adminless • PM |
Nov 27, 2011 10:11 PM
![]() Posts: 446 |
yes, I agree, now is too late so I will not enter in details (I'll do soon), but by now I just let you know that I've just started a new HiszY Junior Freeze TAG Server full of custom maps for you. you can check it out here: currently the maps installed on server are: 6++ 7++ cpm12 cpm14 cpm15 cpm1a cpm20 cpm21 cpm22 cpm24 cpm27 cpm29 cpm2 cpm3a cpm4 cpm9 ermap3 focal_p132 mkexp mrcq3t3 ospdm5 ospdm6 ospdm8 overkill phantq3dm1_rev poq3dm5 pro-q3tourney7 pukka3tourney2 q3shw24 q3shw26 qxtourney1 storm3tourney8 ztn3tourney1 by now you can download them all (plus some ones more) on the Quake III Arena map collection I created, here: or alternativelly if you prfer you can check them individualy out here at the HiszY ftp site: soon I'll also start with a HiszY-JNR CTF one too. so please test it out and let me know what you think. best regards and thank you very much for your patience, I know it has been a long time and I sincerelly apologize for it, but it really take me lot of time, believe it or not, I had this planned for march this year but unfortunatelly the work here really overcame me, it has been a really tough season full of work. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
jackthe1ad • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 1:49 AM
![]() Posts: 31 |
wow ermap3 is here
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djshankey • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 3:06 AM
![]() Posts: 56 |
now thats what i am talking about:D good work warrior
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apollo-campstyle • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 4:08 AM
![]() Posts: 99 |
good job mate, thx
![]() we grow old because we stop playing. Never Be The First To Get Old!! ![]() The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese. ![]() |
lirbig • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 7:24 AM
![]() Posts: 35 |
Niiiiice , thanks very much
![]() Tested a bit : its really good. Now lets fill this up mates ![]()
Last edited by: lirbig Nov 28, 2011 8:18 AM
konstantin-11 • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 8:47 AM
![]() Posts: 12 |
Where should i repack new maps?))))
psyc0 • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 8:47 AM
![]() Posts: 8 |
i have just one question: Q2DM1 ?
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adminless • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 10:34 AM
![]() Posts: 446 |
konstantin-11 wrote: ??? I'm sorry but I don't really understand, if you mean, how you can add even some more new maps to the servers, then the answer is that you just can not (I only can do that), with the current new ones added I think that it should be enough, may be on the future I could add some more, but on the long future, this is something like the next year or so, it's clear what I'm not going to do is start adding/removing maps per request in a daily/weekly basis, that's not serious, those are the actual custom maps installed and I'll stick to those as much as possible. in the other yeah it hasn't been commented how to install the linked files, so if you was asking how you can actually install the maps onto your actual Quake III Arena installation, the simpliest ansswer just to get everything you need to be able to play at the new HiszY Junior Servers is: 1) obviously purchase a legit copy of Quake III Arena (this is suposed since you're able to play the game) 2) also obviously have installed the lastest Quake III Arena patch, in this case the pointrelease1.32 (this is also suposed since it's suposed that you're actually able to play at the actual HiszY Servers) 3) ok, now like pointed if you already know about custom maps and you already have various you can just take a look at what's inside at the HiszY FTP site and simply download what you need. however in the other hand if you just don't know or simply does not want to complicate the recommended is simply to download the whole package here 4) then now once you have on you're computer the necessary files all you have to do is simple extract every single zip file you find till you get pk3 files and once you get the pk3 files all you have to do with them to install them is simply manually copy them (only the pk3 files) only and only into your actual baseq3 (and not into other one) folder inside the path where you originally installed Quake III Arena (typically in a english installation this path use to be c:\program files\Quake III Arena) then only three problems may appear: 1) you don't know what a zip file is or how to extract it. a zip file is just a set of files compressed and put all together in a single file for easier transfer. obviously they're special files and thus require special software to decompress them. most moderm operative system should come by default with tools to handle this kind of files but in case yours does not or for some reason it's simple broken, you just can give 7-zip a try. so now once you have the necessary tools to handle zip files as pointed just extract every single zip file you encounter, typically into a new folder for easier working 2) it could also be possible that now you don't know where inside your hard disk your actual Quake III Arena is installed on, for this you can just do one thing, open your desktop search and shearch for files on all your local hard drives and look for the "pak0.pk3" file or "baseq3" folder and that should return you the actual path, then now once you have that path (the folder containing the pak0.pk3 file) all you have to do is copy to that folder all the pk3 files you adquired on the previous step 3) finally it could also be possible that now you don't know how to copy files from your computer, well, this is pretty straight forward, the simpliest way I think that it's just open to desktop browsers one agaisnt each other and simple move to the place of the pk3 fiels of the first step on one and to the baseq3 folder of the second step on the other and then to copy files form one folder to another simple select them, this is click on them, and with your secondary mouse buttom, this is the right mose buttom, click on them and then select copy, then on the second browser windown containing the destination folder just again right click on it and then select paste and then you should be done one easy way to test if you ahve make it right is simply start your Quake III Arena and then bring the console down (~ key) and enter map <plus one of the map names pointed above> (ex. map overkill) if that doesn't bring the map then that means that you have done somethign wrong. ok, hope that helps. and to the rest, yeah, thanks a lot for test it out, ye, I think that they are pretty cool servers, in my opinion they should be superior to the actual ones, now it's only left to see how many of the people how requested it any day later really make use of it, HiszY is actually more than three years old and believe it or not I've already done this on the past with null result, anyways, we'll see I'll just leave it there for who wants, thanks a lot for your patience and support, like I haven't a easy task and it took me lot of time and unfortunately it's just not possible to coordinate admining with developing new servers so that's why I had to "disapear" the last months to bring this up because I agree with most that it has been a while since it was definitively the time for this. ok, now I go work on that new ctf server, hope I bring it up soon too. best regards have fun see you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
lirbig • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 10:35 AM
![]() Posts: 35 |
konstantin-11 wrote: If you get them there _ Extract the whole pack into ../quake 3 arena/baseq3 ( using Winrar or 7zip) _ These are ZIP into another ZIP so you 'll have to do a second extract in order to end with the pk3 files. ( map files ) 1. Extract to ../quake 3 arena/baseq3 . Then delete it once done. 2. You now have more zip files : select them all and do Extract them all at once. Once done, you can delete them too. Do overwrite for all if you get that message. Well it seems that there are more zipped files into the zipped files... its zip into zip into zip into zip up to 4 times i tink Just be sure you have extracted all the zip files. 3. All done , now you shall have only pk3 files in you baseq3 folder ( + the q3key and q3config). Remove any zip files you might find. IF you can't connect and you get message from quake 3 ' can't load map blabla.bsp ' > IT means you don't have the map into your baseq3 folder. It's as simple as that.
Last edited by: lirbig Nov 28, 2011 2:47 PM
adminless • PM |
Nov 28, 2011 8:51 PM
![]() Posts: 446 |
btw just clear out one thing, I've heard that some people is having problems with the actual zip recursion of the mentioned file.
well, as pointed you should recursively unzip any zip file till get pk3 files to later copy those files into your baseq3 folder inside the path where your actual Quake III Arena installation resides. first is to note that each map it's distributed in its original zip archive, so before install it you also need to unzip that archive in oder to get the orinal pk3 file. and is also to note that in oder to keep the archive well organized various maps inside the archive have been once again packaged into smaller maps collections again in zip format wich of course require to be also unziped in oder to obtain the original zip files containing the original pk3 files. in particular pay special attention to the files, and whos files are also zips and thus require another uncompression step prio installation, all the rest of the files only require to get unzipped once. anyways, as suggested in my opinion the best way to adquire this is to extract each zip into a new folder to later move to that folder to once again extract the renaiming zips into their respective folders and so on till get folders with no more zip files inside, finally browse the whole tree to palce any pk3 file into the baseq3 installation folder. and alternative method it can be to use the suggested 7-zip program to browse the map collection and then drag and drop the pk3 files into the desatination folder (although I did not test this method at the moment, so I'm not 100% sure if the mentioned unzip software does actually support this feature) or finally if you just have problems with all this zip recursion you can alternatively visit the HiszY ftp site pointed above (here) and browse for all the individual map zip archives wich only require to be extracted once. ok, hope all that helps. so, well, it looks that finally I end "losing" the day, I've been busy testing this out so I looks like the new custom ctf will still have to wait till tomorrow or so. more info coming soon best regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |