Admin | Fubar, Frogg, Pho2, Thor |
Anticheat | ^3E+ ACS Level 4 |
AntiWallhack | ^3E+ AWH Level 2 |
bot_minplayers | 7 |
capturelimit | 0 |
Clanname | ^3*^7E^3L^7I^3T^7E^3'^7Z^3* | | |
fraglimit | 100 |
g_blueTeam | ^o^3E^7R^3A^4-^3F^7o^3E ^4BLUE |
g_gametype | 0 |
g_redTeam | ^o^3*^7E^3L^7I^3T^7E^3'^7Z^3* ^1RED |
Hours | ^324/7 |
Info | aG3 3 3 US 2 GB-SCT 2 2 2 2 BB 2 2 .? 5F .: aG aG aG aG ._ aG aG |
Location | ^3London UK, Europa |
Motto | ^3Beat the Best to be the Best |
protocol | 68 |
roundlimit | 0 |
sv_allowDownload | 1 |
sv_maxRate | 25000 |
sv_pure | 0 |
timelimit | 20 |
Uptime | 22:31:34 |
version | Q3 1.32c linux-i386 May 8 2006 |
Website | ^ |
xp_date | Jun 20 2014 |
xp_version | 2.3 r4e09f.cfg 0180876beed7f50b5cad3db2e5a5c2de r4e09f.cfg |