Secret Society, [S*S]-boris(EC) de Ecuador
- Insultar a los Admins y Refs en nuestro amado y respetado server "Beatdown Alley IV"
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-Gunny_V(NL) de Netherlands.
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-4lex(CA) de Canada.
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-ericf(EC) de Ecuador.
- Insultar al miembro [S*S]-Chiviri(ES) de Espana.
- No hablar con respeto a miembros veteranos.

Por favor NO imitar las acciones de Sicario(EC). Somos un clan que esta aqui para divertirse. TODO lo que pedimos es que respetemos las reglas del clan en el que jugamos y respetemos a los otros jugadores, especialmente a los miembros de Secret Society. Al fallar en cumplir con estas reglas resultara en la expulsion del clan. Como Sicario(EC)...

Sicario(EC) Puedes disculparte con todos. Por Favor hazlo...
Posted by fresh-s-s
Jul 07, 2009 1:39 AM
is this kelvin?? i think it is. he's a cheater anyway and his ip range is banned.
Posted by uncreative_name
Aug 05, 2009 10:56 PM