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lagged cheaters need ref
Nov 29, 2011 4:33 PM
Non-member Joined: May 26, 2011
Posts: 5
Recently a lot cheaters around. Voting doesnt help much. Even if it kicks the cheaters will reconnect and next vote fails. So maybe considering a ref (with x cmds) again could help a bit. Might sound untrustful and leading to another problem but also could help faster on server if its a well chosen person.
And reporting cheaters and banning them is time taking, would be great to have Ref around that have time to connect and kick cheater.
Dont wanna start new topic but we would wanna ask whats wront with server. It lags for ~x weeks now. maybe too much traffic, need maintance or same problem as the e+ servers? Its pretty annoying specially if many people play.
Dec 01, 2011 8:28 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hey hi there

first thanks a lot for take your time in stop to leave us your impressions, at HiszY we really appreciate when our players take their time to express theirselve about our services and second it looks that as always I'm sorry for late answer, thank you very much for your patience, I saw this at its time (I was just at the above thread clearing the cheating ban queue) but I just didn't stop to answer because I think that it's more important to really do something about the servers rather than spend my time in argue what should have been done.

ok, regarding the issues:

first, regarding the cheaters and refs, well, this already have been disscused other times around the site, to be honest I also agree with you that have some other people could help but also as you point it also has some other downsides that you already know and that I'm not going to enter to discuss again so basically on the line I always comment, well, unfortunately nothing in this world is perfect, so yes I agree that the current procedure is far from perfect and that it has various notable downsides but well I think that at least it's actually working and at the end I understand that that's what really counts, the result, so the problems just come when I just don't do my job, because as you started your thread it hasn't been till "Recently" when I had to in oder to be able to bring the new Junior Servers up when the problems really show up and now that I came back into this I think that the servers should again be reasonabely clean as they have always been, no?

so basically about this I'll just end telling you that I know that it's really disappointed always have to give the same answer and believe me that I'm really the first disappointed about this but unfortunatelly I have to tell you that I understand but at the same time I think that now it's not the right moment to move to that level I would tell you that may be for the next half year (middle 2012) or so but seeing how I'm managing with dates lastly it could just look like a cheap excuse so I'll simply end openly stating that we're very sorry but at the moment such procedures are not considered at HiszY not at least in a short/middle term.

regarding the "lag" issue, yes, as you can see on the thread about technical incidents and maintenances on the last post here it's true that recently it was detected some kind of network error affecting the servers, the real reasons aren't still very clear, the truth is that untill today (today looks like the servers have been affected again about this, no?) I haven't been put many time on this, I'm actually working on that I hope that if not soon on the next days or so I came to a solution for this, while you can track the progress on the mentioned post, thanks for report.



Dec 02, 2011 9:48 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
ok, I just updated the reported technical incident, I think that by now this should be solved, it would be pretty cool if someone could confirm this (I'm talking about the lag issue).

ok, nothing more, it may look obvious that the servers are lagging but the truth is that if I'm busy with other tasks and specially if I'm working at other servers and no one tells me about even if it's obvious I just don't notice that the servers are lagging so thank you very much for report, for anyother thing just let me know.

best regards

