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hello from Beatdown Alley IV
Aug 04, 2009 5:46 PM
uncreative_name God - Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Posts: 29
Hey guys, i finally got logged on here.

i just wanted to say hello and if you have a question or comment about the server let me know.

cya! aka usa#1 aka 2 aka a buncha names
Aug 04, 2009 7:02 PM
[S*S]boris|EC El Creador - Joined: Jun 05, 2009
Posts: 322
Hi bro,

As you know our team was born in Beatdown Alley IV. And we really love and respect your Server. I told you to become part of our team, not just as a member, instead being part of an Elite Group, like Fresh, DeathShadow, Frontschwein, etc. Or acting as a Counselor as Carnage or Grinder, both of them help us when they can and want to.

Well, the idea of our team is to accepts all people who wants to learn the game, without cheats, without hacks, and with respect to the server and other players. To form a community of great friends in your Server to have a great game experience, to find friends, to duel good players, without discrimination of any kind. And I think we are doing that.

Sometimes, bad persons enter in Beatdown Alley IV to perturbate and make joke to other people, or using hacks or vote spam, insulting, saying sexist or racist comments, and we feel in the obligation to request them to stop. The only weapon we have is the kick option, but it doesnt really work sometimes.

We really respect and love Beatdown, because it watch us born. And we wanted to ask you the possibility to help you making this Server one of the best in all aspects. Beatdown has a great acceptation in UrT community and it will keep that way. But some people or situations really produces an opposite effect.

Please uncreative, if you want visit our clan page:

Be part of the forum where are debating the creation of an elite group and a council to guide the Secret*Society. So it would be better to helping you with all the things mentioned, and to help players to become fair gamers, and responsible persons.

Super*Secret*Society Discussion:

Thanks for your time.

Bye bro, ¡¡¡Viva Beatdown!!!

PD: Lol... I didnt know you are "2"... That is the best secret on the Server.
Last edited by: topicster Aug 04, 2009 10:42 PM
Aug 05, 2009 10:11 AM
uncreative_name God - Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Posts: 29
Thanks Boris, I don't really do clans anymore but i appreciate the offer. If I ever did it would be to do competitions and tourneys as i did in the old days. But, my work and family comes before gaming and I never know when I am going to be on, it just happens randomly.

whenever time permits, i plan on throwing up a beatdown alley site. We had an old one but it went away, with beatdown alley III (a quake 1 mod server that was so damn fun you wouldn't believe)

much respect
Aug 05, 2009 10:24 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 06, 2009
Posts: 163
yo uncreative, just wanna know,

you are serv all the time?
you are the one that I've been talking
the one i called serv?

Aug 05, 2009 5:00 PM
uncreative_name God - Joined: Aug 21, 2008
Posts: 29
i don't know gunny, i never pay attention to you.
Aug 05, 2009 5:14 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 06, 2009
Posts: 163
haha, why is that?

a looney whos talking to a server admin.. how can you not pay any attention