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Forum Home > Ban Protests > SGC_Camman
Nov 12, 2010 8:18 PM
Non-member Joined: Oct 23, 2010
Posts: 16
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Disconnect: STEAM UserID STEAM_1:0:10454805 is banned.

Mr. SGC_Camman, I find that banished you me unjustly.
It was not necessary to make this, if you exmplain me i understand.
I was never banished in server that already I played.

Nov 12, 2010 8:54 PM
Camman Server Owner - Joined: Jun 24, 2010
Posts: 54
Draggon you were spamming fireworks all over the place. I told you that if you crashed the server you would be banned permanently. You then spawned several fireworks crates in the safe room and set them off. I've seen you do other things while on our servers that has caused us not to consider you as a member of SGC. You are only banned for a week. Take that time to think about how you play on our servers. If that is not good enough for you then we can make it permanent.
Nov 13, 2010 10:34 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 23, 2010
Posts: 16
camman wrote:
Draggon you were spamming fireworks all over the place. I told you that if you crashed the server you would be banned permanently. You then spawned several fireworks crates in the safe room and set them off. I've seen you do other things while on our servers that has caused us not to consider you as a member of SGC. You are only banned for a week. Take that time to think about how you play on our servers. If that is not good enough for you then we can make it permanent.

I asked you about crash, and you simply banned me... Simply to say me. I´m not kiddie.... and i see anothers players to be poor things in yours servers. I find that banished you me unjustly.
Nov 19, 2010 6:36 PM
Non-member Joined: Oct 23, 2010
Posts: 16
Geek_Loco sorry about post another forum, i will copy here now:

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In another forum, i ask about the possibility to enter SGC group. I away like to play in your servers...

Please, any admin can to answer me post bellow?
Admin reply: We don't think you would be a good fit for SGC right now. Based upon what some of the admins have encountered with you, you will need some growing up and some maturity in how you play with others. We remember having to warn you about blocking paths and not allowing others the ability to pass. Currently we will have to say no.

Camman, really you are a big "fanfarrão"... All that you write is a lie... only 1 admin dont like me, you. I play com others admins, never i has problens.... only you, i dont know the motive. Sincery, i aways play and help others users, saturday i has testing new commands. And more, you say that i used spwan in saferoom... you too, when spawning boomers on saferoom... well your ban has injustly. unhappy i dont video to proof. Geek_Loko, please, asks for others admins (Panda, Drakexz for example) how i play in your servers....
Admin reply: A guestbook is not the place for ban protests. DO NOT post here again about a ban protest! Your post here will be deleted in a week so that you get the message. -Loco
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Nov 19, 2010 8:07 PM
Camman Server Owner - Joined: Jun 24, 2010
Posts: 54
Don't go away mad.... Just go away!
Nov 19, 2010 9:06 PM
cpt.eagle Server Owner - Joined: Mar 04, 2010
Posts: 128
not to be a ass to anyone. but there is a difrens betwen spawning props and infected as i can see it. evryone can shoot a boomer, get vomit on and live to see another day. but not evryone knows how to build and remove props. that in mind you should think of were you want to place your props. because camman is admin and know how to build or he can noclip doesnt mean you can block the path. and to much fireworks crash the server before you even can say sgc. so you was lucky that you only got 1 week. i think that is fair enough and to me i permban evryone that block others path. i dont care about what we can do. the problem is what others cant do. so use your props for fun or to help. not to screw up for anyone.
Nov 20, 2010 4:43 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 23, 2010
Posts: 16
Okay, I admit my mistake and I apologize. I'm no child and I know recognize my mistakes and keep improving. Who has never been wrong?. I was a little excited about the commands, will not be repeated. I like the majority of people who play on the servers, I never had problems with them. Would like one more opportunity Geek_Loco. I always liked the servers, staff and the clan. Thanks.

1 week has passed, as are 11/12 days

well, 2 weeks gone... and?
Last edited by: draggon Nov 26, 2010 3:47 PM