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Forum Home > General Discussion > Let's make this clear, Marcus101RR is the jerk who goes around attacking other servers.
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Jan 10, 2013 4:06 PM
Char(L)ie ℃ℌαяłḯℯ❣  - Joined: Jun 14, 2012
Posts: 169
alycedear wrote:
Seriously, why can't we just drop this?

ok we drop it like its hot

Jan 11, 2013 1:09 AM
Non-member Joined: Jan 11, 2013
Posts: 9
hi its me harper and came to fight the evil
Jan 11, 2013 1:33 AM
fifthsurvivor 5✝♓ ϟṲℝ✔ЇṼϴℝ - Joined: Jun 05, 2012
Posts: 205
alycedear wrote:
Seriously, why can't we just drop this?

That's an awesome idea. And no, I'n not being a sarcastic jerk. I'm in complete agreement with you. But good 'ol Marcus has been doing this for a long time. He isn't going to stop unless he finds something else of interest or someone beats him at his own game. He's pissed off at me because he has been successful with his web of lies and deception, but somehow his tricks don't work on me.

I have an offer for anyone that's interested. I will give you $100 in cash and buy you any 50 steam games you want, no matter how much each one costs. All you have to do, is do one simple and tiny favor for me.

Here's what you do (it's VERY easy), go to the link below and read the steam thread from the beginning all the way up to post number 8. Read it carefully and keep in mind what was said. Then after that, read post #9 (the current last post). And finally, show me WHERE in that thread did I mentioned anything about my server being attacked for Marcus to post what he wrote in post #9?

Oh, and in case Marcus edits or deletes his post, here is an archive of that thread you can download and still read what was posted.

You won't find me mentioning my server being attacked in that thread. You know why? Because Marcus posted that today to cover his ass after reading our forum here, and seeing what I said about him and exposing his lies. So now he's trying to "appear" to be the friend, that he should have been in the first place. And the part about piracy he mentions in his post, he is referring to my server being patched to allow nonstem players to connect. Which is very hypocritical of him, since he has been running nonsteam servers for years now, where as I have only been doing it for a less than a year.

Now do you see this guy is full of shit? I NEVER said I had a problem with his server (I used to play there too). What I did say, is that I have a problem with him. He thinks I'm stupid enough to fall for the same bullshit he's been feeding other people for a long time. He wants me to shut down my servers and get me banned on the steam forums and get my steam account banned as well.

I'm not making this shit up. I told you this guy is an asshole. If you want to deal with him as a friend, I'm not stopping anyone from doing so. Just for your own sake, be careful what personal information you share with this guy before you regret it.

Hey Marcus, I have been playing Left 4 Dead on PC long before I bought the game on PC (I already had the xbox360 version). What makes you think I give a shit if I get banned on Steam? They same way you can get me banned on Steam, is the same way I can get you banned as well. So how's that going to work for you? You dumb ass. I love how you post what a wonderful game L4D1 is on the Steam forums because practically everything you said about L4D being great, I agree with you. And you're comparisons with L4D2 are spot on, and you want to show people what an awesome game it is. BUT, then you go around doing stupid shit that you do in the L4D community by attacking other servers EVEN THOUGH you want Valve to fix that exploit and you want people to see what a good game it is. What the fuck are you, a confused super hero that doesn't know what side he's on? Your lies don't work on me, so just stop the bullshit man, seriously. Use that free time to make something awesome for players who like L4D instead. You say you like L4D a lot so I'm sure you can come up with something. Then, make it unique for your server and let people know about it on the forums so they can join you and see. Do that and you'll have players on a regular basis, no need to attack anyone.
Last edited by: angel_lc Jan 11, 2013 1:39 AM
Jan 11, 2013 1:49 AM
fifthsurvivor 5✝♓ ϟṲℝ✔ЇṼϴℝ - Joined: Jun 05, 2012
Posts: 205
harp3r wrote:
hi its me harper and came to fight the evil

Harper Long time man. Whacha been up to?
Jan 11, 2013 2:00 AM
gurotesque ḠṲℛϴ - Joined: Feb 03, 2012
Posts: 47
First of all, Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarper <3

Second of all, I don't want your money 5th, I mean come on XD

This whole situation is getting old and exhausting, and I can't even imagine how frustrating this must be for you, but I've come to realize that no one gives a shit. People will still visit his server (like me, and only, I repeat -only- because people I know and like visit his server) and it will be too late before they realize that something might be going on. I still don't want to accuse anyone of anything, just to protect my own mental health from upcoming drama, but the more I see him around, the more full-of-fucking-shit-with-a-cherry-on-top he looks to me. Under normal circumstances, what I say would be considered "talking behind someone's back", but I don't consider him anything near a friend, so it doesn't count in my book. I don't want to agree with Alyce, cause it's really unfair to have your server or any other server attacked (again, if it's 10000000% him), but I have a feeling all your struggling to bring him out in the open will be completely fruitless, cause in the end, people just want to play the game, they don't care about the so called hiding drama between the server owners.
Jan 11, 2013 2:02 AM
Non-member Joined: Jan 11, 2013
Posts: 9
fifthsurvivor wrote:
harp3r wrote:
hi its me harper and came to fight the evil

Harper Long time man. Whacha been up to?

yeah i know man :| i've been playing in a mexican server but can not remember his name haha and i was reading this and i think that this marcus is a big asshole ;_;
Jan 11, 2013 2:10 AM
Non-member Joined: Jan 11, 2013
Posts: 9
Jan 11, 2013 10:29 AM
fifthsurvivor 5✝♓ ϟṲℝ✔ЇṼϴℝ - Joined: Jun 05, 2012
Posts: 205
Yo Harper, yeah it happens man. Sometimes people host them from home and just take it offline for while cuz it gets expensive leaving the computer in the house running all the time. How could you not save it to your favorites bro?

Gurocita, Gurocita, Gurocita... you told me to make it clear, and I did.

You told me to post proof, and I did

So there it is, no one has to take my word for it because they can see it for themselves.

And you guys can play on any server you want, I never said otherwise and I'm not gonna feel bad about you doing so because I play on other servers as well. It is just a game, and people should be able to enjoy it if they want to play.

And Marcus despite what you have done, I forgive you because when it comes to drama, ain't nobody got time for that!
Last edited by: angel_lc Jan 11, 2013 10:53 AM
Jan 11, 2013 12:16 PM
Char(L)ie ℃ℌαяłḯℯ❣  - Joined: Jun 14, 2012
Posts: 169
okey yah i saw the banning froim steam shit taht he posted here in a diferent name O: he gaved himself as very important fart that can bann me and u blah blah and HOW SMART I AM i just deleted his post banned his ass from forum to prevent confussion asked him who he was and .... no answere,.... then he continoued the shit on different steam forums like u mentioned bro...

Basicly lets beat him! i bring the baseball bats u bring the chloroform

Jan 11, 2013 5:43 PM
fifthsurvivor 5✝♓ ϟṲℝ✔ЇṼϴℝ - Joined: Jun 05, 2012
Posts: 205
charlierosetti wrote:
okey yah i saw the banning froim steam shit taht he posted here in a diferent name O: he gaved himself as very important fart that can bann me and u blah blah and HOW SMART I AM i just deleted his post banned his ass from forum to prevent confussion asked him who he was and .... no answere,.... then he continoued the shit on different steam forums like u mentioned bro...

Basicly lets beat him! i bring the baseball bats u bring the chloroform

Not only did he bring you up before in that original Test2007 post, but now he brings you up again. Hint: kp_centi is Kurt101RR, also known as Marcus101RR (he probably thought I wouldn't notice, but he changed the Kurt101RR account name to kp_centi, just look at posts #2 and #3 where I quoted him). I told you he's not going to stop. It's a lie after a lie, after a lie after, after a lie, to cover up all his lies. He's been doing it for years.

Edit: Also In an effort to defend himself, he admitted being the one offending me -_-
Last edited by: angel_lc Jan 11, 2013 5:57 PM
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