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Forum Home > Super*Secret*Society > TAG Competition !!!
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Sep 22, 2009 12:10 PM
[S*S]Royal|MX God - Joined: Jul 16, 2009
Posts: 126
TY !!

frozen6 wrote:
For men who have a macintosh the "|" is shift + alt + L
Sep 22, 2009 3:35 PM
[S*S]boris|EC El Creador - Joined: Jun 05, 2009
Posts: 322
gunny_v wrote:
As I told you, I will NOT change my name.
Thank you for listening.

timbo277 wrote:
i will have the old,like gunny, these one: [S*S]-NAME(COUNTRY)

Hi both,

Guys, we are a clan, we are a team. We are a united group who is together. We have to use the same tag and nickname format because it represents us. We cant be separate. I opened the elections it is true, and if the results would be not to change, I didnt change it, but the fact is: the result is to improve. I am not asking to change the clan name or something like that. It is just to erase a hyphen and fix the parenthesis. The clan chosen that, I know not all supported the idea, but I know also majority did that, and wanted a change. It is the official clan nickname format and any use of another format is like using the tag in a player nickname which is not allowed. It is like using the tag without be in the clan basically: Because the clan use [S*S]Nickname|COUNTRY .

From [S*S] Server Rules:
6. Any use of the [S*S] tag in your name without being a clan member will result in a kick or even in a ban.

And the clan members should use the format [S*S]Nickname|COUNTRY, by their own chose.

Please change it, or apply the rule 5. I am not overtaking the situation, but please lets forget those caprices and be a united team .

Last edited by: topicster Sep 22, 2009 9:18 PM
Sep 22, 2009 4:20 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 06, 2009
Posts: 163
Reply is as I mentioned in the private message.
Sep 22, 2009 4:55 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 16
Pero no estamos cambiando nada!!! Solamente quitamos el - y las comillas () por el |. Si cambiamos que sea notorio. Es mi opinion. Además, las dos alternativas nuevas quedaron empate, así q hay q volver a votar para ver q tag queda definitavemente.

Y estoy de acuerdo con Boris en q todos debemos asumir el nuevo tag -cualquiera q este sea- (gunny brother debes aceptarlo).
Last edited by: ericfochoa Sep 22, 2009 5:24 PM
Sep 22, 2009 9:04 PM
[S*S]BSmooth|US God - Joined: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 35
I am not one to have comfrontations or fights. I like when everyone can get along. But as it was done democratically , the name has changed.

I understand Gunny that you don't want your stats to be messed up or you just like the old way, but we are a "CLAN" or "group" of people. Boris is also El Creator.

You names should be changed. And by reading the clan rules and policies, if your name is not what the official clan name, then I guess you're not in the clan.

Boris didn't force this. He called a vote. And the vote in the majority was to change it. I hope I'm not being taken as I'm being a pain or as being confrontational , but this IS THE NEW CLAN TAG. It's really not a big deal brothers, just a very small formating change.


Yo no soy de tener comfrontations o peleas. Me gusta cuando todo el mundo pueda seguir adelante. Pero como se ha hecho democráticamente, el nombre ha cambiado.

Entiendo Gunny que usted no quiere que sus estadísticas de ser desordenado o simplemente te gusta la manera antigua, pero somos un "clan" o "grupo" de personas. Boris también es El Creador.

Usted nombres deben ser cambiados. Y en la lectura de las normas del clan y de las políticas, si su nombre no es lo que el nombre de clan oficial, entonces creo que no está en el clan.

Boris no obligaba a ello. Llamó a un voto. Y la votación en la mayoría iba a cambiar. Espero que no estoy siendo tomado como que estoy siendo un dolor o como la confrontación, pero esta es la nueva etiqueta CLAN. Es realmente un gran problema hermanos, sólo un cambio de formateo muy pequeño.
Last edited by: bsmooth Sep 22, 2009 9:04 PM
Sep 22, 2009 11:41 PM
[S*S]boris|EC El Creador - Joined: Jun 05, 2009
Posts: 322
gunny_v wrote:
Reply is as I mentioned in the private message.

Private Message:


I will reply to this with only 1 sentence:

I am not going to change the Tag, I do not see it as an improvement but a disgrace to S*S and if not changing is not accepted by you than I will be gone.



It is not like asking you to make a common suicide, it is erasing a hyphen and replacing the ()...

[S*S]Gunny_V|NL <--- It looks great.

And a team is a team of all. And as BSmooth said:
..."Your names should be changed. And by reading the clan rules and policies, if your name is not what the official clan name, then I guess you're not in the clan".

cya later,
Sep 23, 2009 1:59 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 06, 2009
Posts: 163
I thought we made a council to fix these problems, not make a fcking vote about it where all can vote?

This is all too unorganized.
Sep 23, 2009 10:25 AM
[S*S]BSmooth|US God - Joined: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 35
please guys , don't leave. There has to be some peacefull way of working this out. I'd hate to see [S*S] get all broken up over a "-" and "()" coming out of a name.



chicos por favor, no lo deje. Tiene que haber alguna manera tranquila de trabajar esto. No me gustaría ver [S * S] obtener todo roto por un "-" y "()" que sale de un nombre.

Por favor, reconsiderar
Sep 23, 2009 4:11 PM
Non-member Joined: Jun 02, 2009
Posts: 16
completamente de acuerdo con bsmooth y boris, fue una desicion del clan y tiene, por tanto, q ser cumplida. Y el q hayan llamado a votación a todo el clan y no solo al Consejo demuestra q este clan es democratico y participativo y no de imposición. Vamos muchachos que el clan no se divida por pequeñeces, ademas empezar de cero nos mejorará el rating xq desde q empezamos a jugar hasta el momento hemos mejorado mucho.

(ingles de google)
completely agree with boris bsmooth and was a desicion of the clan and has, therefore, q be fulfilled. And the q have called a vote to the whole clan and not just the Council demonstrates q this clan is democratic, participatory and non-taxation. Come on guys that the clan is not divided by petty differences start from scratch besides us improve the rating q xq since we played so far we have improved a lot.

Sep 23, 2009 4:18 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 06, 2009
Posts: 163
There is a way of solving this.

I told it to Boris,
He has to send me a private message, and what I will read in that private message, and I will look with which words he says it, will determine whether I stay or not.

These "petty differences" have been here for quite some time, it has not started today mate.

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