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Forum Home > HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY) - cheaters > [CHEATING DISCUSSION] who am i? wallhack
Jul 26, 2011 8:19 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 09, 2008
Posts: 76
Kafa Nobody Blame You ... We just telling You about wee mistake ...
Look oldern player even dont need a good headphones etc ... Hours spend for game on servers giving u a control of map , f.e. Respawn points . If u know where are located respaws thats giving You a big advantage on map ... Lots of players making exacly same moves after respawn ( of course player without enough knowledge about game at F TAG or CTF ) . I am pretty sure "WHO I AM" Player its a experienced player . He knows how its working at ctf ... I have for You litlle advice. Try train new moves at maps , just yourself with bots , play a lot just for fun. Thats Helping ... Of course im not saying You are a weak player ... Every1 was weak in past ... Some1 have to spend more or less time to get good skill ... But be pantient ang going on the best as You can !
Jul 29, 2011 4:38 PM
Non-member Joined: Mar 24, 2011
Posts: 1
If this player is so superior to all other usual players on that server , then why is he here ? he can lost his skills playing with noobies , as he say. And I've seen when he killed the players that are camp (with an active rail and not moving) go aiming them throw the wall... But when I start record demo level of his game become like other even less. There allot of smart cheats in internet.

P.S. I see how play professionals , not even close to game of "Who am I"
Jul 29, 2011 8:08 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
well, I don't know, without a solid proof there's no much I can do about. anyways, thanks for leave your impression about the concern.



Aug 02, 2011 1:47 AM
Non-member Joined: Apr 13, 2011
Posts: 6
"glass wall"
hack using Who am i?
Oct 16, 2011 5:26 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 16, 2011
Posts: 36
Hallo all =)

Then... all can use WH, as he does?
Oct 17, 2011 11:01 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
odeon_ wrote:
Hallo all =)

Then... all can use WH, as he does?

lawl man seriously hes been scanned already on other servers with every anti cheating hes clean afterall
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Oct 17, 2011 11:38 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 16, 2011
Posts: 36
djshankey wrote:
odeon_ wrote:
Hallo all =)

Then... all can use WH, as he does?

lawl man seriously hes been scanned already on other servers with every anti cheating hes clean afterall

I disagree
Closed Account
Oct 17, 2011 11:59 AM
ua_lexx wrote:
If this player is so superior to all other usual players on that server , then why is he here ? he can lost his skills playing with noobies , as he say. And I've seen when he killed the players that are camp (with an active rail and not moving) go aiming them throw the wall... But when I start record demo level of his game become like other even less. There allot of smart cheats in internet.

P.S. I see how play professionals , not even close to game of "Who am I"

РОзповіси коротко що тут коїться?Лінь читати з початку.
Oct 18, 2011 8:59 PM
Non-member Joined: Aug 16, 2009
Posts: 35
Again today Who Am I was accused of cheating....

THis has to stop , this is not witch hunt.


And of course accusers are always the same ones... seeing cheaters everywhere.

Гей Sanni (Google переклад):

Ну, люди думають: "Who AM I?" є шахраєм. Він просто грає добре. Сьогодні він знову був звинувачений ні з якої причини. Тільки за хороші оцінки і хорошим геймплеєм. У мене є демо від нього. Тураджі має демо від нього. Я guesss Воїн має демо. Я не бачив шахрайства. Він просто хороший гравець.

Hey Sanni ( google translation):

Well, people think "Who Am I" is cheater. He just plays good. Today again he was accused for no reason. Only for good score and good gameplay. I have demos from him. Turaj has demos from him . I guesss Warrior has demos. I saw no cheats. He's just a good player.

- Lir -
Last edited by: lirbig Oct 18, 2011 9:26 PM
Oct 19, 2011 3:50 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
And Odeon you were also accused of cheating many times because you played very good but we know you didnt cheat and thats the same thing with (who am i?) so there is no point in saying he cheats.

end of discussion
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.