dogbreath6k9 • PM |
Nov 20, 2011 4:23 PM
![]() Posts: 120 |
Game: Team Fortress 2
Server: SGC Guns #53 - Ooo! That's Gotta Hurt! [Modded] Date: 11/20/2011 approx. 4:00pm EST Player: [BOOM!] DRAGONOID8742 ID: STEAM_0:0:42745502 I have run into this a lot with TF2 players who think the have the right to tell other players to leave because they don't have strange weapons. It is an achievement server and there are several achievements that are done by number of kills with normal weapons. Everybody has a right to work on whatever achievements within the constraints of the rules and areas provided. If someone was to ask nicely, "Do you mind giving us room to rank strange...etc" that would be up the to other players to obligue. Instead they make demands. (dialogue below led to 1 week ban) [BOOM!] DRAGONOID8742 : If thats not strange LEAVE. Dogbreath6K9 : THIS IS NOT A "STRABE WEAPON ONLY" SERVER... DON't LEAVE Dogbreath6K9 : **STRANGE [BOOM!] DRAGONOID8742 : Dog yes it is. Dogbreath6K9 : no it isn't shayswag™ : this is achievement, not strange Dogbreath6K9 : you can go someplace else if you don't like it [BOOM!] DRAGONOID8742 : Dog, your defending them since your poor. Dogbreath6K9 : r u disrespecting me? *DEAD* [BOOM!] DRAGONOID8742 : Yea. bitch face. [SM] Banned player "[BOOM!] DRAGONOID8742" for 10080 minutes (reason: Disrespecting admin and foul language). Senior admins please review |
chipmunkspider • PM |
Nov 23, 2011 8:24 PM
![]() Posts: 179 |
question is, did he know you were an admin? if i remember correctly, admins in TF2 have red words? so if thats the case, i would have gone at least 2 weeks, but definatly worthy of a ban