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Forum Home > Games & technology > Star.Wars.Force.Unleashed.Ultimate -game
Star.Wars.Force.Unleashed.Ultimate -game
Nov 01, 2009 8:12 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 08, 2009
Posts: 38
I downloaded Star.Wars.Force.Unleashed.Ultimate game(14,7 Gb) and I installed it ( Hard Disk Space: 23.8 GB + 1 GB Swap File ) but all that I can say about this game is a very stupid game very repetitive, u need to kill millions time same monsters , no any logic , very complicated to play because several button control etc.
But the graphic is cute....My opinion is don't deserve to download game.....This is my own opinion.

Nov 01, 2009 11:36 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
The console-version of the game was published a year ago, but the PC-gamers have the advantage of higher resolution and that they get the three additional story-chapters (aka download-content) for free, while the consoleros had to pay for that.

I didn't play it, but playing as the bad one always seems bad to me.

And besides that, I'd rather prefer to have a new Jedi Knight-game.
Unfortunately Jedi Knight 3 isn't produced anymore, I had no chance to buy it.

But Jedi Knight 2 was awesome, especially in terms of leveldesign.
Nov 02, 2009 9:58 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 08, 2009
Posts: 38
crusha, if u want to download to play this game u can find it on it is a very good tracker because hight speed
Like ex there I can dll with 14MB/s. Not bad right?...I will attach here a pictures to see...

Last edited by: warlock16 Nov 02, 2009 10:05 AM
Nov 02, 2009 10:29 AM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I am absolutely against illegal downloads (or download-games at all).

Having the game in a box is a necessity for me and since I only buy games from which I know that I'll like them, I always pay the developers for their efforts.
Nov 02, 2009 11:25 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 08, 2009
Posts: 38
So u mean u bought all, without exception , all programs that u use? hmmmm...
Nov 02, 2009 1:16 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
I used to get copies of games from my friends when I was 12, but one day you get out of that age.

Now I bought even those games that I copied at that time.

I don't play every game when it appears, I just have a good eye when walking along the budget-table with the games that are 1-4 years old and when I see a must-have for 5€, then it's definitely bought, 10-20€ are ok when it's a good compilation.

And the non-game-programs that I use, are open source or freeware.

Some great games that I got for cheap prices:
UT2004 - 5€
Unreal Anthology - 10€
Sam & Max: Season One - 5€
Matrix: Path of Neo - 2,50€
Halo 2 - 6,99€ (used)
Company of Heroes Anthology - 40€
Full Throttle - 5€
Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines - 6,99€
Medieval 2: Total War Gold - 10€
Supreme Commander Gold - 10€
The Movies: Gold Edition - 10€
Tomb Raider: Legend - 5€
Serious Sam 2 - 2,50€
Splinter Cell Complete (1-4): 20€ (10€ without the 4th)
Desperados 2 - 5€
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King - 6,99€
Tron 2.0 - 2,50€
Indigo Prophecy (aka Fahrenheit) - 10€

A selection of the best games that come with my favorite videogame-magzine which costs 70€ a year and comes with 2 DVDs:
-The Eldar Scrolls 3: MW, TB and BM
-Black Mirror
-Runaway (1+2)
-Beyond Good & Evil
-Dungeon Siege
-Splinter Cell (1+2)
-Prince of Persia (SoT+WW)
-Shadow Grounds
-FlatOut (1+2)
-Desperados 2: Helldorado
-The Moment of Silence
-Conflict: Vietnam
-Chaos Legion
-Sam & Max: Abe Lincoln Must Die!
-Freedom Force vs. 3rd Reich
-Hearts of Iron 2 (+ Doomsday-Add-on)
-Gothic 2 Gold
-1503 A.D.
-Secret Files: Tunguska
-Age of Mythology
Nov 03, 2009 3:37 AM
Non-member Joined: Jul 08, 2009
Posts: 38
Yes, yes, I understand u about the games, but u did not answer my question...
My question was: u bought all, without exception,programs, movies melodies? Do u want to think u don't have even one melody without licence? If not congratulations...
Sure the music band deserve to be paid for their efforts also...
See, this discussion I guess is good for a new topic.What do u say?

And wow U have a lot of games. U are a real gamer....I don't have more then 3 and I play only UT and start yesterday Dragon.Age.Origins (RPG game).

Last edited by: warlock16 Nov 03, 2009 3:45 AM
Nov 03, 2009 1:10 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
Those are only a few of my games, I also used to play on PS2, Gamecube, N64, GBA and NDS, but that became much less when I got a high-end PC and started mapping.

For the music… well, that's the only thing where I have to admit that I didn't buy it, because it is available at YouTube and (that's a reason why it's good to live in Germany, because it is one of three countries that can still use

And I think that Peg might have gotten some nostalgic thoughts from the games in my post, since he's surely someone who also has a bigger collection of games.
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Nov 03, 2009 1:12 PM
Nov 03, 2009 2:04 PM
Non-member Joined: Jul 08, 2009
Posts: 38
Wow, PS2, Gamecube, N64, GBA and NDS...a large variety of game device...what kind of mobile phone do u use? If u have S60 or S90 platform I can give u few great mobile games...

like ex... in arms...see here:
Nov 03, 2009 3:44 PM
[GSPB]Crusha Member - Joined: Oct 13, 2008
Posts: 926
The only thing I can do with my mobile phone is to telephone and to write SMS.

It has a greyscale display, the only thing I can play on that is some kind of Bricks.

But maybe you should lead this thread back to topic.
Last edited by: crusha_k_rool Nov 03, 2009 3:44 PM