GameTracker > Forum > General Discussion > Too much fake server with undetectable bots - Instant Cloud Server Deployment
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Too much fake server with undetectable bots
Jan 15, 2019 6:39 PM
Joined: Jun 29, 2017
Posts: 8
I opened this discussion to report that there are too many false servers with undetectable bots, they are very many and it would be too long to have to report them all individually. I request a little more control in the list of servers since there are too many false. People enter these servers with complete confidence but they find that they deconfigure their game or are forced to enter these servers, there must be something they can do about it ..

The servers started at 82. are all fake with bots that are not detected

And another serious problem is the theft of server names ..

I propose an idea for GameTracker administrators, it would be that each user must register the name of their server or community and this must be approved by a GameTracker moderator, likewise, when someone wants to add a new server they must also be approved by a moderator of gametracker so that it can be check if the server is false or not, if it is false to deny the request of the user to add his server to gametracker ..

I apologize for my bad English and I appreciate your time for reading this
Jan 15, 2019 9:25 PM
Joined: Oct 24, 2011
Posts: 157
Suggesting server names names to be registered here isn't ideal unless they have a legal background, like brand names or so. And think about the amount of staff that would require to review such.

What I would suggest is to add ReCaptcha to new user sign ups and server adding pages because it's obvious that some kind of a bot is messing with the site. While the bot thing is under control, everyone can start dealing with the existing amount of fake servers.
Jan 16, 2019 7:23 PM
Joined: Jun 29, 2017
Posts: 8
I believe that they should take measures in this regard sanction these servers that force you to reconnect them, create a bad name for GameTracker and counter-strike 1.6, fewer and fewer players dare to enter a gametracker servers because of these fakes, hopefully they are a simple robot that adds them so they can be blocked by recaptcha, I think we should add a recaptcha (just in case) in the section add servers to gametracker
Last edited by: elserverchoto Jan 16, 2019 7:29 PM
Jan 16, 2019 8:20 PM
Joined: Oct 24, 2011
Posts: 157
And now I see some of the servers that I personally reported and got non-ranked are back in rank. I have noticed this happening for a short period of time in GameTracker due to a site maintenance or something in the past but this time it's longer, don't know what's going on.