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Frogg's private war against us.
Mar 18, 2010 7:32 PM
Non-member Joined: Nov 19, 2009
Posts: 10

Today Frogg did it again. All Members of The Blood Brothers Clan has been deleted form server ranking. Outrageous.


12 marca 2010
Członkowie Clanu Blood Brothers pragną wyrazić swoje potępienie dla działań administratora Serwera !ELITEZ*CTF*RAIL&BFG ( - Frogg'a z Clanu Elite'Z, który był w Naszym odczuciu ciepło przyjęty na naszym forum i traktowany jako mentor i przyjaciel. W dniu 12.03.2010r. z niewiadomych Nam przyczyn, bez jakiegokolwiek ostrzeżenia czy wyjaśnienia Frogg usunął z rankingu serwera, znajdującego się na stronie wyniki wszystkich graczy należących do Clanu (wszystkie znajdowały się w pierwszej 10., łącznie z miejscem pierwszym Crysis'a z wynikiem ponad 100k). Od tej pory Frogg nie reaguje na jakiegolwiek próby kontaktu z naszej strony. Jego milczenie potwierdza celowe działanie.
W Naszym odczuciu działanie takie w żaden sposób nie mieści się w pojęciu zachowania FairPlay, a taką filozofią staramy sie kierować w grze i w życiu.

Członkowie Clanu Blood Brothers

######## ENG ####################

Members of The Blood Brothers Clan want to express their condemnation of the Server Admin !ELITEZ*RAIL*CTF&BFG ( - Frogg from Elite'Z Clan, who was warmly welcomed on Our forum and treated as a mentor and friend. On 12.03.2010r. from causes unknown to Us, without any warning or explanation Frogg removed from the server ranking, located at the results of all players belonging to Clan (all were in the first 10, including the 1st place taken by Crysis with the result of more than 100k). Since that time Frogg does not respond to attempts to contact. His silence confirms the intentional action.
In our mind, such action does not fit in the concept of FairPlay, this philosophy We are trying to follow the game and in life.

Members of The Blood Brothers Clan
Mar 19, 2010 3:57 AM
FROGG*ELITE'Z Admin - Joined: Mar 03, 2007
Posts: 4
Members of Blood Brothers clan insulting other players because of their nationality. Especially they don't like the Germans.
Blood Brothers have clan rules that they do not use hook. Becouse of that they insult players who use hook. They do it using extremely vulgar and offensive language.
It will not be tolerated.
Mar 19, 2010 4:54 AM
Non-member Joined: Nov 19, 2009
Posts: 10
1. You could tell us what's the problem.

2. This is not the whole truth. It is also about camping. Players asked to reduce using hook while running with the flag, often say "or what?". Later, when they are losing, even with the hook, they change nicknames to our nicknames and insulted us. Did they said that to, I suppose not. Often those players were Germans. This behavior raises our aggression. That's true.
The day before yesterday 2 players from Germany, watched the game all the time commenting on us offensively in German language. At the end of the game they joined the opposing team and started to camp at the base. Not fair.
Rather than give us a chance to any explanation, You removed us from the rankings, without explanation. It definitely is not fair. When using such methods, use it for all, not just selected, easy to identify grupu. Selective morality is no morality.
Mar 19, 2010 5:54 AM
FROGG*ELITE'Z Admin - Joined: Mar 03, 2007
Posts: 4
It is unfortunately true... Your "nice conversations" are saved in the server log. Its rare to see so many insults and abusive words.
Some time ago Crysis asked me if we let players to use hook
on our server and I replied that hook is allowed. This is not your server so you couldnt put your clan rules here.
By the way... you also breaking your own rules...
Look at Article 5 and 6 in your clan code...personal culture, respect for other players, prohibited insults... very nice but with no compliance.
Mar 19, 2010 6:39 AM
Non-member Joined: Nov 19, 2009
Posts: 10
Breaking own rules - yes, we are aware of this. It's our weakness. We are working to avoid this in the future. Try to start a Clan with so many different people involved from the beginning. It is so difficult to control all of it. We are only a month old. Anyway, insults are real, We all know that.

The problem is wyhy did You took so strange way to teach us?
If we are nothing else, but bunch of insult - loving people, as You claim, why we were located in top ranking positions? Are there any special points for insults? Why did You punished all of us, when not all of us were using insults. Look at Your log and find me even one insult written by Sledz.
And the way that You did it - removing from ranking. You think this way "It will not be tolerated."? This way we could continue to insulting "innocent" (as You claim) players. Because You did not wont to reply for our "Why?" message, we could not be sure what has happened. Ban would be more reasonable (and only for those, who are guilty on the both sides), but no.

So if You want to be moral, read Server's Log once more, from side to side and do, what You did with us, to players who insulted us. I personally read many (polish) k - words, ch - words and many, many others (not only from polish players). Also we would like to know Your position in our future relations. Will You be deleting us from the ranking forever and how do You see Your presence on our forum. We do not need a spy and You act like one now.
Mar 19, 2010 8:30 AM
FROGG*ELITE'Z Admin - Joined: Mar 03, 2007
Posts: 4
sfir wrote:
Breaking own rules - yes, we are aware of this. It's our weakness. We are working to avoid this in the future. Try to start a Clan with so many different people involved from the beginning. It is so difficult to control all of it. We are only a month old. Anyway, insults are real, We all know that.The problem is wyhy did You took so strange way to teach us?

It's good that we agree that problem exist. Your Clan have some good rules about clanmembers you should adapt to this. I'm not going to teach anyone...this is not my role... I only want to save this server from the rabble.
sfir wrote:
If we are nothing else, but bunch of insult - loving people, as You claim, why we were located in top ranking positions? Are there any special points for insults?

Top ranking position depends only on the number of hours spent on the server and the number of scored frags. You play a lot, but your behavior makes that other players feel bad on the server.
sfir wrote:
Why did You punished all of us, when not all of us were using insults. Look at Your log and find me even one insult written by Sledz.
And the way that You did it - removing from ranking. You think this way "It will not be tolerated."? This way we could continue to insulting "innocent" (as You claim) players. Because You did not wont to reply for our "Why?" message, we could not be sure what has happened. Ban would be more reasonable (and only for those, who are guilty on the both sides), but no.

All of you use this bad language. If you don't change your behavior ban would be next step.
sfir wrote:
So if You want to be moral, read Server's Log once more, from side to side and do, what You did with us, to players who insulted us. I personally read many (polish) k - words, ch - words and many, many others (not only from polish players).

Your clanmembers are on top position in bad language ranking also.
sfir wrote:
Also we would like to know Your position in our future relations. Will You be deleting us from the ranking forever and how do You see Your presence on our forum. We do not need a spy and You act like one now.

It depends on your behavior in the future.
As for my presence on your forum...It depends on you, You have admin right to close my account.
Mar 19, 2010 5:46 PM
Non-member Joined: Nov 19, 2009
Posts: 10
Rest of the discussion is here(in polish):

I'm glad that we are talking again. But why after...
Mar 19, 2010 6:03 PM
Non-member Joined: Nov 19, 2009
Posts: 10
Two more things must be here.

frogg wrote:
As for my presence on your forum...It depends on you, You have admin right to close my account.

I'm familiar with my rights on my Board. Question was different.

I admited to ouy sins, You are saint. Not fair.

-> Fubar
Sorry for this mess, but as You see it was the only way to force conversation. Thanks for Your care.