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Apr 20, 2014 2:55 PM
Joined: Apr 14, 2014
Posts: 24
jitus63 wrote:
for introduction I propose:

Hello, to may 31, gamespy will close it's services, many games risk of loosing their multiplayer and this is the case for crysis 2, a beautiful game that has just three years.
Crytek decided to not find a solution , and close the multiplayer, pathetic!
This is unacceptable , so we start a petition. I ask you all, even if you do not know the game, or you don't like it, take 30 seconds of your time to put a small signature, it will cost you nothing

just correct my English maybe...

correction done, I think it still doesn't sound as written by a native english speaker. But it should have no mistakes
Apr 20, 2014 5:35 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
Posts: 16
Ok thank you

All, move you!!! share this petition all internet, contact the youtube, gogogo!!
if we do not want to lose crysis 2 MP
Apr 25, 2014 5:08 AM
Joined: Apr 14, 2014
Posts: 24
Hi everybody, so I see the petition is gooing very slowly.
Ask yourself is it postet on blogs and forums of your country?

Feel also free to tell me what do you think, fortunously the other petition is gooing better. This one is translated and you can really use it in many countries just tell pp to scroll down for the translation.

Today I contacted crytek at their number:
I asked to leave a message to the CEO, don't know if it will be delivered.

They told me that for every feedback we must write to

Or go to customersupport of ea:
EA -- Contact Us:
Before a contact method becomes available you'll need to provide the following information:

Apr 25, 2014 1:11 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
Posts: 16
Hi all,
qiplayer ,

Sorry, I was not the this week. tonight, I share the petition on more site french, and tomorrow I write again at crytek, and at your mail adress,

we need to move all!!! the petition going very very slowly....
Apr 29, 2014 4:37 PM
Joined: Apr 14, 2014
Posts: 24
Hi everibody, I wrote a mail to

I of course asked to keep the game as it is, as the whole community loves it. But I also said that the community will search a way to play this game free-to-play. Or that we will search another company that releases the multiplayer with same engine,maps and so on. I also sayd that If they don't continue it, they loose the right on copyright.
Lets see if and what they will answer.

Of course the best and easyest solution would be crytek keeping it. But the idea to find a softwarehouse to make a title to be released on steam and origin, with the multiplayer of crysis2 and crysis wars with ANTI-CHEAT. Sounds quite good. And cud also bring some cash. I already see an extra map pack of a dozen maps coming....

What do you think?

Here is the whole mail in german: I write it here as I talk also for all players:

Guten Tag, ich bin ein Crysis2 spieler, habe mit benützernamen qiplayer und N7N0V1S10N im ganzen 1450 stunden gezokt.

Sie sagten dass Sie das spiel schliessen möchten, der ganze Crysis2 community tuht es sehr leid. Es gibt wenige Spiele wo so gut balanziert sind wie Crysis2. C2 ist ein spiel wo man jede 100 stunden erfahrung ein neues niveau erreicht, der gewinn ist sehr skill abhängig.
Die farben den spieler im standardmodus, machen diese auch von distanz erkennbar. Dasswegen ist Crysis2 ein bisschen arcade, an eim perfekten niveau.

Wir möchten sehr sehr, sehr gerne dass Sie diesen multiplayer nicht schliessen, viele Spieler haben keine vernümpftige alternative. Ich habe 6000€ in mein gaming rig investiert und zokke nur crysis2, andere spiele machen lang nicht so spass.

Mir personlich spielt es nicht viel ob ich bezahlen muss oder was auch um Crysis2 weiter benützen zu können.
Daswegen möchte ich ihnen fragen ob Sie eine lösung finden können, und werden.

Oder ob wir community eine lösung suchen müssen. Diese würde aber bedeuten die Engine, Grafik, die Spiel dinamik in ein free-to-play kopieren.
Oder eine Softwarhouse finden wo diese für ein anderes titel übernimmt. Wenn Sie keine möglichkeit geben, können Sie aber auch nichts für die Copyright verlangen.
In jedem fall hoffe ich sehr dass Sie sich um ihre wunderschöne Kreationen kümmern. Wir lieben diese.

Betreffen das Spiel
Der grund warum Crysis spiele nicht gezokt werden wie Battlefield spiele, sind cheaters, und auch pro players wo als cheater erkennt werden. In C2 kann man reaktionsgeschwindigkeiten erreichen wo nicht als menschlich machbar erkennt sind. Für dass sind aber admins bei den server eine gute lösung.
Die polemik gibt es aber weil es keines anticheat system gibt.
Im moment gibt es zirka 8-10'000 verschiedene Crysis2 Spieler wo sich jede woche einloggen.

Die community würde sich freuen ein paar mehr wörten von ihnen auf den Foren zu hören.
Bitte geben Sie mir eine antwort innert 06.05.2014 aber kommen Sie auch regelmässig auf mycrysis Foren.
Eine offizielle bescheid an oben gefragten themen würde sehr sehr geschätzt werden. Eine positive antwort würde geliebr sein.

Mit freudliche grüsse

Jonathan Bopp

Apr 29, 2014 4:57 PM
Joined: Apr 14, 2014
Posts: 24
Forum isn't working with my ipad
Apr 30, 2014 7:24 PM
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
Posts: 16
I disagree with this: And cud also bring some cash.
it would be unacceptable to have to pay again for play the game on steam/origin
Apr 30, 2014 9:47 PM
Joined: Apr 14, 2014
Posts: 24
jitus63 wrote:
I disagree with this: And cud also bring some cash.
it would be unacceptable to have to pay again for play the game on steam/origin

If somebody finds out what are our rights about the game we payed we can claim these. Until then not.
Anyone wanna read through all the conditions that we accepted? Still I'm not sure we find out something there. Somebody knows german or european laws or in general laws, to find out if we can ask a refund?

I understand your point and agree but maybe it's the easyest way. At least we show that we care.
May 04, 2014 10:13 AM
Joined: May 04, 2014
Posts: 2
hi there i am very happy that people are fighting for this. i myself have signed the petition and i have shared and messaged big pages on facebook that are community run so they will spread the word to gamers that this is important and crysis 2 needs to be saved. after all it is only 3 years old so we need to keep it up. [img][/img][img][/img]

May 05, 2014 6:11 AM
Joined: Apr 15, 2014
Posts: 16
amd_kalebo wrote:
hi there i am very happy that people are fighting for this. i myself have signed the petition and i have shared and messaged big pages on facebook that are community run so they will spread the word to gamers that this is important and crysis 2 needs to be saved. after all it is only 3 years old so we need to keep it up. [img][/img][img][/img]

Nice, thank at you!
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