guail_fh • PM |
Apr 06, 2010 2:09 PM
![]() Posts: 22 |
I'm not sure how vote works i think if there will be two vote for no its fail so we can vote forever and never turn it on. There must be other way to turn it on demand.
Last edited by: guail_fh Apr 06, 2010 5:17 PM
Closed Account |
Apr 06, 2010 5:16 PM
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pb na serwerze publicznym to zly pomysl, takie servery stoja puste, pozatym pb powoduje lagi ktore utrudniaja bardzo gre, za to mam propozycje zeby warrior rozdal troche wiecej refow osoba ktore czesto graja na hiszy i sa ok.
guail_fh • PM |
Apr 06, 2010 5:18 PM
![]() Posts: 22 |
Hiszy moze dostac refy i tyle pozatym pierwsze 5 min laguje PB potem jest spokoj, no chyba ze co poniektorzy robia reconnect co mape nie wiem po co
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guail_fh • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 6:41 AM
![]() Posts: 22 |
So we talk and i think most of as vote yes so maybe we should do something with that?
And there is a question to Warrior what is he think about that ![]() ![]() ![]() |
laurka • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 9:08 AM
![]() Posts: 35 |
guail_fh wrote: Wywala ich hunkmegs ![]() |
czysciciel87 • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 11:21 AM
![]() Posts: 15 |
w sumie kij w oko cziterom przynajmniej jest wyższy poziom i jest z kim grać:D
adminless • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 11:47 AM
![]() Posts: 446 |
![]() yes Guail of course I have something to say about this and I will do, but unfortunately before can write here I have other HiszY realted task wich have higher priority than leave a message here (like, for example, guard myself the server in real-time from those cheaters), then I'm sorry but I hope that you understand this situation. ok, let's see, the first thing you should know is that for technical reasons (believe me or not but I think that I know something about this) is NOT possible to run punk buster on the popular HiszY servers (HiszY (public/EVO), HiszY APD), so there are not going to be punk buster on the server either by default, referees or vote, sorry. however even if it could be possible to run punk buster on the server, most probably I won't, becuase, as wrote above, punk buster causes lots of troubles in the clients, incompatibilities (for example, I don't even think that you, guail, have your client ready at the moment to play on a pure pb server, at least I did not see you test our pure pb server, I think it would be good if you do in the next days) and lags among others then, yes, sure, if it were 2003 when there were about 3000 Quake 3 daily players where 1000 were advanced players that know some about the game and how to set their clients then it won't be a problem because there were always some one interested in play and that can do it, however, is not the case, it's 2010 and there's about 600 daily players and just 40 or so advanced players that know some and that are totally not the people who is fulling the HiszY Servers everyday, then I'm sorry but the numbers are clear, there's not enough players for such setup. about the mentioned pure, yes, that works, but it's more of the same, the public HiszY Servers are set for max compatibility possible, and once again pure just will also cause not so much as punk buster but problems with several legit clients. let's see pure force everybody to have the same exact version of the mod installed and absolutely nothing more installed or problem will appear, condition that most of the people does not comply, so, once again, in 2005 when there were 2000 daily Quake 3 players where 500 or so had installed the mod and there was a clean version of this, then it would be a option, however once again that's not the reality, it's 2010 when there's just 600 Quake 3 daily players where only around 150 have installed the mod but that they could not play because they will have installed one or various of the several different versions of the mod, so finally you will end again with just 70 players that can play on your server but that they are not really interesting in. you have the evidences of all this at the HiszY pure pb server why do you think that that server is completely empty where is reciving the same promotion and is there every single day? the answer is simple all this, I do not care about that server bacuse its function is exactly that, is there to bust cheaters (as explained on the May 28, 2009 @ 5:11pm entry of the old server's host), then I have to say that I totally understand your point of view, yes I do, but on the same way you're not considering the consecuences of what you're asking, do that, even if it were do just temporaly by referee/vote (wich by the way it wasn't be technically recommendable, those things should be set at server start up and it's not a good idea to toggle them in the middle, yes, I know that in other places palces that is done, but once again believe me or not but I think that I know something about all this), would be just kill the servers, because for a player if a server fails twice for more than 30 secs in less than 24 h then that player will not play anymore again just because the server does not work, wich by the way it would completelly true, then I'm sorry but my job is to make the server work for everybody, every single time and even more if possible. Q. but, then, there's nothing to do with those cheaters? A. well once again may be you don't believe me but there's already a good list of cheaters banned. first, I use to review the server everyday, however is to udnerstand that sometimes that's not possible, so if you find that I'm missing something then write it to me by mail. also I use to be online many time so if find me at any instant messaging network you can tell me and I'll handle the situation at that moment. see you -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last edited by: adminless Jun 05, 2010 1:53 PM
guail_fh • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 12:36 PM
![]() Posts: 22 |
Ok problem solved
![]() Now i understand why you dont want PB and its not a problem so we will raport you when some cheater is playing, (time, name, id) i hope this helps ![]() BTW i check this server allready and didnt kick me for a long time so im pure ![]() |
grapefruit • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 1:05 PM
![]() Posts: 22 |
Your arguments are correct, I also know that turn on pb on the hiszy server is not so simple.
Yes, we can always write to you with a report (you reacting very quickly), but not always can I tell if someone is cheating. I know there is a server with PB enabled to verify this but nobody wants to go there. This is difficult situation... |
adminless • PM |
Apr 07, 2010 4:57 PM
![]() Posts: 446 |
yes, the deal is simple allow some cheaters to have a game or do not have a game at all for any one. the chose is obvious, the first condition is the good one.
yes, I know that is not the ideal situation but well, at the end, what in this world is perfect, is what we have now and so we will have to work with this. guail, nice that you had your client ready to play there, becase pure and pb does not work for a public server but for competition/events is completely the way to go, so if you hadn't, most probably, you couldn't participate in any event. yes, amarantus, many people think that just because I'm not 24/7 in the server I do not care about the server or that I do nothing with the cheaters at all, that's totally false, if that were true the HiszY Server wouldn't be where they are now, you know, this is not just a coincidence, so the truth is that I'm most of the time doing things related with HiszY, of course I can not be on 24/7, but as soon as I can I do something and the cheaters/incidents report are on top of the list, they have real-time priority, is not about high or very high priority, this means, that when I recive a cheater/incident report I stop doing whatever I was doing and I start working on the issue inmediately, that's why you see me often replying something and another thing no, because I have to properly repart the time and stablish proper priorities in order to advance. yes, as I said I know that is not the perfect solution, but, well, the politic is simple if several people have a real suspect that someone is cheating and after offer him/her to go into the pure pb server for verify he denies over and over again, then he can be banned, you know, we're offering him/her the chance to prove that he is not a cheater but he is refusing, so I think that is fair. also think, that in general, if someone is good enough to be pointed as a cheater he/she should be familiar with a pure pb setup and, in fact, the opposite would be another evidence of a cheat. regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |