turaj • PM |
Apr 05, 2012 8:26 AM
![]() Posts: 76 |
Huh from Viedeos ... Odeon ... You Little stinky Wallhacker ... Didint excpect from You this shit ... But Honestly , You using Wh ... Trust me i have good Headset and Ihmo from my wee exp of Playing at Q3 Your "lucky" shots was too often ... For Me You are Done . Sadly . Take Care M8 .
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odeon_ • PM |
Apr 05, 2012 9:24 AM
![]() Posts: 36 |
thanks, long time does not speak to me, but this is a three-way relationship, it would be unfair not to wait for the others.
kiss ![]() ![]() |
green_18 • PM |
Sep 10, 2012 2:35 PM
![]() Posts: 11 |
Loss of vigilance, sooner or later you will be punished for arrogance.
La pérdida de vigilancia, tarde o temprano serás castigado por su arrogancia |
odeon_ • PM |
Sep 11, 2012 2:10 PM
![]() Posts: 36 |
Hi green, you continue using autoaim?
It was a week ago when we saw you play with cheats right? ![]() |
green_18 • PM |
Sep 12, 2012 12:46 PM
![]() Posts: 11 |
odeon_ wrote:You fat troll. |
apollo-campstyle • PM |
Sep 12, 2012 2:08 PM
![]() Posts: 99 |
I know that ODEON is a cheater, since last year, because I spect him many many times --> and the result is: YES, he did it!!!
btw ODEON, STOP and don't send me friendship invitations any more! I do not want to have a cheater as friend!! here on HISZY are a lot of cheater who was not official caught BUT all of the older Q3 players or those who play Q3 longer than 4/5 years knows who those player are. All of the HISZY CHEATER (some of them are in official E+ Clans/Teams) can NOT repeat their "PRO SKILLS" from HISZY on other Server which are under PB or have an AC-System! They only came to Hiszy to "practice" (with cheats) their skills -- what for stupidity! All Hiszy Cheater had simply just a lot of luck that WARRIOR didn't has enough time to manage everything and that he is so indulgent (sometimes) with such kind of Q3 player. To be honest, I DON'T GIVE A FUCK on them all and I also don't like such kind of people. CHEATER in a online game = CHEATER in the real life!! Finally, times are changing and sooner or later the TRUTH will come out - for most of them!! It was so, it is so and it will stay this way forever ![]() we grow old because we stop playing. Never Be The First To Get Old!! ![]() The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese. ![]()
Last edited by: apollo-campstyle Sep 12, 2012 2:36 PM
green_18 • PM |
Sep 15, 2012 5:27 PM
![]() Posts: 11 |
apollo-campstyle wrote: Yeap Daddy you say true |
adminless • PM |
Sep 15, 2012 6:57 PM
![]() Posts: 446 |
yes guys, you were right, but not really because of the posted material if not because it has been a while since I've been on possesion of private data wich unequivocally states that this user has cheated at least at some point in the past.
I'm very sorry for the absurd delay in dealing this but on the line Apollo was commenting my time for this is limited so when working on this I use to stablish priorities wich is why you often see me answering something while at the same time "ignoring" (really just letting go) other things thus this time it just happened that I erroneusly understimated this case and let it go thinking it was settle to put my time on other issues I though were more important, unfortunatelly I've just found that I was wrong so I apologice for failing in give this case the importance it deserved, sorry about that. finally I just want to comment about Apollo's message that well I always try to do my best but at the same time, it's not as easy as say, hey I think this guy cheats. I believe that it's to understand that it wouldn't be serious to start to ban people like mad without being totally sure and able to prove it, that wouldn't be good either, if we would go that way at some point virtually any good player would be banned or simply all that would lead to endless flaming, so that's the issue, there must be some balance and procced with care. ok, nothing more, thank you very much for report, good job, and thanks a lot for your patience and support. best regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
apollo-campstyle • PM |
Sep 16, 2012 12:08 PM
![]() Posts: 99 |
Hi Warrior,
we all know what kind of admin you are - and we like you for that. You are always polite, you investigate every case well and you not behave like a dictator. It would be better when ALL the server admins would handle like you. I'm sorry Warrior but I must also say that you also have a problem. In my opinion your reaction time is your problem. And that just because of your real life. Please don't understand me wrong --> REAL LIFE HAS PRIORITY No.1 !!!!!!! <---also for myself! In my opinion you need some additional help. One or two additional admins would be great ![]() If you not want to give up a part of your admin power, you can also install an "Anti Cheat System" on your server - like on some/most e+ server. You can talk with http://www.excessiveplus.net/users/intact-epsilon about that. I would suggest you to think about additional admin power OR about a software solution for your server! Kind Regards APOLLO we grow old because we stop playing. Never Be The First To Get Old!! ![]() The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese. ![]()
Last edited by: apollo-campstyle Sep 16, 2012 12:42 PM
adminless • PM |
Sep 16, 2012 5:14 PM
![]() Posts: 446 |
thanks apollo, like I said I just always try to do my best but yes I know that my main issue here is my unability to address issues in time something I always understand and apologice for altough I can tell you that this hasn't always been so, some time in the past I used to be nearly full time dedicated to this it just happenend that with the time, as it's too understand and you understand very well, as I report on the about me thread I just started spending more time in other things and that's the problem altough as you can see I never have really forgot about this and altough I can't promise nothing cause no one ever knows for sure what will happen with life I'm on the intention to find the right balance and being able to be full active here again.
regarding the rest, well, even if it may look so again it's not really that easy but anyways I don't think that now it's the time or the place to disscus about that, I was just saying. ok, nothing more, nice to talk with you and thanks for let me know your impressions, people's opinons are always appreciated. best regards -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last edited by: adminless Sep 16, 2012 5:35 PM