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Dec 26, 2011 10:14 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hey Hi there everyone

ok silver as you can see I believe that that should definitively prove you that I'm not that intensity guy, it's ok I understand the situation and I understand you were disapointed about it but at the same time I just hope that you can also understand that I sincerely apologize for the situation but unfortunately I had several other issues initially more important to deal so if I still hadn't deal that it was because simply I hadn't see it and not because of any other kind of obscure reason so I like I told you, yes, I'm sorry for miss that because it really looked like an important issue, if you wanted to point that I was missing it perfect, I would have apreciated it, but you just can not come here the saturday at late night to make such a scene, going that way will only make the things worse, yes as you can see even if I didn't stop to properly report that I'll apply the ban (wich at the end is what really counts) but at the expense of first disturb HiszY (by disturbing me, I was dealing othe issues) and your own ban, I just didn't ban you because do it would only had gave you "more" arguments to go screaming all over the place, OH YOU SEE, HAVE YOU SEEN THAT?! so at the end I just didn't care, it's just not so important, I believe that the people around here is mature enough to after more than three years behind this know how I'm so I don't even think that I have to defend me of pointless accusations, although keep in mind that now you're warnned, you just can not go that way, so the very next time you go openly acusing someone of something without sense, you'll get a relative ban to the punishment of the acusation.

anyways, I remark, I apreciate your apologices and regarding the rest, yes, as you can see I didn't stop to report it but yes after you "let" me know about the issue I took a quick look and I concluded with a ban for him and yes, apparently after that it looks that he either asked santa about a new connection or that he moved away into a new home so that's why you could still meet him, anyways, I'll try to continue to monitor this, thanks for report.

so, basically, the purpose of this thread is to keep you updated about what's going about me, then unfortunately this time I must report my current status as injured, unfortunately right this vey night while playing a little friendly match after a dirty land from a nice save of a good shot from outside of the box to my right side of the goal I suffered a severe dislocation on the axis of the knuckle of the index finger of my left hand, but don't worry too much, I'm fine, it was a severe dislocation that I couldn't even fix myself but miracleous this night there was a doctor right on the stadium and hopefully just a couple of seconds after the incident he could perfectly put my knuckle in place this way minimizing the impact of the injurie.

so don't worry too much right now (just a couple of hours after) I have some kind of broken finger but for the severety of the injurie I'm very good although keeping in mind that of course I'm still injured so I'm sorry but I'm not that good to seriously admin here then during this time I'll try to do my best to take care of this place and/or do any possible minor background task but I'm sorry but I'll still have to take some more days of disconnect from here.

as an anecdote, the "funny" thing is that the injurie happened around the minute 10 (first part) of the match and after that I finished the match even being injured playing only with one hand (keep in mind that I play as a goalkeeper) and my feet for about other hour and a half and even under those conditions I managed to consistently guard my goal and lead the team to a victory.

ok, nothing more by now, take care and thanks a lot for your support and patience.

best regards


Dec 27, 2011 3:06 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 15, 2011
Posts: 99
awwwww....., sry man. I know how it is to be injured at the fingers!
I was injured at the finger (left hand), and now I am handicapped at this finger ( a handicapp of 30%), BUT, all is fine. I learned to handle with my handicapped finger
I wish u much health.
get well soon mate!

We do not stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
Never Be The First To Get Old!!

The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese.
Feb 21, 2012 6:48 PM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446
hey hi there all

sorry for haven't even take my time lately to update this thread and at least let you know about what's going on about me and therefore HiszY, I remark once again I sincerely apologize for this.

ok, so to the issue.

hey apollo thanks a lot for good wishes, yes, don't worry, it wasn't a so severe, it was "just" a knuckle dislocation, I didn't even need surgery or anything, like I said a doctor just put the knuckle on place again and nothing more, don't worry, I'm a experienced goalkeeper so I'm more or less used to hand/finguer injuries in fact is the second time I suffer from this very same injurie (but on other finguer) and ye don't worry, generally total or virtually total (90%+) recovery is expected from discolations in sport people although the total recovery takes lot of time, something like a year or even some more, but anyways, just 5 days later or so I was typing on the keyboard more or less normally, 10 days later I was light trainning again and in 20 days competing again. now two months later, I'm still far from a total recovery but fully operational.

so let's see, the news, so what has been about me this time, well, first, to make it short, lot of stuff going around in this time. then now, by parts, first atfer I got injuried as I said and is to understand I took some time off to recover, once I recovered I also spent several time testing out my christmas gift (for those that don't know a keeper set) after that I remember it was about the end of the hollydays so I'm not gonna lie it was hollydays and I haven't spent many time on me so I just took some time of relax for me but on this time I came into heart stuff (girls stuff) as well as some other projects I may start working out then after the hollydays the soccer competion resumed and we finally reach our goal and we managed to advance into the first division (of local amateur soccer of course hehe xDD ) so now I'm very much into the soccer thing, this soccer thing now is very demanding, you have to be 110% on any match or you're just out, there's lot of level, it could be comparable to the lowest pro (semi-pro, fourth, fith division) level so it's not easy at all and also in addition in this time I also had to deal a relationship from the past wich by the way I still continue to deal with, so like I said, as you can see just the way too many things going around me at the moment to be able to focus on this at the moment.

so I'm very sorry but at the moment I'll have to tag my current status as few active/messed up, although I remark, don't think that I just don't care about this anymore or that this is a end because that's not true, I'm very proud and gratefull of all you that even after the game died (apparently official support for the game have totally dropped) have continue supporting this and I will not let you down even if for whatever reasons I can not be 24/7 here as I was in the past and I don't think I will ever be, I'll continue supporting if not with my work at least you can make sure that as long as the servers are requested I'll continue paying for them to be hosted.

although all this seems to be just a temporal situation, as i pointed the issue is not that I'm actually busy with other stuff, I could be busy but anyways I'm sure I could find moments to deal this, the porblem is that I'm just messed up actually xDD so when you're messed up for whatever reasons is not that easy develope a very psychic task, you just want to have your time for you and to clear up your mind, and also let's face it, the fact that the game have actually died doesn't help to get me really motivated at the moment but anyways like said, I'm not giving any excuses, I asume all the fault about this situation and I sinceriely apologize to anyone who may found him/her ignored, unsupported or than by other mean affected by my lack of activity, like I said as soon as my life stabilize a bit, I'll continue to work on this, not as much I did years ago, but at least something like a couple of days a week and I'll also try to somehow rethink HiszY and try to move on this into the new scenary.

in fact in the next days I'm not really promising nothing but I'll try to be some active again.

so finally I just wanna end once again thanking everybody for everything, you guys are the ones who really keep HiszY there, thank you.

best regards


Feb 22, 2012 12:20 PM
Non-member Joined: Oct 16, 2011
Posts: 36
Hallo, dichosos los ojos

easy, take your time, Get a 100%
Get well, we will be waiting with open arms
Feb 23, 2012 4:17 AM
Non-member Joined: Oct 15, 2011
Posts: 99
odeon_ wrote:
Hallo, dichosos los ojos

easy, take your time, Get a 100%
Get well, we will be waiting with open arms

I would say the same
We do not stop playing because we grow old;
we grow old because we stop playing.
Never Be The First To Get Old!!

The first bird will catch the worm, but the second mouse stealing cheese.
Sep 14, 2012 11:41 AM
HiszY-HEAD|WaRRioR Head - Joined: Feb 11, 2009
Posts: 446

so, well to the topic, let's update something about what's on about me and therefore my implicaton on the project.

well, first in case some cares, the afford mentioned finguer injure has virtually almost gone, I would say more than 70% gone, and hopefully after I injured on the also before mentioned keeper set I got for last christmas it in include a pair of high quality keeper gloves with finguer protections (the most usual goalie injure) then hey unvelieable they did their job and even if I hurted my hands usually at trainnins and games they kept my hands safe so no more injuries by now

regarding the rest well to be honest like I marked my status on this I've been mostly spending time at other things, mainly play soccer and when not just hanging out around, now on the summer at the beach for example. so, unfortunately the season on that first division ended unsuccessfully for our team and altough I personally value it very positively we managed to defend ourself in the middle of the table of one of the best non-professional soccer leagues the lack of tittles finally contribute to break the team.

anyways, that's life, things come, things go, just some time after that I actually signed up for a pre-season very competitive street soccer league that I'm currently playing in, just this very same weekend we play to advance into the final pahse, we soemhow managed to make it into the top let's see what happens

in addition I also signed for a mimor soccer team for the next season, so actually I keep being very much into soccer, either playing or trannin.

ok, besides all that as time pass some things comes into place and now I can tell that my life is more or less more stable than it has been a couple of months before, so is to expect that each time I start to spend more time on this again however unfortunately my current computing equipement dated more or less of the start of this project, this is, around more than 4 years, and thus it recently started to fail and need a replacement.

so that's why I actually mark my status as "out of service" (just limited to basic activity), I'm currently looking for a replacement for my monitor wich just blowed off the past month but also building a new computer because the last one it was already starting to sign symphons of pre-failure fatigue, slow down, random crashes and similar. so to make it simply I actually managed to get me a nice netbook just to go while I don't get new parts and as a emergency in case like this.

so I'm actually working from this thing you can see here:

as you can see it's hard to seriously admin with that although I must say I'm more than satisfied with it, surprisengly it allowed me to fully complete the last servers incident yesterday without major problems.

then I don't expect that between some thing or another ones I won't get to complete my setup till the next month or so so in this I'll try to continue operating but I won't be fully active till them.

thanks to everybody for their pateince and support.

best regards

