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Nali Weapons 3
Jun 26, 2011 7:02 AM
Joined: Jun 26, 2011
Posts: 5
Nali Weapons 3 is a new weapon pack for Unreal Tournament and is currently in development.

There's no release date scheduled yet, but I will try to release it by September at max.

For now, I can only provide some media: 2 YouTube video previews and some images:

PREVIEW 2 (includes nuke):


Unreal Tournament
Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes nuclear explosion):
Jul 07, 2011 10:44 AM
Joined: Mar 20, 2010
Posts: 11
Hi feralidragon.
Thanks for working on NW3.
Feb 04, 2012 12:09 PM
Joined: May 27, 2011
Posts: 4
given all the time you've invested in this, all the teasers you have posted all over the community, it makes me wonder why? we both know this will never be released? come on man, it's JUST a weapon pack, players doesn't care one bit about all your little tiny details, just wrap it up and release it while the game still has a few players left will you?
Feb 04, 2012 4:18 PM
Joined: Jun 26, 2011
Posts: 5
I just noticed a notification in my email relative a new post here, and this is what I see... honestly I didn't even know if I should reply to that since you're obviously a troll or have a bad case of "haters are gonna hate" which is actually a good thing for this pack, but will do so anyway.

1. It will be released, very soon actually.
Look, progress:

2. This Sr, unlike 90% of the mods out there, is a huge load of true "custom content" (sound editing, 3D models, 3D animation, sprites, skins, effects, coding, etc...) that I am making alone from thin air in my FREE TIME (which I don't have much), so they take their time to finish.

Here's some stats for you, relative the Cybot Launcher ONLY:
- 140 NEW classes of code
- 94 NEW fx sprites
- 73 NEW 3D models, which around 40 of them are animated
- 35 sounds (some of them taken directly from some Unreal series games, but most of them were edited and modified to sound like something else)
- around 40 more files relative other stuff (skins, hud elements, etc...)

Again, this is the Cybot Launcher ONLY, and it represents a tiny part of the full mod. Most weapon packs do not have half of this as a whole. So as you may guess it's not exactly easy to do.

I must also perhaps remind you or let you know that generally mods of this complexity demand one guy for coding, another guy for models, another for skins, another for sounds, another for HUD and sprites, etc... and I am doing all of them myself and alone, and it's not an easy job, it's not just "wrapping it up and release".

3. It's all those tiny details that make the pack interesting for what it seems a good amount of people so far.
Plus, aren't exactly "tiny details" that are keeping the pack from being released, there are 2 weapons to finish and a couple more things to add and fix.

So in resume: I will release it whenever I see proper, which is as soon as I possibly CAN, and not when you decide to, it's MY mod after all, isn't it? From there either you like it and wait a bit, or don't, your call.

As for "few players", I did my homework, there is still a good amount of them actually.

And as a last ending note: since it's "JUST a weapon pack" and you made it sound so easy to pull off, I would kindly ask you to do the same or better yourself and show me how easy it is to make and release, then we will be in the same step as for what I should do with my pack or not, until then, it's everything as I stated above.

Have a nice day
Unreal Tournament
Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes nuclear explosion):
Feb 06, 2012 12:15 AM
Joined: May 27, 2011
Posts: 4
you got me all wrong. You see, I am looking to recruit a new coder for a game where the gameplay is based on super weapons of mass destructions. Your name was given to me by a friend who saw this project. I was only interested in finding out if you would fit in my team or not. you failed. I do know how to develope a game, and you make it sound so hard to do. The Unreal engine is a good playground to learn how to walk, but it's nowhere near the challenges of todays development in the gaming industy. You can go into polictics and debate with all your arguments, in the end, you are JUST making a weapon pack. I am sorry to be the one telling you this, but considder it a wake up call if you are planning to use your work as a showcase for a future work relation, people like me, who is resposible for putting together a team, must ensure that the team will function and deliver results in a very efficient way. You have a little attitude problem, it will not benefit you in a team work scenario. Work with that, you have the talent, just learn to produce your code faster.

About the player base of Unreal Tournament, I was refering to it as the base of players wanting to use your mod. The top ranking servers (those with the most players) are Tactical Ops or BunnyTrack servers, these servers will not run your mod. The other servers with many players are clan servers with very custom setups, I doubt your mod will make them change their server setup. So when you do your homework, please take the right numbers into account.

I am here incognito for obvious reasons, but if I wanted I could pick up your challenge and show you things I've done, but I'm not as competative as you. If you think you are making the best mod ever, then that's your opinion, and you are entitled to such opinion ofcause. However, I do expect you to grant me the same privelegde instead of calling me a troll. You may rank high in this community, but if someone from the outside stumbles upon this thread, it may very well be you who looks to be the forum troll. I hope you don't get too offended by my comments, but instead use it to turn your eyes at yourself, to see what others see, I think that's all you need to do to advance your developing skills.
Feb 06, 2012 8:59 AM
Joined: Jun 26, 2011
Posts: 5
I don't know if I should either laugh or take you seriously.

1. Top UT server: uK Siege, not BT or TO, get your facts straight, plus TO is NOT UT, although it's listed as such. Plus, I am intending to do a new version of the gametype later (the siege one), it's not like I am going to finish this mod and end here, I will do more stuff of course.

2. I don't need a "job" in a team, so don't come with that talk like if it was a privilege for me to enter your team and that I just wasted the opportunity. I develop because I LIKE to develop, either you like me or not.

3. Programming and team-work is what I do for a living actually for quite some time, and the project I'm in is getting more and more popular. If I was that bad, I wouldn't have a job where I am right now and that would reflect in the project itself, you lead teams as you say so you know this is true. Plus, my "expertise" is not game development, far from that, is web development (and even so I don't consider myself an expert yet at it), game development is just a hobby, I don't intend to enter the industry specially since I know how stressful it can be, nowadays is better to just develop an Indie and see where it goes, but I intend to keep evolving in game developing nonetheless.

4. I am well aware that many people (either including you or not) are better than me, I don't think for a second that I am better than anyone else.
However, when someone comes full of sh*t like you saying that I am "just developing a weapon pack" and that "we both know this won't be released" and such, when you don't know absolutely anything else about it (specially features UT never had to begin with and which due to the EXTREME limitation of this engine they aren't that easy to pull off), I cannot let the rest of the community think the same and think that perhaps I am just being lazy, because I am not and this is hardwork.
Rumors start that way and destroy entire projects, and I won't let anyone take quick conclusions in a way that non-developers will be biased on.

I had to deal with many trolls so far, and you talked EXACTLY like one, you were no different from them from my perspective.
You were all but respectful towards me, and you expect me to be "nice" towards you? Then you come with that talk, so you got what you asked for, and that just shows how arrogant you are and I wouldn't want to join a team led by you in a million years with that attitude of yours either. I already got into some teams, with bad and good leaders, one of them was actually a teacher of mine and he thought me a lot relative project management, and he doesn't talk down to others to "test them", he sees actual work.
Perhaps I would be "successful" if I was submissive and let you talk BS so you could know if I was "easy" to manipulate, sorry, but no.

I didn't born skilled at doing anything I do, so I have to make an effort for things to be reasonably good at the end, and I don't want to rush the release otherwise that would be a death sentence of all the work I had (if you actually did anything and released, you know this is true, there's an entire history of this sort of thing), like it happened with many mods AND games I have seen.

Please show what you have done instead of just talking and hiding, grow some balls and reveal who you really are, either you're telling the truth or BS me. I can also alias and come with BS against anyone like you're doing right now out of thin air, I am not that stupid.

And even if you have made great stuff, it doesn't change the fact you came to me like if joining your team would be the best thing I would ever do in my life. But guess what, I won't lick your shoes either you're a development god or someone who just happened to beta test super mario.
I am not competitive, it's just many people talk their asses off and think things are easy, until they're faced with "then do one yourself".

5. My time to do anything UT related are a couple of hours every WEEKEND. If I had all the time in the world I would have the entire pack done + all the extras in less than 3 months, and moved on to dozens of other BIGGER projects (including in new engines and total new games). I am not in school anymore so I have to work to survive, and that takes a lot of my time.
Plus if you have all the time in the world to develop, well I don't and I have a RL, this is not my job and it takes a lot of my FREE time I could have be using for something else.

So don't come with that talk like if I own something to you or anyone else, because I don't, this is one of the beauties of doing a free open-source project.
You're free to criticize it, review it or give your opinion and I will certainly listen carefully and think seriously on it, like I have been doing since ever (and which the community knows this is true), however don't come like if you were a big shot and step on me just because you think you can.

6. Obviously, anyone developing to a new game will certainly develop much better things than this old game any day. Why?
a) - Code: UT lacks many things which are a must-have in nowadays games, and there's no support nor a proper IDE for it.
b) - Models: In UT you either go with 3DS or MilkShape. If you want to animate, MilkShape, if not, 3DS. I use MilkShape to make all my models, and it doesn't have almost anything to work with: boolean tools? No. Layers? No. UV mapping? Very poor. Etc..
In the actual industry you either use Blender, 3DS, Maya, Lightwave, etc, and all those have all the features MS3d doesn't have. If I want to make a hole in a 3D object in MS3D, I have to redo almost the entire thing poly by poly, it's just too frustrating and inflexible, but it's the only thing I have to work properly. Have you that patience?
UT has also a really low poly limit and the UVs don't work right, so I get limited by this.
c) - Skins/materials: In UT you don't have any sort of materials concept. At max, you can pan textures with Ice textures. Everything else you have to use your imagination to mimic some nowadays features.
d) - Online bandwidth: In UT you have to greatly optimize and understand things, otherwise 1kb of extra replicated data may lag or even crash a server.
e) - Mapping: UT=BSP hell, nowadays games=static meshes soup and lots Mb worth of different textures.

Besides, do you really want to see how easy is to make something look good nowadays? Make the same graphics as 5 years ago and add glowing lights and tons of psychedelic post processing effects: done.
Want to make a successful fps? Make a clone from CS or MW3 and done. Yeah, the industry nowadays is really demanding...

You say that UT is a good playground to start? Compared with nowadays engines, you cannot do almost a thing with it, UNLESS you start to build up native C++ features for it, but then unless you make some sort of installer, it won't work in servers, to not say people generally don't trust custom dlls in their system.

Developing to nowadays games is much easier, because things are more stable, you have many more features (specially visually), bigger communities, better support and the only limit is your imagination, while in UT you get chained with its own engine limitations.
One of my colleagues develops stuff for Android (Java), and his limitations are even bigger than mine. He had to spend a couple of months studying the actual Android source code so he could greatly optimize his code and build something he would be proud of, before he actually started to build anything. Nowadays he rebuilt the same app he did before and thanks to that is 15x faster and takes 10x less memory, and he's a great coder btw.
Was he slow? No, he just wanted to do things properly, and so do I, either people get it or not. In the nowadays games industry, most people just don't care if they occupy 5Mb or 1Gb of RAM with their games, nor they care about filesize anymore since people have 1Tb HDDs nowadays and as long they run good, the concept of optimization was lost. One of the only engines that still makes a great effort in optimizing the code is UnrealEngine, if you go to CryEngine that thing is so heavy that hurts, and does pretty much the same as UEngine, the same with the Rockstar engine (the one from GTA) which is the worse one I ever saw.

And in a last note: again, I intend to release this mod, and if you look into it by then you will see that it will come with a lot more than just a couple of weapons, it has material and flexibility to develop other mods using the core I will provide with some "engine fixes" of my own (not exactly "fixes", but workarounds to make stuff work despite what was thought to be "impossible" in this engine).
For instance I will use my new "core" from this mod to develop other new mods, so I must guarantee that it's stable until public release.
With this pack I had to code and ensure everything works in the following fields: visuals, sounds, gameplay, performance, online support, AI, HUD, user interface, low filesize, low memory usage, flexibility, easy to use, documentation, stability, etc.... not that different from an entire game, is it?
Of course, a weapon pack is not an entire game, but I had to touch all those fields with this one, so "development wise" is not that different.

As of now, I still think you're just a troll and believe me when I say that is not the first time people like you try to troll me the same way you are and they end up being exactly that.

Don't feed the trolls they say, I think I will follow that advice from now on, I ended up wasting time with you.
Unreal Tournament
Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes nuclear explosion):
Feb 06, 2012 4:22 PM
Joined: May 27, 2011
Posts: 4
"Top UT server: uK Siege, not BT or TO, get your facts straight"

and your weapons will suit siege gamestyle, i don't think so? man, I must admit that I didn't read anymore than those first lines, the rest is something you proberly posted to make me look bad? It's ok, I can live with that.

like you said, no need to feed the troll I'll stop too!

oh, and please stop sending your friends snooping arround, do it yourself please, it seems more adult that way.
Feb 06, 2012 5:11 PM
Joined: Jun 26, 2011
Posts: 5
fumleged wrote:
and your weapons will suit siege gamestyle, i don't think so?

They're not directly intended for Siege, although yes, actually they fit as buy-able weapons (not as replaces of course).

fumleged wrote:
oh, and please stop sending your friends snooping arround, do it yourself please, it seems more adult that way.

Funny you say that, and the ironic use of the "Adult" word, when you cowardly troll me behind an alias and lied to everyone in the whole damn community in a way that if was brought to public you would be seen as the most disgusting guy ever stepping in, and despite everything you said and did with me in the past out of frustration, anger and other whatever reasons, I let it be since you could bring something good to the community, but for some reason you always choose me as your ultimate target for this sort of thing and I still wonder why, and I still give the chit-chat to you.

You sir, are a utter complete waste of my time, and I feel sad that such smart guy ends up always being this way towards the others cheating them and then calling them as "friends", to back stab them every single time.

Guess what, I know very damn well who you are since your first post here (started with a strong suspicion, then confirmed through a small google search).

Unreal Tournament
Nali Weapons 3 - Preview 2 (includes nuclear explosion):
Feb 07, 2012 11:47 AM
Joined: May 27, 2011
Posts: 4
rofl, don't get too upset, but I got the result from this that I wanted. It actually feels good to use someone to obtain knowledge for a change, instead of constantly beeing abused. I know it doesn't make sence to you, but please don't take it personaly, I just needed to find out who put the knife in my back, answer recieved, thank you! I know see who was responsible for what, and that I've focused in the wrong direction. I found my peace.

oh, btw. Only fools use google to obtain the truth, google is a robot only indexing stuff people type and broadcast on the interweb. It takes a human brain to draw your own conclusion, yes I've lied some times for reasons you will never get to know, but that doesn't make all the stuff people say about me the truth! Anyway, I care little ... ahh that's a lie damn ... I care NOTHING about what people write about me.

Good luck with your project for what it's worth, it looks fantastic to me, even it beeing "just" a weapon mod

oh, and you got the back stabbing part wrong, people always found a way to trigger me leaving once I've produced what they wanted me to produce. So if that's backstabbing, it's a strange kind imo.
Feb 07, 2012 12:25 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Topic locked. Please go to your own websites to argue.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.