build | 3361 |
fs_game | mods/mp_demonmod_2 |
gamename | Call of Duty 4 |
g_compassShowEnemies | 0 |
g_mapStartTime | Fri Aug 09 10:12:13 2024 |
protocol | 6 |
shortversion | 1.7a |
sv_disableClientConsole | 0 |
sv_floodProtect | 1 |
sv_maxPing | 350 |
sv_maxRate | 25000 |
sv_minPing | 0 |
sv_privateClients | 0 |
sv_pure | 1 |
sv_voice | 1 |
Type | 1 |
Uptime | 10 hours |
version | CoD4 X 1.7a win_mingw-x86-custom_debug build 3361 Feb 20 2016 |
_CoD4XCreator | Ninjaman, TheKelm @ |
_LOCATION | United Kingdom |
_Maps | Stock and Custom |
_Mod | DemonMod |
_ModVer | v3.0 |