yodels2399 • PM |
Oct 27, 2012 3:52 PM
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sNs ("Soldiers Never Sleep") is still recruiting all types of recruits. Have a good ground game but don't like flying? We want you. Have no ground game but are a decent pilot and or MBT driver? We want you. sNs isn't about the stats, it's about the fun. If you play to have a good time and kick ass while doing it, we are the clan for you. sNs consists of team players only, rolling as a close-knit team on the battlefield and always playing the objective.
We have a member base of 75+ active members at the moment and still growing. No tryouts here, though potential recruits, if accepted, go through a 1-2 week probation period ( you can wear and rep the sNs tags with an R added on the end sNsR) where we get to know you and decide whether you're a good fit for the clan. Rules for joining include being 16 and over ( with some exception's ), and having a sense of humor. You must also be able to communicate effectively in the English language. We have also just recently established an Alpha and Bravo squad to actively compete in organized Clan vs Clan battles. Although most members of the clan are casual every night gamer's, there are a select few who have come together and decided to take this clan to a more competitive side. You can find us on www.fraggednation.com and search sNs (soldiers never sleep) If you think sNs would be a good fit for you and your playstyle, apply to our platoon, and when ready visit http://snsclan.enjin.com [snsclan.enjin.com] to become a recruit. NOTE: Applying to our platoon here on battlelog does not make you an official member. You must sign up on our forums to go through the recruitment process. Check us out on battlelog: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655240986757910/ [battlelog.battlefield.com] Also check out this awesome video! Shows what sNs is all about and features some of our clan doing what we do best, P.T.F.O! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ew8s-HJCzzI&feature=youtu.be [youtube.com] Thank you and good luck! Yodels2399 |
yodels2399 • PM |
Oct 29, 2012 2:30 PM
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sNs (soldiers never sleep) wants u! We are still recruiting members for PS3. We are top 20 clan as voted on the website top100 clans. Check it out! http://www.top100clans.com/
yodels2399 • PM |
Nov 07, 2012 5:46 PM
![]() Posts: 4 |
sNs (soldiers never sleep) is still recruiting members for PS3! Join now!
yodels2399 • PM |
Dec 23, 2012 10:57 AM
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sNs (soldiers never sleep) wants you! Check us out at www.snsclan.com. Join now!