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unreal window 10
Jul 30, 2015 6:33 AM
Joined: Dec 07, 2008
Posts: 1
I just spent about 10 window ... impossible to launch unreal 2004


What should I do? thank you .
ps: I just put W8.1
Jan 17, 2016 9:07 AM
Joined: Oct 31, 2007
Posts: 57
Try Comparability Mode.
Trance, it's more than music, it's a state of mind.
Jan 30, 2016 8:13 AM
Joined: Jun 18, 2008
Posts: 24
I've listed various solutions here.
May 23, 2016 11:37 AM
Joined: Dec 16, 2010
Posts: 2
Its same with UNREAL 2003, 2004 and WIN 10
Look for config file in UNREAL xxxx folder. Change where is "Mouse lag" from TRUE to FALSE, and then all Ok.
Important, dont change this adjustment at propeties game, because this undo adjusment and must to change again "inside" file.
QUEMEITOR: fond of good beer, some cookies, and shoot
several times my friends from TEUTONICA .
Thanks Boromir by server .
Regards to my friends from TEUTONICA . Better moments playing there.
I'm very thin, I have grandchildren and I enjoy hunting ....., hunting you naturally jejejeje :-)
Now, I´m 115 years old . When I was young, I was fighting in 1914 Iª WWW; Now its III World WAR World .
May 23, 2016 11:39 AM
Joined: Dec 16, 2010
Posts: 2
Error D3DERR_DEVICELOST happen always in full screen mode.
SOLUTIONS (Only 2), and I paste it in TEUTONICA SERVER in Gametracker:

Hi guys. If tou update to Win 10, no possible playing, D3DERR_DEVICELOST.
Solution (better): UT2003.INI and
change MouseLag from True to FALSE, and all Ok again.
Other Solution (worst): Playing in OPENGL mode, for it, remove ";" from: [Engine.Engine]:
RenderDevice=OpenGLDrv.OpenGLRenderDevice, and remove ";" from RenderDevice=D3DDrv.D3DRenderDevice.
QUEMEITOR: fond of good beer, some cookies, and shoot
several times my friends from TEUTONICA .
Thanks Boromir by server .
Regards to my friends from TEUTONICA . Better moments playing there.
I'm very thin, I have grandchildren and I enjoy hunting ....., hunting you naturally jejejeje :-)
Now, I´m 115 years old . When I was young, I was fighting in 1914 Iª WWW; Now its III World WAR World .
May 31, 2016 7:12 PM
Joined: Jan 24, 2010
Posts: 89
Last edited by: maximieren May 31, 2016 7:53 PM