topicster • PM |
Oct 18, 2009 1:00 AM
![]() Posts: 322 |
It is necessary yo update the Ranking System of the clan. I think it is important to know, which are according to you the parameters that should be followed for this. Parameters like: Min Ratio Kills/Deaths (eg. 1:1) Min Score per minute (eg. 1.0 [1 death for each minute according to Gametracker]). Aptitude Test (eg. 1vs1, 2vs1 Modes: TS, BM, CTF, etc). Additional collaborations (support on the web page, control in servers, being a good referee, etc). Participate in trainings and scrims. Different values of these and other parameters should result in different requisites for each rank. Please, ideas are needed. --- Hola, Es necesario actualizar el Sistema de Rangos del clan. Creo q es importante conocer, cuales segun ustedes son los parametros que se deben seguir para esto. Parametros como por ejemplo: Radio de Kills/Muertes minimo (ejemplo 1:1). Score por minuto minimo (ejemplo 1.0 [1 muerto por cada minuto segun Gametracker]). Prueba de Aptitud (ejemplo 1vs1, 2vs1 Modos: TS, BM, CTF, etc). Colaboraciones adicionales (apoyo en la pagina web, control en los servidores, ser buen referee, etc). Participar en los entrenamientos y scrims. Diferentes valores de estos y otros parametros deben resultar en diferentes requisitos para cada rango. Por favor, ideas son necesarias. --- Slapped Mortal Angel Archangel Principado God Titan ss-boris-ec
Last edited by: topicster Oct 18, 2009 1:01 AM
royal-assassin • PM |
Oct 18, 2009 3:08 AM
![]() Posts: 126 |
I think....
Slapped ..... When a member make some mistake, he have 5 days to correct his mistake or kick Mortal .... New member, need play with our tag all time and be fun Angel .... Need to pass the training and play 40 officials scrims ( leage or scrims when have 3 titans in the team) archangel .... Need to pass advanced training and play 100 officials scrims principado....Need to play 150 officials scrims god .... Need to play 200 officials scrims and make a challenge 1vs1 with all titans and win 80% of the games (10 rounds per match) titan .... Council members Kills rations o deaths, i dont like that, i think we need to looking a good group, players without team skills dont help us when we play leage or officials scrims
Last edited by: royal-assassin Oct 18, 2009 3:15 AM
fresh-s-s • PM |
Oct 18, 2009 10:34 AM
![]() Posts: 19 |
In my opinion...
I look at it in basically two tiers: Tier one (mortal - archangel) Tier two (principado - god). Tier two is the where you want to be. These are the most dedicated and best skilled of our members. I also think that Titan should be before God. When I hear God or Titan, I think God would be better, thus harder to obtain. Slapped = Warning. If the member repeats this same mistake twice, the Council should decide if the member should be kicked out. Mortal = New member. Needs to get familiar and register with our website. Angel = Member who is playing actively and starting to come to some training sessions. Archangel = Member who is actively playing in our servers regularly and participates in training sessions. Principado = Member for at least 30 days, kill/death ratio of at least 1.0, kill/min of at least 1.0, comes to most training sessions, and is active on our website. Titan = Meet all requirements for Principado, comes to ALL training sessions, helps other members and thinks whats best for the clan. Can play in clan wars. God = Meets all requirements for Titan, and is a Council member.
Last edited by: fresh-s-s Oct 18, 2009 11:01 AM
topicster • PM |
Oct 22, 2009 9:05 PM
![]() Posts: 322 |
I think Royal, your requisites are a little big. Fresh has made a proposal more soft but very interesting, also we can make it harder, or we can modify it at the future to increase the requisites. Also, more ideas are opened. This is a big step for the clan, because we need to remake it all.
Pienso Royal, que tus requisitos son un poco grandes. Fresh tiene una propuesta mas suave y muy interesante, tambien podemos hacerla mas dificil, o podemos modificarla en el futuro para incrementar los requisitos. Tambien, mas ideas estan abiertas. Este es un paso grande para el clan, porque debemos rehacerlo todo. ss-boris-ec PD: We are moving soon to the Official Page. PD: Pronto nos mudaremos a la Pagina Oficial. |
gmo1997 • PM |
Oct 22, 2009 9:37 PM
![]() Posts: 14 |
but i can't participate in most scrims, because i live in Hong Kong and the times don't fit me. sorry, but it'll be hard for ChineseBoi, me, and other asian people to get a higher rank |
patojaps • PM |
Oct 22, 2009 9:53 PM
![]() Posts: 79 |
Solo una cosa!!! no sean perras y denme un rango personalizado SEEEEEEEEF!
![]() |
fresh-s-s • PM |
Oct 23, 2009 6:45 PM
![]() Posts: 19 |
You make a valid point. For any members that think they deserve a higher rank, but their time zones creates a conflict, they should contact one of the council members (all of our emails are listed on this site) and set up a time for an evaluation that will work for both members. If that council member thinks that you deserve a higher rank than you shall be promoted. -Fresh |
patojaps • PM |
Oct 29, 2009 11:21 PM
![]() Posts: 79 |
Que onda mi clan preferido (-.- tita es gay -.- aunque lo ame boris) aqui dejandoles mis ideas weno pues lo que propongo es que cada cierto tiempo se haga un examen por ejemplo
Mortal vs Angel Angel vs archangel archangel vs. principiado y asi sucesivamente y que uno o mas miembros del consejo observen y decidan quienes merecen subir de rango si alguien puede traducirlo que lo traduzca PD: Gay el que lea esto
Last edited by: patojaps Oct 29, 2009 11:21 PM
shamuko • PM |
Oct 30, 2009 10:43 AM
![]() Posts: 30 |
im not on the council but i like to say that i like fresh idea, only we could add that all member that want to increase their ranks must play at least on saturdays on the S*S servers and invite people to play on them..
PD ..mierda lo lei el post de pato soy gay??? |
royal-assassin • PM |
Oct 30, 2009 1:11 PM
![]() Posts: 126 |
Yo opino que me manden sus fotos y respecto a que tan guapos estan se les asigna un rango a la gente
![]() Royalenglishhh... I think you can send yours photos to me and depending your beauty level we can assigns a rank to you. ![]()
Last edited by: royal-assassin Oct 30, 2009 1:14 PM