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Racist/Bias server against Veterans?
Jun 23, 2017 8:44 AM
Joined: Jun 21, 2017
Posts: 2
Racist/ Bias server on Counter-strike?

I joined one of the COF servers a few days ago and began playing. Server seemed good and fair. I then notice my name had been changed after a few minutes. Upon changing it back I was kicked from the server.

I rejoined and asked why I was kicked and was met with a slur of racial and bias comments based on my name as they thought I was not white. I explained I'm a white american veteran of the iraq war however that only enraged the admin more claiming I was lying and claiming their hatred towards veterans. I popped on mic so they could hear but perhaps they didn't listen? They kept changing my name to offensive racial names and when I finally changed it back I was kicked and banned.

If you want to have fun on Counter-strike DO NOT PLAY IN ANY OF THE COF SERVERS. There were multiple admins that joined in on the stupidity and I have since reached out to Steam with screenshots of the comments so Steam can react accordingly.

I know the server cannot be pulled but if people refuse to play on it that hopefully will show them that intolerance in 2017 won't be taken lightly especially when dealing with admin abuse.
Jun 23, 2017 9:54 AM
Joined: Oct 13, 2013
Posts: 136
Hello osamabinrotten , there is a thousands of cs Servers you can shoose
one that free from racism , or you can Join my Server because no racism there , i have players from palestine , Algeria , Romania , venezuela , serbia , tunisia , pakistan , kasakistan , Moroco , russia , colombia and others.