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Forum Home > HiszY-HEAD Headlines > Custom Maps List + Links + Downloads
Custom Maps List + Links + Downloads
Oct 31, 2009 11:25 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
on this thread I'll post various lists with all the custom maps installed on the HiszY Public#1 Server plus its respective info and download links

you can browse and download most (not all) of the custom maps installed on the HiszY Public#1 Server on the links bellow. maps are shorted on two categories, Basic Custom Maps and Extra Custom Maps:
-Basic Custom Maps HiszY's Mirror
-Extra Custom Maps HiszY's Mirror

for those that can't be hosted on the HiszY Server's ftp site you can take a look on the mirror sites used in this thread:

if you want more maps or test some unknow ones for yourself you can take a look on the following sites:


Last edited by: adminless Jun 16, 2010 12:26 PM
Oct 31, 2009 2:23 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446

general description/info about the thread

Table of Contents (index) of the thread, for quick reference

Basic Custom Maps
the maps on this category are those custom maps that are very popular and you should consider to download and install them if not did yet
-Basic Custom Maps

FAQ/Read Me First
Frequently Asked Questions. read this before ask anything please


Last edited by: adminless Jun 05, 2010 1:34 PM
Oct 31, 2009 7:13 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
Basic Custom Maps
the maps on this category are those custom maps that are very popular and you should consider to download and install them if not did yet

-Download: - mirror
-Author: Q AKA QUAKIN'[BONES] AKA God only knows what else!

-6++: "The Gayass Campgrounds"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Q

-Download: - mirror
-Author: Q AKA QUAKIN'[BONES] AKA all sorts of things!

-16+/16++: "Bouncy Bouncy"/"Bounce Bounce Bang!"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Q

-17++: "The Even Longer Yard (Anticamper)"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Q

-hub3aeroq3: "Aerowalk"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: The Preacher (this conversion by the Hubster)

-hub3aeroq3a: "Aerowalk [Hubster's Remix II]"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: The Preacher (this conversion by the Hubster)

-hub3tourney1: "Dismemberment"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: The Hubster & Banjo

-ospdm13rc1 (based on teddm2): "Bullet Ride"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: J. Scott Drader aka Teddy

-ospdm14rc1: "Epilogue"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: J. Scott Drader aka Teddy

-ospdm15rc3 (based on poq3dm5): "Deeper Blue"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: J. Scott Drader aka Teddy

-overkill: "Overkill! v2"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Wiebo de Wit

-pro-q3tourney7: "Almost Lost"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: idSoftware

-pro-q3tourney8: "Dark Reign"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: idSoftware

-uberkill: "Knows No Shame"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Agent Orange

-ztn3dm1/ztn3dm1-ho: "Blood Run"/"Blood Run [High Octane]"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Sten "ztn" Uusvali

-ztn3dm2: "Beatbox"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Sten "ztn" Uusvali

-ztn3tourney1: "Blood Run Tournament"
-Download: - mirror
-Author: Sten "ztn" Uusvali


Last edited by: adminless Jun 16, 2010 12:28 PM
Nov 01, 2009 7:58 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446

Q. ok, fine, I can download all the needed maps but now, I don't know what to do with the files downloaded?
A. in case of zip files, first you have to extract them, and then locate the .pk3 file. most moderns SO comes with a built-in zip decompresor, but in case yours not, you can use the Free 7-zip program. once you have the .pk3 file, to install it you only have to place it on your baseq3 folder inside the path where you installed Quake III Arena. by default (next->next->next ...) this will look like "c:\Program Files\Quake III Arena\baseq3\<map_file_here>.pk3"

Q. the download speed is very slow, I want more speed, what can I do?
A. the amount of bandwith you recive is proportional to the money you pay, since your are getting all this for FREE, I'd not complain about

Q. the downloads fail, what can I do?
A. be patiente, the downloads should complete sooner or later, in case they fail or another serious network problems, then try again in few minutes

Q. some links are broken, how can I report it?
A. open a thread about it on the appropiate forum (HiszY Servers (Client Side ONLY)) or mail me at

Q. are all this maps on the HiszY Public#1 default rotation?
A. no, only some of them will go in the new custom rotation. you can participe in this by requesting wich of those maps you would like to see on the rotation by posting on the appropiate thread ([Requests] Custom Maps Rotation for HiszY Public#1) about it

Q. so now that all this was made public can I callvote any custom map I want, anytime?
A. no, you're not allowed do that, and do that is a reason to get banned. the rotation should flow by itself most of the time so if you're unsure about call vote something is better to not call vote anything at all

Q. then for what is callvote worth for?
A. let's see, vote is on to do a fair ussage. is ok to change sometimes to a popular custom map at the begging or end of a match that most of the people was talking about. what you can not do is start call voting that weird custom map that no one has but you love it all the time untill the vote pass. in this, egoyst attitudes won't be tolerated at all and lead to inmediate ban. each time you call vote you have to think on the other part and not only on your benefit, so, if you're unsure about call vote something is better to not call vote anything

Q. are all this maps installed on HiszY Public#2 server?
A. no, due pure paranoid setup only a few maps can be installed.

Q. I like "X" map, can I request that it has been added?
A. sure, by posting about on the appropiate thread ([Requests] Custom Maps Rotation for HiszY Public#1). most probabely, it won't reach the rotation but, if possible, it will be installed and listed here

Q. this list is freaking long, I can not find anything, can you help?
A. first, take a look at the TOC to get a idea of the structure of this thread and move between the diferent posts. to find a custom map in particular you can use the search function in your browser

Q. the list is uncomplete, when are you going to complete it and/or when are you going to put new maps here?
A. as soon as I have time, please be patiente, this takes time

Q. uh, most of the author's sites are dead, what's wrong?
A. normal, think that this stuff and the respective sites were launched on earlies 2000, so is normal that most of the sites are dead nowdays. however the respectives authors still deserves all the credit for the jod they did

Q. I'm the author of one of the maps listed here and I want to review the license of my map and/or I want you to remove it from the HiszY Server's ftp site, how can I contact you?
A. for such instances just mail me at and I will kindly comply your demands in less than 48 hours

Q. I'm the webmaster/admin of one of the sites referenced here and I don't want that the files on my site gets linked here, how can I contact you?
A. for such instances just mail me at and I will kindly comply your demands in less than 48 hours


Last edited by: adminless Jun 10, 2010 1:18 PM