cpt-eagle • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 7:57 AM
![]() Posts: 128 |
I was playing ld4 1 last night and it just hit me how difrent the admin menu are. I like the one in l4d 1 much better than the one in l4d 2. the reason why i like that one better is because you can respawn people and do a lot more to help. I dont know why it is so big difrence betwen them. and if it is possible could we ad some of the options too l4d 2? and the comand to respawn somebody on l4d 2 doesnt work as it should.it only make you go from one plase to another realy fast. i know we could use defib in l4d 2. but i whould have been greate if we could like respawn people without that.
chipmunkspider • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 8:43 AM
![]() Posts: 179 |
its just that the plugin we use looks to be a lfd1 plugin, so it doesnt quite work. but i was also wondering that so i know im going to be looking into it as well.
one thing i wish we had in our admin menu was the veto vote for admins, before if i would ban someone i could put in a custom message as to why. now it just says like team killing, lamer, etc. but it doesnt fit most situations that i need to ban someone for |
cpt-eagle • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 9:29 PM
![]() Posts: 128 |
true, i hope we can work this out. or is it possible to build a own menu?
geekloco • PM |
Mar 16, 2010 10:33 PM
![]() Posts: 231 |
The "respawn" plugin that we have on L4D2 has not been added for respawn purposes, it has been added for teleporting purposes. We haven't been concerned with respawning due to the defibrillator. In L4D1, the version of Respawn that we are currently using in L4D2 was found to not fully function on Linux servers but worked fine on Windows servers. Meaning that on Linux L4D1 servers, it would only teleport an existing player and not respawn them. When this was identified and a new version of the plugin was made to work properly on both Windows and Linux, we had already become fans of teleporting and wanted that functionality. We eventually found FuncommandsX for this purpose on L4D1 but have not been able to get it to work on L4D2. So, without a means to teleport on L4D2, I pulled the old Respawn plugin version to test on the L4D2 Linux servers and it works fine. On L4D1 with FuncommandsX, we use the "sm_tele playername" command to teleport and the "sm_respawn playername" to respawn a dead player. If you use "sm_respawn playername" on a live player in L4D1, you do teleport that player to where you are aiming, however, you strip them of all of their weapons, which when do to me, ticks me off. This is also the reason that I currently don't want to put the current version of Respawn on the L4D2 servers. We want the ability of teleporting without the removal of weapons. Cupmunk, You asked about the veto as well as Ash had asked me before. Someone also asked for the plugin that TBagn has on his server that announces who is starting a vote for anything. I can't remember at the moment if I put that plugin on everyone's servers or just a couple, but I think it allows veto if you are quick enough, but I can't remember right now. Remind me and we will look into that plugin's abilities. |
cpt-eagle • PM |
Mar 17, 2010 9:20 AM
![]() Posts: 128 |
i see. so if we could find a plugin that works with l4d2 and works as it shuld you wil put it on the servers? and i see how hard it is to teleport players in l4d2 like survival, when it comes a lot of special infected and you try to help you teammates and the infected are so many that you cant get the player up. Then you need to type status in console and get the name, coz when you type the name it doesnt always work. And by then the player could die. but if i remeber right we was able to give other people health in l4d2 in the beginig. But now that ability is gone. Is that a plugin to? Coz that could help a lot.
geekloco • PM |
Mar 17, 2010 7:20 PM
![]() Posts: 231 |
cpt-eagle wrote: I don't remember this at all. We have a plugin on all the servers that gives 1000 health at the start of each map when leaving the Safe Room. TBagn's server has a health regeneration plugin that cancels out the 1000 HP plugin based upon how it works. We can spawn health kits, but I don't know anything about a plugin that "gives other players health". As far as a respawn plugin, some of us do not want to lose teleport functionality, which means as long as a different respawn plugin uses a different command (something other than "sm_respawn"), then we would like to test it and probably use it if there are no issues. By the same token, unless any of the server owners want otherwise, I do feel that it is the server owners final decision as to what functionality his server has. So if you on your server would rather have respawn ability rather than teleport ability, you can have that. Myself and any other admin that wants teleporting will just have to "deal with it". I myself do not want to impose a "your server will be the way I want it or else" attitude. Even if I donate to your server, it is still your right as to what is on it. (Sometimes I forget that fact and will need to be reminded. If I do need to be reminded because I am acting stubborn, it may be best to wait a few days to let my mind work through some thoughts. Sometimes I just need time to think things through. ![]()
Last edited by: geekloco Mar 17, 2010 7:20 PM
chipmunkspider • PM |
Mar 17, 2010 9:36 PM
![]() Posts: 179 |
i do like the respawn teleport but it would be nice to have the respawn in actuality. if you give me the source code for the current sm_respawn i can also change it to say teleport or something like that. likewise if you find a plugin to actually respawn, i could change the sm key to that as well to adjust so we can have both. i have been messing around with the source code of random plugins and though not good enough to create one of my own, i can adapt them as needed at times
cpt-eagle • PM |
Mar 17, 2010 10:45 PM
![]() Posts: 128 |
well, it could be that i remeber wrong (i do it a lot) But im sure it was a way to give other people health. I remeber i open admin menu, 4 for spawn abilitys. then 2 for health. Then you could chose to give full health and then you needed too chose wich player to give health. or is it something that just screw up my mind? Coz it was in the very beginig of l4d2.
geekloco • PM |
Mar 18, 2010 12:20 AM
![]() Posts: 231 |
Hey Cupmunk,
Maybe you could do the reverse. Maybe I could get you the code for the old plugin that we use and you could go in and change "sm_respawn" to "sm_tele", then it shouldn't matter what Respawn plugin we add. cpt.eagle, You could be right because I only open the admin menu to get things that I already know about. If those options were there, it is very possible that I skimmed past them and ignored them without remembering them. |
chipmunkspider • PM |
Mar 18, 2010 7:39 AM
![]() Posts: 179 |
ok, email me the .sp for the respawn plugin and i will get it working as a tele plugin. i pmed you my email incase you dont have it