1. Be nice and respectful to all users of the server.
2. Do not post spam in any channel, this includes but is not limited to use of microphone, chat and soundboards.
3. Refrain from posting NSFW (not safe for work) content. If you have people's consent to share NSFW content tag it. Example: ((15:28:52) `User`:
www.notsafeforwork.nope (NSFW))
4. Do not play soundboards or music outside the soundboard and music channel. Voice changers are not authorized.
*5. General abuse directed towards any user will not be accepted. Infractions will be dealt with harshly.6. Do not switch channels quickly or repeatedly, also do not rapidly connect/disconnect.7. People who are streaming or in a meeting should not be interrupted, unless it is 'extremely important'.
8. Usernames must not be changed too often or too rapidly, and should not be offensive. Changing your username to intentionally impersonate another, or to include the name of another is not permitted.
9. Do not change avatars too often and not use avatars or usernames that are NSFW or offensive.
10. A staff member's word is final.
Disclaimer: These rules are up to interpretation by all staff members. e not NSFW or Offensive.