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Looking for members and active admins
Oct 03, 2012 2:33 AM
Joined: Dec 20, 2010
Posts: 8

Metal Gamers has recently gone through a few transitions: new servers, new admins... and we're always looking for more people to join us for some fun. We support a number of different games and have a pretty rowdy and fun-loving bunch of guys and gals here and we always welcome more to come join us. As a community, we welcome both individuals and whole clans/teams to join us. We regularly hold tournaments and special events for the games we play as well as getting together for other special occasions, like our weekly meeting in Teamspeak during which we promote admins and get feedback from all members, poker tournaments and other things.

If you want an active, easy-going, fun adult community to frequent, visit our website (new site launching this week, hopefully) or join us in our public Teamspeak server for some fun. If you're positive and fun-loving and show your face regularly on the forums, in teamspeak, in the servers... you'll get bumped up to an admin in no time... provided that's what you want, of course.

Feel free to look up our servers here on GameTracker or visit the website to find the list there as well as our forums and other information.