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Forum Home > Clan Scrims, Trainings and Wars > [S*S] vs -<HM>- (Gunny's Clan)
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Sep 28, 2009 1:40 PM
[S*S]Elnono|CA God - Joined: Sep 01, 2009
Posts: 19
gunny_v wrote:

I know my clanboss (a friend of mine) published the Rcon Password.
Though that is not that harmfull since it got changed.

I changed the rcon the minute after Robin posted it.

I have something sunday, let me check if I can make it.
Last edited by: elnono Sep 28, 2009 1:41 PM
Sep 28, 2009 4:56 PM
Non-member Joined: Aug 12, 2009
Posts: 25
But still, elnono, you were a bit late.

We already told, ehhm, bout a dozen other people the rcon pass, before you started doing shit to us.

nevertheless, we had fun.

And I probably should add to gunny's comment about us being younger; You guys are 18 + and you still haven't got yourselfs a life, a study, or a fulltime job?
That's just sad.

I'm looking forward to the match.
That is, if you guys are coming.

Sep 28, 2009 9:29 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 22, 2009
Posts: 71
omg im just 12 and you elnono and not much BSmooth
you sound imature

get better, you sound like babys

stop fighting and lets just read the forum about the clan fight

nothing else if you wana post something off the topic
make a new thread dont just post it here;)

o god!>:O
Sep 28, 2009 9:30 PM
[S*S]boris|EC El Creador - Joined: Jun 05, 2009
Posts: 322
robinimus wrote:
But still, elnono, you were a bit late.
We already told, ehhm, bout a dozen other people the rcon pass, before you started doing shit to us.
nevertheless, we had fun.
That is a confession, and that words you used are clear "We already told, ehhm, bout a dozen other people the rcon pass", "nevertheless, we had fun", are just a reason for conserve your ban.

Give thanks that I am a good-heart man and I am not banning you just with because I wish, like other admins do. And if you continue acting like ass-shited kids, tell for sure I am not tolerating your attitute.

And as I told you, you can not set a match in a date or hour that the other clan can not play, and even if the other clan do not want to play you can not obligate them. I told you wait to see what [S*S] have to say and they are responding, so just read...
Last edited by: topicster Sep 28, 2009 9:31 PM
Sep 28, 2009 9:33 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 22, 2009
Posts: 71
boris...dont u dare ban them all by "pb"

if got some guts doing that
but yea your a good-heart man type of guy

but still dont u ever pb them

and lets see what they have to say in respect of the fight
Sep 29, 2009 8:11 AM
[S*S]BSmooth|US God - Joined: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 35
I have not said anything immature. I've kept out of this for the most part. Trust me, i've held back on what i wanted to say, but I kept in mind that you guys are much younger than me.

So don't mention my name about being immature. Because i've done nothing and said barely anything . Thank you

And like deathshadow stated in other thread. Can we please just get past this crap and just have fun on the game.

Boris, these flaming and fighting threads need to be closed.

Gunny apologized, Boris didn't ban gunny or anyone else. So lets just get on with the game and life.

Last edited by: bsmooth Sep 29, 2009 8:27 AM
Sep 30, 2009 3:30 PM
[S*S]Royal|MX God - Joined: Jul 16, 2009
Posts: 126
Noooo, no voy a poder jugar este match va a venir un comediante el sabado famoso de mexico Polo Polo y mi esposa quiere ir a verlo

Yo queria patearle el trasero a ese clanucho

Me apuntan para la proxima !!

Saludos !!
Sep 30, 2009 4:15 PM
[S*S]AssassinNoob|MX God - Joined: Jul 03, 2009
Posts: 79
royal-assassin wrote:
Noooo, no voy a poder jugar este match va a venir un comediante el sabado famoso de mexico Polo Polo y mi esposa quiere ir a verlo

Yo queria patearle el trasero a ese clanucho

Me apuntan para la proxima !!

Saludos !!

El polo polo que bien ojala y te la pases bien sandra xD pues si juego yo hare una muerte en tu nombre xD
Sep 30, 2009 6:06 PM
[S*S]Royal|MX God - Joined: Jul 16, 2009
Posts: 126
Pon en alto el nombre de Mexico !!

Nomas un favor, cuando mates a gunny brinca encima de su cadaver
Sep 30, 2009 6:45 PM
[S*S]AssassinNoob|MX God - Joined: Jul 03, 2009
Posts: 79
Ok aunque yo prefiero el clasico de agacharce para quedar mamey xD
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