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Forum Home > HiszY-HEAD Headlines > [Contest] HiszY is looking for a Digital Designer - CLOSED
[Contest] HiszY is looking for a Digital Designer - CLOSED
Oct 10, 2009 4:40 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hi everybody

we are in search for a Digital Designer who can assist us in build logos, colours for our nicks, background images for our sites ... in few words, someone who make HiszY looks better

the initial request task for the contest is to create the HiszY logo, my idea about the logo is like this:
-the starting image format is 1:1 (pure square) (but be ready for another formats in the future)
-the background should be something wich resembles to the European Flag but NOT a exact 1:1 copy of
-it should contain some kind of reference to the Polish Flag and/or Poland World
-it should not contain any other text than "HiszY"
-"Hisz" should appear in white (grey scale) and it should fade out from the "H" to the "z"
-"Y" should appear in yellow (or some kind of yellow like gold(en))
-the HiszY text should be somehow finished as a signature
-above HiszY should appear a eagle or some other kind of bird (realistic alike bird, not a dragon or a demoniac angel)
-it should look as a whole, this is, colours, tones and design of the parts should be merge as a whole

so, if you think you have the skills or are bored and want to try, post your images on the "About You" forum with subjet [Graphist Contest] <your nick>.

you won't get too much, credit and a place on the HiszY Staff as HiszY-GRA- but, well, this is about make things together no?

thanks in advance

good luck for all the contestants

IMPORTANT: Legal Disclaimer
-by participating in this contest, you grant that your images and/or the images you used to create the final image are original created by you, or in the other hand, you have an explicit authorization from the owner of those images for such usage. in no case I'll be responsable of any copyright infringement by any image that was not created by me.


Last edited by: adminless Jan 18, 2010 1:27 PM
Jan 18, 2010 1:35 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
as 18 of January 2010 this contest is closed

and the winner is:

WaRRioR (with assistence of grapefruit on the final version of the logo)

you can check the final image at the HiszY home on this site, and track the develope here.

then, for now, HiszY STOPS looking for a graphist and thus no more new projects will be accepted.

thanks to all the contestants


Last edited by: adminless Mar 08, 2010 8:16 PM