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[HiszY HEAD] status updates (out of service/basic activity)
Sep 29, 2011 6:30 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hey hi there

ok, I just opened this thread to inform that I've been a bit busy and putting some time outside these HiszY things since the last week, I'm very sorry for this situation, I hope that this won't be a disaster.

then the thing is that as some of you know I quitted my previous team and I joined a new one and chances of the life it just coincided that the first match of the new season from my new team is agaisnt my previous team so I've been intensetively preparing both phisicaly but also mentally for this special match, this is important because it's the first time we ever play togheter (it's soccer, a team sport), it's also the first match of the season and both first feelings and a good start will not but will definitively help determine the chance of the competition and finally there's also some kind of local rivality between these two teams so beat it will definitively give us a great plus of confidence, then the season will be well long and there will be time for all for sure but now it's definitively the time to go strong, so I trainned something like 20 hours the past week (5 hours per day, 4 days per week) and this week I've been playing various friendly matches and more lightly training for this match then I hope that you understand that after being working here for more than three years almost always it's normal that also from time to time I disconnect a bit from this, like I said, to success at soccer (as well as anything in this life) not only the physical (technical, talent ..) part is important, the mental part is at least as important as, it may look something trivial but the very first thing to win a soccer match is really want to win it and even if soccer may seem something quite simple to win a soccer match you have to be really focus on it at all times, you can't definitively win a competitive soccer match when you have your mind full of other things (this may suggest why most pro players apparent to have no brain, they have it in fact, but full of soccer instead) so that's why I don't want to start admining now.

ok, I hope that you can understand this situation, I know that there's lot of pending job and I sincerely apologize for but like I said, the match will be the next saturday at 21:00 and after this you can make sure that I'll just start dealing with this again as always, if not the very saturday after the match or the sunday (it's to supose a celebration or if not at least some rest) right the next week.

biggest thanks for your patience, support and collaboration.

best regards


Sep 29, 2011 10:04 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 05, 2011
Posts: 31
Good luck Warrior

Oct 01, 2011 7:20 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
thank you, we made it, we won! 2-1, yes!

ok, I'll be back on bussiness tomorrow, now I'm a bit tired.



Oct 03, 2011 8:50 AM
Non-member Joined: Dec 26, 2010
Posts: 56
congrats man all the hard work you did in preparing yourself for that match finally paid off
congrats again
The Mastership of Skills is when you have an intense and focused absorption that makes you lose all sense of time.

Nov 18, 2011 9:34 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hi there all

hehe, thanks djshankey, ye we did and we're still doing great, we're first at the moment :O, btw I just want to report that I haven't been around for some time now not because I've been playing soccer 24/7 (xDD I jsut played that hard when reported there, during last september/first october) but because it looked like a calm and stable moment so I used this time on some stuff and now I'm quite busy, I'm sorry but I didn't log here for the last month or so bcause like I said I'm busy and I didn't want to unfocus from my current task (if not I'll just never end it), although as you can see my commitment with this project remains just like the first day (with the difference that the first day you were just 10 or so and now you're like 100 but I'm still one) as you can see I just logged here to report about the technical problem found at the servers a moment ago.

anywyas, I'm almost sure I should be done soon on the next days, tomorrow not, because I play soccer (official match for this local league, like any weekend), but you can make sure that soon I'll be back for good on this like always.

so nohitng more, I just want to publically thank all the people that even during this time have continued supporting HiszY, you guys are the ONLY ones who make this possible and that keep me working on this, without you this wouldn't be possible, and sincerely apologice if on this time you wrote me either here or anywhere else and I didn't reply back, I'm really sorry but never is possible to find the "perfect" solution, you always have to take decissions and any decission carry a downside.

thank you very much for your patience and understandment

have fun

best regards


Dec 02, 2011 10:11 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hehe hi all again

well as you already noticed I'll leave this thread "about me" open to drop here my current status and so so people may know what's going on about me, the person behind this.

so just report that I'm actually very active on this by now, I just came at the start of the week from bring the HiszY Junior Servers up and after clean all the mess around here I hope now I can finish them off, I sitll have lot of messages to answer both publicaly and privately and I hope that I can go answering them as I go working on the new servers, so I just want to apologize once again if I still did not reply you, you can make sure I will, but you have to understand that by now I just replied the most importants.

also in the next days here it's "hollyday" (quoted because coriously on "hollydays" it's when I "work" the most) so I'll be very active by now.

regards and thanks to everybody for their support


Dec 16, 2011 3:15 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hey hi there all

well, just another little status update about me to let you know what's going about me and therefore HiszY, so, just report that unfortunately I got busy the last ten days or so with this local soccer thing, I've been training real hard to finish the year the best possible, something like training for hours 5 times per week and obviously after that you're not really in the "mood" (it's not really the word) to admin the rest of the day for hours here too, so I'm sorry for haven't put many time on this on the last days.

ok, right now I've just have the team's christmas dinner so nothing and tomorrow I'll guess I'll still be tired but I hope that just on the next days I come here to keep working on this as usual.

so, nothing, just apologize for this situation and thank you all for your patience and support.

Merry Christmas


Dec 16, 2011 8:25 PM
Non-member Joined: Apr 29, 2010
Posts: 24
Well done Warrior

Just have a rest and Enjoy your Christmas. I aplogise for the remarks I made as you and Insanity being the same person as I was a little pissed off at nothing being done about the Abuse.

Alas it is still happening I have screen shots of him bragging about being banned and changing his IP and playing again in Hiszy servers.

Anyhow again have a Good Xmas and all the BEST to all that read's this for 2012.

BE GOOD life Is GOOD Take it Easy and ENJOY
Dec 17, 2011 4:04 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 15, 2011
Posts: 99
from me also Merry Christmas every1

We do not stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
Never Be The First To Get Old!!

The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese.
Dec 17, 2011 5:55 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 16, 2011
Posts: 36
Easy, we're fine, and we do not want you stressed