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Forum Home > Battlefield 3 Teams, Favorite Servers, & Recruitment > PC Only ----- 75th Ranger Regiment (Recruiting PC Players)
PC Only ----- 75th Ranger Regiment (Recruiting PC Players)
Nov 27, 2012 5:32 PM
Joined: Nov 27, 2012
Posts: 4
75th Ranger Regiment is a new clan forming in the PC verson of BF3. We currently have a 34 man server on metro just search for 75th Ranger Regiment. Our website is currently being built.

Teamspeak information will be given when you join

Requirements for joining the community.

1) A working mic or Headset / Speakers
2) Know English
3) Be on Teamspeak while in the server playing
4) Have some knowledge of the game
5) Be 18+ years old
6) Post in our forums atleast twice a month to know you are active in our community. (when webpage is done)
7) Be Respectful to all players and Our Ranks.
8 ) Be able to sit back relax and have a damn good time playing! (We like fun!) Remember its just a GAME!
9) Work as a team and enjoy the military way.
10) Be able to do training missions as a team!

If you would like to join please message Locnload31 and or Towa451
Thanks for your interest in 75th Ranger Regiment!

Our Server Info:

Dec 16, 2012 3:50 PM
Joined: Nov 27, 2012
Posts: 4
Dec 24, 2012 5:31 AM
Joined: Dec 24, 2012
Posts: 1
I'll join - i'm 14 and play all playlists,