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Forum Home > About You > [Graphist Contest] WaRRioR
[Graphist Contest] WaRRioR
Dec 31, 2009 10:04 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446

I think that we needed a logo, and after long time and no one could help I decided to try my own (rolf). so this is my proposition, well is not really a logo this is more a flag, the HiszY Flag , wich is the best I can create, I'm unable to make any kind of drawing (I know "how to" ... but I don't have the talent/patience).

is derivated from the european flag and the polish flag, in representation that the major part of the "HiszY's" are from poland. I replaced the twelve upside five points stars of the european flag with just one big nice star (like a sun). you should be able to recognize the colors .

the only problem I see to this flag is that it resembles to the czech republic flag :/, the rest is ok for me.

so, please let me know what you think and/or if you have any suggestion.

Happy 2010

(click to enlarge)


Last edited by: adminless Jan 01, 2010 7:15 AM
Jan 01, 2010 9:51 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446


as always, I'm never satisfied xDD. I kept working on the flag. I made a new version. in this version beside fix some alignament errors , I changed a bit the design, I opened a "hole" in the middle. it seems ok fo me, the only problem I see this time is that now the HiszY letters are not very clear :S

well, what do you think? wich one you prefer? any idea?

(click to enlarge)


Last edited by: adminless Jan 01, 2010 12:43 PM
Jan 06, 2010 7:56 AM
Non-member Joined: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 22
look at this
Last edited by: grapefruit Jan 06, 2010 7:57 AM
Jan 06, 2010 10:22 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 12, 2009
Posts: 35
Mhm little transformation and it's getiing better. Maybe try to blur space under title? And that sharpen edges on... lets say "star" dont look quite good... that's my sugestion... but i see it's going in good way and Head should be proud that his idea is having evolution

P.S. Oh and that black line between colors should disapear also
Last edited by: laurka Jan 06, 2010 10:23 AM
Jan 06, 2010 11:07 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
Yes, Good Job, I like it . specially the letters, are much clear that on my version. I'll put it now as the clan image here.

hehe, I haven't thought that some one did a derivated work from my original design xDD. ok, I'll put here the basic layers so if some one want to did another mod of this he can do it with out have to unedit the image.

(click to download)
layer schema
base layer


UPDATED: fixed schema and base layers


Last edited by: adminless Jun 16, 2010 12:36 PM
Jan 06, 2010 1:13 PM
Non-member Joined: Aug 23, 2009
Posts: 22
Laurka your sight is too good

thanks warrior
I have one more proposition
Jan 06, 2010 2:30 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
is good but I still prefer my original design. I already thought about keep exactly the original European Flag format (with the twelve upside five points stars) and just split it with the polish flag plus add the HiszY letters, but after work and think for a while I concluded that, the big star gives the hiszy flag a bit more aspect of whole in genral and bit more original touch.

anyway, I'll put here in short original European flag schemas and base layers so you (or anyone) can use them to build the HiszY flag.

well, we still have to hear more opinions but for now I'll keep the previous version.

thanks for participate


Jan 06, 2010 6:05 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
ok, here you have official European Flag and 50/50 schemas and base layers:

European Flag (owner: Council of Europe | Copyright)

layer schema
base layer

50/50 Mixed

layer schema
base layer

LaurKa wrote:
P.S. Oh and that black line between colors should disapear also

hehe, I noticed that to, corrected on the new schemas (check above)
LaurKa wrote:
And that sharpen edges on... lets say "star" dont look quite good... that's my sugestion...

yes I agree those edges aren't very stylist, now that should be fixed too

ok, check this out and tell me what you think:
(click to enlarge - schema and base layer above)

DISCLAIMER: the provided Official European Flag Layers are intended only to be used as reference to build a original project, please, do NOT use 1:1 copies of them for the logo.

UPDATED: fixed schema and sample layers


Last edited by: adminless Jun 16, 2010 12:48 PM
Jan 07, 2010 5:40 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 12, 2009
Posts: 35
HEhe that's much better. Now we can make independent country
Jan 08, 2010 8:52 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
HiszY World Flag

I keep working one more day on this and I created a independent and completely original new flag design, the HiszY World Flag. this flag try to represent the whole humanity by earth simbols wich are completely independent from the culture, raze or stametent of the humans. it contains two basic elements, a rainbow as one of the most well know unifiying simbols, a rainbow is something wich cross all the sky above your head and it contains all the basic colors, on top of a sky tone backgrond, wich is also a simbol of freedom and cleaning. it also contain some kind of emblem on a green tone, wich is the color of hopeness and a peacefull color, wich try to resemble a packet, in representation of the most distintictive charateristic of the humans, the hability to comunicate, where at the tip and at the center of the flag there is a rhombus with two oposite black/white isosceles triangles wich represents the human nuturality of contradiction where is all about to "to be or not to be" and the two main human races. finaly I added a phased moom wich has no other pruporse than complete the desing and well, the moon is also part of this world.

HiszY World Flag
(click to enlarge)

layer schema
base layer

Terms of Use: everybody can use, distribute and modify this flag as long as it wasn't be used to promote acts and/or activities wich either harm the human dignity and/or honor or that in other way promote a separated world. the resultant project must keep being free and if any organization is interested in adopt this flag for their representation they can contact me at


Last edited by: adminless Jun 16, 2010 12:53 PM