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Banners not working correctly
Mar 18, 2011 8:15 AM
Joined: Feb 15, 2007
Posts: 49
I just noticed this morning that the AA3 banners are working somewhat, but the map is unknown and image blank. AA2 is doing the same.
Mar 18, 2011 11:53 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
Please consider posting in the correct forum like others have
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Mar 18, 2011 6:37 PM
Joined: Feb 15, 2007
Posts: 49
Again - Don't worry about it. If you have a more decent forum, that was so poorly made, maybe people would have a better idea where to post. You spend more time complaining and moving posts then you do resolving issues.
Mar 18, 2011 7:50 PM
Joined: Nov 13, 2008
Posts: 15
quackmajorpain wrote:
Again - Don't worry about it. If you have a more decent forum, that was so poorly made, maybe people would have a better idea where to post. You spend more time complaining and moving posts then you do resolving issues.

Soo true. I never found any helpfull information on this forum, LOW QUALIITY.
Mar 18, 2011 8:22 PM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
quackmajorpain wrote:
Again - Don't worry about it. If you have a more decent forum, that was so poorly made, maybe people would have a better idea where to post. You spend more time complaining and moving posts then you do resolving issues.

I'm not actually an admin so no I cannot do anything to fix issues. However, if you look through other posts you'll find that only few topics are actually bugs with the GT website. If you have any suggestions, however, those would be welcome.

To be honest, as a moderator, it's really a nuisance to see the same topics posted everywhere and would be especially frustrating to keep up with each individual topic. That is the reason things are moved together, and most importantly, where the developers will see it. I hope this makes sense to you and you understand where I am coming from.

@Sleziak - If you have a particular suggestion for a guide, you are more than welcome to suggest it or make a guide yourself in the community game forums. I create guides/FAQ questions when it seems like there are many people asking about it; but it's unfortunately not always possible because I am not an expert in server setup for 50+ games, or not many people ask about it.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Jun 14, 2011 10:19 PM
Joined: May 26, 2010
Posts: 8
i have a suggestion,

custom banners, enable custom banners so that we can make our own with your stats, like battletracker does only problem with battletracker is that they suck at keep up to date stats unlike gametracker. i would much rather a custom banner for gametracker than the one i have for battle tracker.