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Forum Home > General Discussion > Israel is under atack
Israel is under atack
Jul 17, 2014 4:05 AM
|TGS|CICCIO Clan Leader - Joined: May 08, 2010
Posts: 182
I need you to tell something that maybe all ready know. I am in contact with RIP this days. I dont watch news couse im to tired of political situation in my country and i didnt get informed about hard situation in Israel. I dont wont to tell you who is right and who is wrong, just want to tell you that our friend have terrible situation. He have rocket over his head and listen siren all day. Just want to support him in this very hard situation. This is his later to me:
"Whole country covered by Gaza rocket shooting 2 weeks already.. earlier this evening iron dome destroyed a missile in the sky above our heads when we with kids went to buy a birthday present to my daughter. little one is scared to sleep alone, we hear sirene every day and run for shelter.."
Maybe you already know for this situation but i just want to share with you my worries couse I was go with similar situation 1999. when my country was bombarding by NATO and i can imagine how he feels right now.
This is some videos waht RIP was post:
Last edited by: civijev Jul 17, 2014 7:29 AM
Jul 18, 2014 6:34 AM
|TGS|Zarath Clan Leader - Joined: Oct 09, 2010
Posts: 220
Sick world.. i wish that situation will be end soon. RIP take care and we are with you in this hard time for you. If you and your family wanna some help (money, gifts) please contatc us.