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Rank | Name | Score | Time Played |
1. | Flare | 64 | 6:06:01 |
2. | DerpTonic | 55 | 5:54:14 |
3. | Antimatter Mist | 48 | 1d 6:14:43 |
4. | Chawhead | 46 | 4:18:46 |
5. | Gamingcarrot | 36 | 1d 6:16:56 |
6. | JohnFkennedygaming_1325160224351 | 32 | 58:11 |
7. | Rob Banks | 24 | 6:06:01 |
7. | FL0PY | 24 | 12:05:42 |
9. | V8 | 8 | 9:11:48 |
10. | Melvin Michaels | 7 | 2:17:16 |
11. | Toleration | 5 | 13:39:51 |
11. | Randale | 5 | 15:11 |
13. | Marc Anthony | 3 | 5:12:58 |
13. | TheLameInkFox | 3 | 10:29:32 |
15. | Zesty | 2 | 2:54:21 |
15. | wolfkingdarious | 2 | 39:08 |
17. | Fronky | 1 | 54:14 |
18. | Falloutfan769 | 0 | 21:12 |
18. | epicenter | 0 | 5:35:04 |
18. | Divine | 0 | 4:43:22 |
18. | tyreecestephen6 | 0 | 33:12 |
18. | Jofish | 0 | 56:13 |
18. | 0 | 27:18 | |
18. | ChicanoNasty | 0 | 15:11 |
18. | Logan | 0 | 1:29:13 |
18. | Lil Osiris | 0 | 12:08:44 |
18. | Razz | 0 | 25:14 |
18. | Kyro | 0 | 1:41:53 |
18. | Dante | 0 | 11:10 |
18. | | 0 | 3:08:10 |
31. | Drippin So Pretty Fan #1 | -1 | 14:12:26 |
31. | Omega | -1 | 11:12:09 |
31. | Chav Man Tim | -1 | 2:25:16 |
31. | Wrath | -1 | 1:45:56 |
31. | V7Echoz | -1 | 6:54:09 |
31. | (1)Toleration | -1 | 10:53:35 |
37. | Courage | -2 | 7:42:32 |
37. | a43548347 | -2 | 1d 2:06:56 |
37. | Yekoms | -2 | 7:25:00 |
37. | NotReverend | -2 | 1d 2:16:06 |
37. | i have nipples | -2 | 1d 6:02:00 |
37. | TAAASSSMANIA | -2 | 6:36:54 |
43. | minecraftlegend103 | -3 | 1d 2:04:58 |
43. | Lust | -3 | 7:42:32 |
43. | NOT TAAASSS | -3 | 6:44:36 |
43. | interimflyingfish55298 | -3 | 4:29:25 |
43. | 9rtcdxtd | -3 | 1d 2:08:55 |
43. | alta09437 | -3 | 1d 2:08:55 |
43. | alta61497 | -3 | 1d 2:08:55 |
50. | TheTaxibleLine | -4 | 6:32:53 |
51. | cp07gt5j | -6 | 1d 2:08:55 |
51. | Greed | -6 | 7:40:00 |
53. | J B R | -9 | 23:13 |
This server's player stats are not tracked. To track player stats, please claim this server. |