Gm | Player | Server Name | Total Score | Total Mins | Last Seen▲ |
Hannibal | 4GF.CZ #53 | WAR/DOM/CONF/CTF/CH/GG | HC | Cracked | 1920 | 227 | Jan 12, 2015 | |
Hannibal | The Apostles of Midway | 345 | 1652 | May 14, 2014 | |
Hannibal | :ODS: - Old Dudes and Dudettes | DOD v1.3 | FF | **SERVER 1** | 1401 | 608 | Mar 21, 2013 | |
Hannibal | 4GF.CZ #33 | S&D | Normal | PromodLive | Intel | 661 | 195 | Sep 04, 2012 | |
Hannibal | [iSPER dust2]-#2 {by saus} | 768 | 1244 | Dec 10, 2011 | |
Gm | Player | Server Name | Total Score | Total Mins | Last Seen▲ |