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Someone Claimed my Server within 2mins of Claiming
Apr 01, 2011 1:13 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2011
Posts: 7
Hey Admins..

This user "kilic" claimed my server within 2 mins of me setting up my claim to our server. And before I had a chance to rename it back to "Clan X Australia DOD:S +FF, +Pistols, +Medic, +HLStatsX"

This must be a breech of rules, and should be delt with ASAP, if these troller's are out there, and they are members of GameTracker, why doesn't anybody do something about it ?

Security needs to be increased to stop this kind of abuse !!


Apr 01, 2011 9:42 AM
Joined: Oct 12, 2008
Posts: 439
cx-jasper wrote:
Hey Admins..

This user "kilic" claimed my server within 2 mins of me setting up my claim to our server. And before I had a chance to rename it back to "Clan X Australia DOD:S +FF, +Pistols, +Medic, +HLStatsX"

This must be a breech of rules, and should be delt with ASAP, if these troller's are out there, and they are members of GameTracker, why doesn't anybody do something about it ?

Security needs to be increased to stop this kind of abuse !!


Simply claim server and change name fast and u done.
Former Gametracker Moderator.

- Please don't PM me since I'm retired, any PM's may go unanswered.
Last edited by: coolyou Sep 24, 2011 5:31 AM
Apr 01, 2011 11:09 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
cx-jasper wrote:
why doesn't anybody do something about it ?

Simply put... if no one lets us know, we don't know about it.

Please use the proper reporting system next time.
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.

Apr 03, 2011 1:23 AM
Joined: Mar 31, 2011
Posts: 7
Could you point me in the right direction for the "Proper Reporting System"

Apr 03, 2011 11:31 AM
Joined: Sep 27, 2006
Posts: 10924
If you visit their profile, near their avatar is "Report abuse." Click that and you will see the form
I am retired from GameTracker after 11 years and will not be responsive for support requests.