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Forum Home > HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY) - cheaters > [CHEATERS REPORT] - handled -
Aug 03, 2011 9:55 AM
Non-member Joined: May 26, 2011
Posts: 5
name: test_aim
server: hiszy ctf
date+time on screen

We were wondering for while if he cheats today it became obvious. First was playing few maps with wallhack, then reconnected and came back with aimbot, used it for one minute and then changed to autoshoot. Later he even admited he uses "aim", came back with aimbot to show us lol
ok thats all

screenshot: (original)

demo: test_aim_slot_9_RU_HiszY_CTF_110803_1448.dm_68

NOTES: yes another nice catch, I've also been suspecting this user for around the last week but unfortunately from what I see from here it wasn't enough for a ban, it seems this user were moderating his cheat usage however on the demo it becomes obvious just at the very first shot and more specially anytime when under defesense of the flag, ok, I just added it before, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Aug 03, 2011 2:07 PM
Aug 11, 2011 8:06 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 09, 2008
Posts: 76
Name : ExcessivePlayer
Location : United Arab Emirates
Date | Time : 11.08.2011 | 14:00 (incorrect, Monday 8 of August, 2011, at night)
Server : Hiszy CTF
Cheat : Aimbot
Screenshot: (original)

Demo : ExcessivePlayer_slot_6_AE_HiszY_CTF_110808_2300.dm_68

NOTES: btw the date & time of the incident is incorrect, remember that the date and time of the incident to report is at the moment of the incident not at the moment of the report, ok, yes, it seems that I had missed this, it took me some time but I found it, this was the past monday around night, ok, just added before when I saw this, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Aug 30, 2011 6:03 PM
Aug 28, 2011 8:04 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 09, 2008
Posts: 76
Name : Jk
Location : Ukraine
Date | Time : 28.08.2011 | 12:45
Server : Hiszy CTF
Cheat : Aimbot
Screenshot: (original)

Demo : Jk_slot_1_UA_HiszY_CTF_110828_1345.dm_68

NOTES: :O another ultra short demo, well, anyways, already reported by several other people, sorry for late answer but this one took me many time and I'm busy with lot of things at the moment, anyways, although I publicaly handled this now the thruth is that I really added this just a couple of hours after I saw this, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Aug 30, 2011 5:59 PM
Sep 03, 2011 9:15 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 09, 2008
Posts: 76
Name : Tisteve
Location : Belgium
Date | Time : 04.09.2011 | 1:45 a.m
Server : Hiszy FTAG (II)
Cheat : Autoshot
Screenshot: (original)


NOTES: yes, another obvious one, this guy wasn't aiming at all just moving all over the place but hitting nearly everything wich got on his way, sorry for the delay in mark this as handled but I took a couple of days of disconnect form this and later when I came back I was overun with issues again and I've also been busy with more things than this and finally when I got some time for this yesterday at the end I was a bit tired of everything so I apologize for the delay however anyways, this was just added a couple of minutes after I saw your report, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Sep 10, 2011 1:11 PM
Sep 08, 2011 4:49 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 05, 2011
Posts: 31
Name : NOOB
Location : Ukraine
Date | Time : 08.09.2011 | 12:40
Server : Hiszy FTAG (I)
Cheat : Wallhack and AutoAim
Screenshot(s) and Demo:


NOTES: sorry for late response but when I saw this I had other things to do and later yesterday when I was going to deal this and other things I was a bit tired so I'm sorry but I couldn't dealt this before, thanks for report.

Last edited by: adminless Sep 10, 2011 1:25 PM
Sep 27, 2011 5:48 AM
Non-member Joined: Mar 22, 2011
Posts: 10
Name : Niebo
Location : Poland
Date | Time : 26 september 2011 | 11:38
Server : Hiszy Freeze
Cheat : Autoshot

screenshot: (original)

NOTES: I sincerely apologize for the ridiculous response time but if you have read the site you could have seen that I'm sorry but I've been quite busy dealing other tasks and I didn't want to stop to not unfocus, I'm very sorry for this situation and I really thank you for your patience, yes, very good catch this was a somehow reagular player that for some reason no one reported or that I missed, fiarly obvious shot bot on the demo, just added before, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Nov 29, 2011 7:15 PM
Oct 02, 2011 12:30 PM
Non-member Joined: Aug 16, 2009
Posts: 35
Name : Stix and Stoned

Date and time : 2 october 2011, 17h00 cet

server : Hiszy CTF

Cheat : Autoshot

Stix And Stones_slot_1_IT_HiszY_CTF_111002_1700.dm_68

NOTES: once again I'm sorry for don't deal this before but I just couldn't, yes, another ridiculous cheater, added just a moment ago, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Nov 29, 2011 5:28 PM
Oct 11, 2011 3:06 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
name : all


Location : Russia

Date :11/10/2011 | just before 12:30 pm Indian Time
minus 4 hours to get Russian time

Server Hiszy Freeze Tag I

Cheat: Autoshoot/Autoaim...probably q3hook(all in one hack)

Demo : all_slot_3_RU_HiszY_I_111011_0730.dm_68

his actual name is in this screenshot look for the green arrow pointing towards the name :-

NOTES: I sincerely apologize for the response just simply unaccetable but I think that at the time this was one of the few incidents so I decided to put my time on other task wich I considered more important for HiszY than just ban people 24/7, I'm very sorry for this situation, ye, another senseless cheat, just added a moment ago, thanks for report.
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Last edited by: adminless Nov 29, 2011 4:32 PM
Nov 03, 2011 5:19 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 19, 2011
Posts: 24
Name: RaiL ShoT

Location: Ukraine

Date | Time: 2nd November | about 13:40 MET

Server: Hiszy Freeze (forward)

Cheat: Wallhack or Aimbot or both of them

Demo: RaiL ShoT_slot_11_UA_HiszY_I_111102_1340.dm_68

- by jackthe1ad -
Name : Rail Shot
Location : Ukraine
Date : 05/11/2011
Server : Hiszy Freeze Tag
Cheat : wallhack
Demo :

NOTES: another well know guy that just used the time I've been intensively working on the new HiszY Servers to get a chance at the servers, anyways, yes, I'm not so sure about the wallhack but the first demo looks like a quite obvious autoshot the second is just pointless, please when submiting demos of cheaters go spect to spectate them, I guess that he would be hacking too but I just can't tell by that demo (the demo barely show a couple of shots from this user) for this reason that demo won't be archived, anyways, the ban has just been updated a moment ago, thanks for report.
Last edited by: adminless Nov 29, 2011 2:47 PM
Nov 21, 2011 6:45 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 15, 2011
Posts: 99
I caught a cheater today on Hiszy Freeze TAG
Name: "sherrif" or "I winn" or at last "wallhack aimbot"
Location: United Kingdom
Server: Hiszy Freeze Tag / (public,forward)
Date: today (21.11.2011 about 11.50 GMT+1)
Cheat: wallhack and autoshot.
Demo: wallhack aimbot_slot_1_UK_HiszY_I_111121_1150.dm_68
red carpet/warrior please ban him !!!!

- by lirbig -
apollo-campstyle wrote:
I caught a cheater today on Hiszy Freeze TAG
Name: "sherrif" or "I winn" or at last "wallhack aimbot"
Location: United Kingdom
Server: Hiszy Freeze Tag / (public,forward)
Date: today (21.11.2011 about 11.50 GMT+1)
Cheat: wallhack and autoshot.
red carpet/warrior please ban him !!!!

This guy has been coming over and over for two weeks now or so. each time he uses a different name/or take one of the players who are in the server.
He doesnt hide, and even claims that he can be banned as much as we want for he'll come back with other ips... ffs.

EDIT he came back yesterday

name : robocop, this time.
Location : still UK
Server : Forward
Time&Date : 29/11/2011 02:20 AM

Demo : Robocop_slot_10_UK_HiszY_I_111129_0220.dm_68

- by cluebie -
Name: I can Win (incorrect name was I WIN)

Date and time: 28-11-2011 18:30 uur dutch time
Location: UK
Server: hiszy server ctf
Cheat : wallhack / autoshoot

I WIN_slot_3_UK_HiszY_CTF_111128_1830.dm_68

wil you ban this pain in the ass

NOTES: yes, sorry for don't response before but last months I've been busy building up the new HiszY Junior Servers it has been a hard work and it looked like a stable time so I didn't want to unfocus of it if not I would just never end, yes, definitivey this looks like the issue of the month, added before at the start of the afternoon, I don't know, may be you may find him again, don't know, I think that by now it should be working in case of any futher problem just drop me a line, thanks for report.
We do not stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
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The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese.
Last edited by: adminless Nov 29, 2011 1:37 PM