RoninUnrealFX is an Unreal & Unreal Tournament clan that is hosted/located in London, Ontario, Canada. We are a "just for fun" clan and a no-cheating clan. The goal of RoninUnrealFX is to bring entertainment to those who like to play Unreal & Unreal Tournament in a relaxed way! We DO NOT play for money at all as a clan! (Privately, members are allowed to join fight-for-cash clans if they so wish, but RUFX will never become one).
Although this is dedicated Unreal & Unreal Tournament clan, some of us like to play other games to give us a short break if needed. NOTE: this does NOT mean we are a multi-gaming clan, this clan is designed *ONLY* for Unreal & Unreal Tournament fanatics, new and experienced. Once every month or so, we usually have mini clan events (meaning only a select few can
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battle the game out through a vote) albeit we plan to increase the frequency of these.
We are an international clan that accepts members of all nations, races, orientations, shapes and sizes. We do not care whether you're Caucasian, Black, or Asian, nor do we care if you're Canadian, American, Polish, German, Austrian, Austrailian, etc. This IS a completely non-discriminative clan with the sole aim to bring Unreal & Unreal Tournament fanatics a new degree of entertainment, and if you believe you can contribute to this goal in any way/shape/form, or you just want to have some quality fun -- then you're welcome to join in on the fun!
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