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Rank | Name | Score | Time Played |
1. | female power fantasy | 89 | 3:01:57 |
2. | Vlysses | 51 | 2:09:32 |
3. | nicolasisverycool | 22 | 51:01 |
4. | Cj bombado pelado | 16 | 1:02:57 |
5. | GingerBeard | 15 | 51:01 |
6. | W3L_DEMOMAIN | 13 | 47:59 |
7. | gil.gus24 | 12 | 45:02 |
7. | JIMMY JANGLE | 12 | 45:02 |
9. | CiriorBlast | 4 | 47:59 |
10. | Arvono | 0 | 31:06 |
10. | possessed and depressed | 0 | 31:06 |
10. | Chillzy Dillzy | 0 | 31:06 |
10. | Futurer | 0 | 31:06 |
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