- Instant Cloud Server Deployment
Game Rank
Adress Ip
Jun 02, 2012 12:12 PM
Joined: Mar 27, 2012
Posts: 2
Hello all.
My server is currently hosted at my home, this implying that my ip address is not fixed. But with every change of address, my server statistics are lost on GameTracker. How can I fix this knowing that I can switch to fixed IP (I should pay € 18 more per month on a bill of 40 €)

Is there a solution?

Thanking you in advance.
Jun 02, 2012 12:25 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924

GameTracker does not support dynamic DNS addresses, transferring stats to a new page, or modifying the IP of a page. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Depending on the size of the server, you may be able to get it hosted professionally and have a static IP for a similar price or even less. Check out GameServers (link/banner in my sig) and see if it interests you. A 20 slot COD4 server would be approximately €18.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Last edited by: burn Jun 03, 2012 2:34 PM
Jun 03, 2012 2:25 PM
Joined: Mar 27, 2012
Posts: 2
"Depending on the size of the server, you may be able to get it hosted professionally and have a static IP for a similar price or even less. Check out GameServers (link/banner in my sig) and see if it interests you. A 20 slot COD4 server would be approximately €18."

Currently, my host cost nothing ( only electricity ^^ )

Just a question, you say that GameTracker doesn't support DYNDNS, cuz you don't want, you can't or it's planned ?

Thank's you.
Last edited by: burn Jun 03, 2012 2:34 PM
Jun 03, 2012 2:52 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Hi adrenokrom,

It is not something that is impossible, but it is something that I have not heard of any plans to do. There would need to be a good way of validating IP changes (when the domain name changes the IP it is resolved to). Such a system would be open to exploitation.

For example:

1. Whenever the IP changes, a safer way to get it tracking under the new IP would require the server owner to reclaim the server each and every time before it tracks under a new IP. If there would be no mechanism like this, servers could change IP's to any server not already on the website. Obviously this would get annoying for server owners.

If there was no moderation, you could set a domain name to resolve to a very popular server that is not currently on the website and switch it to your server IP when it gets a good rank.

2. I could set up a domain name, like (, to resolve to any IP address and add it as that, so the actual owner of that server would have to go above and beyond to get that removed.

... among a variety of issues.

There is currently no good way around the exploits that would be associated with that feature that I can think of or have heard of. If you or someone could come up with a relatively simple mechanism to prevent exploitation, it would make it more likely this type of feature could be brought to a higher priority with the development team.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Aug 03, 2012 11:28 AM
Joined: Dec 31, 2010
Posts: 1
burn wrote:
Hi adrenokrom,

It is not something that is impossible, but it is something that I have not heard of any plans to do. There would need to be a good way of validating IP changes (when the domain name changes the IP it is resolved to). Such a system would be open to exploitation.

For example:

1. Whenever the IP changes, a safer way to get it tracking under the new IP would require the server owner to reclaim the server each and every time before it tracks under a new IP. If there would be no mechanism like this, servers could change IP's to any server not already on the website. Obviously this would get annoying for server owners.

If there was no moderation, you could set a domain name to resolve to a very popular server that is not currently on the website and switch it to your server IP when it gets a good rank.

2. I could set up a domain name, like (, to resolve to any IP address and add it as that, so the actual owner of that server would have to go above and beyond to get that removed.

... among a variety of issues.

There is currently no good way around the exploits that would be associated with that feature that I can think of or have heard of. If you or someone could come up with a relatively simple mechanism to prevent exploitation, it would make it more likely this type of feature could be brought to a higher priority with the development team.

This is really not such a hard mechanism to put in place. Give the Server Owner the option to change the Server IP himself, this can be added under the server manage options. Do the same verification as when you 1st register the server by asking for a change of the server name... I'm a Programmer 2... U are obviously just either damn stupid or damn lazy!!!
Aug 03, 2012 7:16 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
ridler23 wrote:
This is really not such a hard mechanism to put in place. Give the Server Owner the option to change the Server IP himself, this can be added under the server manage options. Do the same verification as when you 1st register the server by asking for a change of the server name... I'm a Programmer 2... U are obviously just either damn stupid or damn lazy!!!

Hello ridler,

There is currently no feature to do this. Unfortunately there are other tasks with higher priority. This feature will be considered among other features when planning future updates.

Also, difficulty does not determine the order features added to the site so the fact that it is not implemented has no implications on the competency of the developers. And yes, as you implied, the main thing that would need to be ironed out would be the logistics of the mechanism to do this.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Aug 08, 2012 10:33 PM
Joined: Aug 07, 2012
Posts: 1
Is about money from hosting companies here LoL
They don't need/want to support home servers (70% with dynamic Ip's) because they earn some good money from that advertisements

That why ..

Nevermind .. forget about GT for a while (~ few years )

70% are home servers (Metin, Aion, WoW, L2, CS, Q3, Q4, GTA 3, 4, Minecraft and many more home servers with dynamic IP's).

20% are small datacenters with few servers.

10% are big datacenters (SOFTLAYER, RACKSPACE, etc.) (Q3 TA CTF / Q3 InstaGib Rail Ony) Q4MAX TDM server 1.4.2 | JOIN !!
Aug 08, 2012 10:53 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924

No, it is not about advertisements. Better support regarding IP changes is on the list of things to do in the future. Unfortunately there is no time-frame at the current time.

I'd be interested in knowing how you came across these statistics. From our estimates, the ratios would be reversed... but as far as any specific numbers, I doubt anyone would have that. Also - I'm only considering games GT tracks for and servers that would be up for over a couple weeks.

In fact, I know for many games, GameServers (big datacenter hosting) has hosted over 50% of servers in the master server list.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Dec 18, 2014 2:21 PM
Joined: Dec 18, 2014
Posts: 1
!Hi, admin i just want to start a cod 4 server not for money just for fun my problem is when i am trying to add a server here it's showing gametracker cannot scane private server add public server and error something like this what i do now, and is my ip will be safe after adding my ip for server here (one more thing is this free to add any private server here )
Dec 19, 2014 6:16 AM
Joined: Sep 30, 2012
Posts: 62
problably your query ports are closed

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