dr_bot • PM |
Aug 19, 2019 10:01 PM
![]() Posts: 54 |
If you would like to appeal a ban and have your server re-ranked, please provide the following information:
Game: Name: IP: Port: Once your case has been reviewed, your post will be deleted. If your post is delete and no action is taken, your server does not meet the ranking guidelines. Before posting an appeal please ensure that you have read and understand our ranking guidelines: Ranking Guidelines Attempting to cheat the ranking system in any way will result in a ban/derank for all servers involved. Server boosting, redirects, and duplicate servers will lead to a permanent ban. Bans/deranks from bots/idle players will be lifted if the issue is corrected however, repeat offenses also lead to permanent bans. Additional information: - If you have the message on your server page: "This server has been detected to report fake or idle clients and it is not eligible to be ranked." It could have been de-ranked for ANY of the 7 reasons listed in the first link. - Spectators/Moderators still count as idle clients. - Spamming posts will result in account suspension. - For unclaimed server pages: please claim the server page before posting your request. All requests for re-ranking must be made by the registered server owner. If you are not the server owner your post will be deleted. - Music bots still count as bots. If the whole IP is deranked/banned it's permanent. You will have to request a new IP to have a ranked server. "I just rented/purchased this server and my whole IP is deranked/banned." If a whole IP is deranked/banned it's because every server on that IP was fake. There are some non-reputable game server providers that artificially boost the rank of their servers, then resell them to unsuspecting customers. If the server is rented or purchased though a game server provider and the whole IP is deranked/banned, it's likely the result of your providers actions.
Last edited by: dr_bot Dec 02, 2023 1:06 PM
lancelotgames • PM |
Jan 26, 2025 4:19 PM
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Game:Counter Strike 1.6
Name: LANCELOTgames.org | Zombie Escape #2 | RECARGADO 2025 IP: Port:27200 Hello, Gametracker team Subject: Server Derank We hope this message finds you well. The purpose of this request is to appeal the derank of our Zombie Escape server. Our server is constantly growing thanks to strategies and campaigns focused on attracting real users. These efforts have been successful in Latin America and various parts of the world. The tactics we use to attract players are transparent, and we are always willing to comply with Gametracker's rules. Our server does not use bots; it is a very active community where everyone interacts. Regarding inactive clients, as STAFF, we have several rules within our server. One of them is that staying AFK in the game, either as a spectator or player, is strictly prohibited. We even have an AFK kicker system to prevent inactive clients, and our team ensures that this rule is enforced. The derank has affected us significantly, which is why we request the restoration of our server's ranking. If you need more information, feel free to contact me. We will gladly provide it to resolve this matter. ATTE: LANCELOT CEO OF LANCELOTGAMES Contact: victordiaz49855@gmail.com |
fifat • PM |
Jan 29, 2025 1:10 PM
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Name:💜 ts3dreams.pl x 1s2k.pl | Aktualnie Online: 60/128 IP: Port: 9987 Dear GameTracker Administrators, I am reaching out to request a review of the ban on my server. My server has been listed on GameTracker since 2020 without any issues or warnings. The ban was issued due to alleged reporting of fake or idle clients, but we have never engaged in such practices. If there has been any unintentional issue, I kindly ask for clarification on what might have caused it so I can promptly correct it. I am committed to running a fair and compliant server, adhering to all GameTracker guidelines. Please reconsider this ban and, if possible, provide guidance on any necessary adjustments to meet your ranking standards. Thank you for your time, and I look forward to your response. Best regards, Fifat @ts3dreams.pl |
sikoly • PM |
Feb 01, 2025 11:13 AM
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Game: Counter Strike 1.6
Name: S I K O L Y – v3.0 IP: Port: 27115 Dear Gametracker Team, I am reaching out to request a review of my banned server and hoping for a positive response and Re-rank my server. The ban was issued due to report fake or idle clients. We are sincerely regret that this happened because the idle users excepting the 3 info users were our Admins, the Admins were online to be there and reachable if needed for the online Players. |
alissompl • PM |
Feb 03, 2025 6:39 AM
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Game: Counter Strike 1.6
Name:MasterGamesCs 4FunGirls CS 1.6 Da Depressao @MasterGamescs.net IP: Port: 27015 So let's go, the mastergames server has never been used by bots, it's a server that has been online for years, I've already reached the top 2 here on the world gametracker on the old IP, then 3 years ago I changed IP to this one now, and I was disqualified unfairly, I've never used bots on SV, SV has an automatic kick, no one stays spec for more than 30 minutes, if you've been online here on this site for years, it's very unfair for the server to be disqualified and I don't even know why. |
abdellatif • PM |
Feb 05, 2025 2:19 PM
![]() Posts: 1 |
Game: Counter Strike 1.6
Name: NewLifeZm.CsBlackDevil.Com [Zombie Plague OutStanding] IP: Port: 27015 What the hell is this? Servers that use BOTS that are not banned and other servers that do not break the rules and are banned for no reason.. Our server is old, it has been on your site for more than 10 years and in the end it is banned every time |
flex1989 • PM |
Feb 05, 2025 2:28 PM
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Voice: Teamspeak 3 Server
Name: Suchtbude.Live IP: Honestly, there are quite a few idiots on this site who report something that isn't even true in the end No, it's clear report fake or idle clients complete nonsense. Please change. |
troll12345 • PM |
Feb 08, 2025 8:10 PM
![]() Posts: 1 |
Game: Counter Strike 1.6
Name: MgharbaGaming Zombie Escape | Multi-Jumps x2 | FREE VIP IP: Port: 27036 - Hello , we were DeRanked , bcs of fake report's ( also had problem with some hacker's ). Problem been solved , New Security system ... etc Can you please , re-rank us , Thank's & have a GOOD DAY !! |
luxservice • PM |
Feb 09, 2025 9:35 AM
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Boom@Pro Cs 1.6
Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Name: Boom@Pro Cs 1.6 IP: Port 26 adjara moved to another hosting servers has a new admin. Please check the server. Anyone who violates the rules will be banned from our hosting. luxclient cs 1.6 Fastcup Automix Grup Counter-Strike 1.6 Grup Counter-Strike 1.6 Steam
Last edited by: luxservice Feb 28, 2025 10:48 AM
v4eev • PM |
Feb 11, 2025 11:11 AM
![]() Posts: 1 |
If you would like to appeal a ban and have your server re-ranked, please provide the following information:
Game: Counter Strike 1.6 Name: ARGENTINA CS DUST2 IP: Port: 27015 I appeal 'cause the following server <redacted> was also NR and now it is ranked, and that server truly abused from bots. It doesn't feel fair for our community:
Last edited by: chimaera500 Feb 11, 2025 11:30 AM