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Forum Home > HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY) - general > Callvote abusing & Advertising !
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Sep 10, 2011 10:25 AM
Non-member Joined: Apr 29, 2010
Posts: 24
Interesting demo Jack I have viewed it and come to the conclusion that it was not Hiszy PLA II. That was doing the kicking and I apologise to him for accusing him!! it can be seen on the demo it was a player under the nick of :HELLOIMNOTAZEBRA and his flag was Dutch . funnily enough I have just left the server 10th Sep2011 2.30pm to update this as I was only on about 1 minute and was again kicked when I went back I had a player under the nick : THE RUSH FuckYOU giving me grief asking how my family was and saying he wanted to help I again noticed that this players flag was also Dutch when I confronted him about this saying it was Dutch Sarcasm he left All I can say is it is obvious that this player is from Holland and he knows who he is and I will say it again Get a Life.
Silver Surfer
BE GOOD life Is GOOD Take it Easy and ENJOY
Sep 11, 2011 7:44 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hi there all

thank you very much for your patience, I'm sorry for late answer but I took a couple of days of rest at the beginning of the week and later when I came back I just found me busy with other issues and again overrun with problems here with somes wich had higher priority than this then I'm sorry but I couldn't deal this before.

ok regarding the issue, yes jack, that Sergey L. is a well known vote spamer/inadequate vote user wich already has been banned other times because of that, so this time I'll apply month ban for him.

regarding the other guy on the demo, HELLOIMNOTAZEBRA, yes, I understand, sorry for this incevenience, it's the same guy who troubled both of you djshankey and silversurfer, so I understand your anoyance, it looks that this user has been totally abusing the vote during the last days, yes, it looks like a major incident, I'll ban this user for a month because of this.

reagrding the rest, I took a look and I think that besides that it should be generally ok.

and finally please when reporting vote abusers (or similar) a demo may be ok to get a idea of the situation but unless you wanna show me something very specific (insults, accuracy, something very specific) don't drop me screenshots since are pointless, I can't start investigating every single vote nor banning every single noob kicker, that's not serious, rather just report against a user (and if you want you can also document it with a couple of screenshots/demo or whatever) and provide some info instead (just like djs or surfer did) altough of course please always first make sure you're acusing the right person.

thanks for report and play at the Hiszy Servers



Sep 12, 2011 11:34 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
thanks warrior for looking into this matter.
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Sep 12, 2011 1:26 PM
Non-member Joined: Apr 29, 2010
Posts: 24
djshankey wrote:
thanks warrior for looking into this matter.

I second that Thanks

BE GOOD life Is GOOD Take it Easy and ENJOY
Sep 12, 2011 5:21 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
np, I just do my best and I just insit once again, sorry for the delay and thanks for report and your patience.

and btw after a second lecture I found that due the hurry before I missed to point something on my previous message, it's irrelevant here since that wasn't the issue, but surfer you should note that spec for long time (let's say ten minutes and so) when the server is completelly full (or virtually full) is not allowed, let's see, common sense, if you're just going to take a short break to drink something (take a tea), attend a call or similar is ok to stay on spec to continue the game later but if for example you're going to lunch then if the server is full (or virtually) then it's not ok to stay on spec.

ok, for anyother thing just let me know.



Nov 14, 2011 3:59 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
This player "anka" called vote to kick for no reason 2 time in a row 11! was there but was incapable of doing anything except saying
(i didnt do it) i wanted to see how thing are on server when other staff is there so i changed nick and went there and now i can say that callvote for kicking needs to be removed and only the staff should have the calling power as its reached a limit of abuse that i haven't seen before.and why he called vote to kick second time
because he knows
it will pass
as uneducated players would definitely press f1 because they think its a joke....if you think it is then lets see your reaction when u get constantly kicked on the server
after dedicated helping to make the server a better place its all gone to waste....warrior bro you need to take some action and you need to take it now
its high time we did something about this.

The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Nov 14, 2011 5:39 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
Ok lets see whae u should call vote and when u shouldnt

Someone is cheating
Someone is SPamming Too much
Someone is Camping constantly even after warning

YOu dont like the other player...dosent give you a right to kick him..he desrvs to play as much as you do.(which happened to me today)

Laggers...try to help them first to figure out their problem..or request them to ge ttheir connection checked and to spec until they fix it or to come back later...

Hight ping players...some still dont understand that lagging and high ping are 2 different things...when you lag u have packetloss you move in choppy way and are ahrd to hit....but high ping with smooth conenction means that the player is far away fromt thh server...but his conenction is good.......understand one thing for the last should not kick high ping players(i ahve been kicked many times) because they dont have faulty connection ..not even if they lag occassionally like in every 10-8 minutes.

Chatting:- chat as much as you want BUT dont overdo it but if you want tochat more you can use other applications like skype/yahoo messenger/MSN/ICQ/Teamspeak..etc.........
IF you are getting disturbed when someone is chatting ot telling a long story...humbly request them to chat somewhere else ...and sort out the problem..

Ans:-Because people dont have the knowledge of what is right and what is wrong..when a kick vote comes up they lack the ability to understand first of all what the reason is for kick that person and they kick according to their sole will whoute getting to know the reason but those who have that understanding should vote smartly if it may seem right you press f1 and if you think its wrong you press f2 and if you dont know waht is happning you dont press anything...its the people who call random votes need to be delth with which is most probably a personal grudge or a jelousy or a revenge on some person who fragged them or who they think would be the strongest player ont he other team so they try to kick them out.....

its all i have to say i explained to you guys what i think now its up to you what you make of it.

your one and only djshankey
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Nov 14, 2011 6:35 AM
HiszY-PLA-|11!! Player - Joined: Mar 30, 2011
Posts: 12

Well, ok! First! When the fullserver is, and someone spect, i give a vote, for KICK specters, because other players will play too!!
Second! DJ, i didnt do anything, and i press F1 for kick you, becase you changed team! Chenged it to winner team! When it wasnt unbalanced or something.....
I dont give a vote, when all pleayers norm are, but when i see something wrong, so start!)
Nov 14, 2011 8:31 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
konstantin-11 wrote:

Well, ok! First! When the fullserver is, and someone spect, i give a vote, for KICK specters, because other players will play too!!
Second! DJ, i didnt do anything, and i press F1 for kick you, becase you changed team! Chenged it to winner team! When it wasnt unbalanced or something.....
I dont give a vote, when all pleayers norm are, but when i see something wrong, so start!)

11! bro i didnt say you did wrong about the winjoining vote...
i was talking about the vote "ANKA "called to kick me 2 times just because she has some personal thing against me...and yes i know about the full server thing...but when both of us are not there on the server and there are spectators then who will take care to see the kicking of spectators?...thats all bro i havent got anything against you you are my bro and always will be
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Nov 14, 2011 9:33 AM
HiszY-PLA-|11!! Player - Joined: Mar 30, 2011
Posts: 12
i see it, she give vote, to kick you, when you was in specters too.... Thats UNnormal!
When i give a vote for kick ANKA (vor stupid vote) fast all press F2!!
Yes, we are a members of team, but we cant do anything....
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