teddy-3 • PM |
Jan 25, 2012 10:57 AM
![]() Posts: 2 |
I got kicked from hiszy server as usual nothing new in it because FOE didn't want me playing there because i was not letting his team win and out of frustration and selfishness he kicked me off server
this is not the first time this has happened many players have gotten kick by many others but i don't get it why you guys do it maybe you dont want others to play who have high ping? but why? is this your private server which you set up in your basement? no this is no your server FOE you skinhead dumb-ass this is a public server owned by warrior every one has a right to play and as for FOE this guy i been noticing is quiet frustrated and he wants everyone to follow his rules just like APXT aka MALAOMBO(could be drunk) and the list goes on and on but FOE in particular is the one who still continues to enforce his rules on everyone and whats pathetic guys you all don't wanna do anything about it you just sit there like blind people. don't stop keep being deaf and blind and maybe when it happens to you you would wake up! or maybe not? |
adminless • PM |
Apr 03, 2012 6:22 PM
![]() Posts: 446 |
hey hi there teddy
yes, I totally understand, I'm very sorry to hear that those things took place and I didn't do anything, I sincerely apologice to you for this, but unfortunately actually I've been quite busy so I haven't stopping by here very much, sorry. ok, regarding the player you mention, FOE, yes, I've already heard some complain agaisnt him, I'll issue a couple of days of ban for him and I hope that that corrects the problem in case it does not or for anyother kind of problem just let me know. regarding malombo, well, actually I don't know, I would have to conduct a much deeper investigation to conclude something but anyways thank you very much for let me know your impressions about the issue, even if I'll not throw a ban straigh away they will be take in consideration in case of future incidents. thank you very much for take your time in report and play at the HiszY Servers. best regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |